Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercises to control and develop one's muscles. A person involved in this activity is called a bodybuilder . In professional bodybuilding, bodybuilders appear in formation and perform certain poses (and then individual pose routines) for a panel of judges that ranks competitors based on criteria such as symmetry, muscle, and conditioning. Bodybuilders prepare for competition through a combination of deliberate dehydration, elimination of unimportant body fat, and carbohydrate loading to achieve maximum vascularization, as well as tanning to accentuate muscle definition. Bodybuilders can use anabolic steroids to build muscle.
Winner of IFBB annual contest Olympia is generally recognized as the world's top male professional bodybuilder. This title is currently held by Phil Heath, who has won every year from 2011 to 2017. The winner of the Women's Physique section of the competition is widely regarded as the world's top female professional bodybuilder. The title is currently held by Juliana Malacarne, who has won every year since 2014. Since 1950, the NABBA Universe Championship has been considered the top amateur-body contest, with renowned winners such as Reg Park, Lee Priest, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Video Bodybuilding
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The tradition of rapture is practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Tamilakam. Western iron levers were developed in Europe from 1880 to 1953, with powerful people displaying power to the public and challenging one another. The focus is not on their physical, and they often have big belly and fat legs.
Eugen Sandow
Bodybuilding was developed in the late 19th century, promoted in Britain by German Eugen Sandow, now called "Father of Bodybuilding". He let the audience enjoy his physical look in a "show of muscle". Although the audience likes to see the physically well-developed, the men only show their bodies as part of a power demonstration or wrestling match. Sandow has a stage show built around this screen through his manager, Florenz Ziegfeld. The 1936 Oscar-winning musical The Great Ziegfeld describes the beginnings of modern bodybuilding, when Sandow began displaying his body for carnival.
Sandow was so successful at flexing and physically displaying that he later created several businesses around his fame, and was one of the first to market a product branded by name. He is credited with creating and selling first practice equipment for the masses: dumbbell machines, spring pulleys, and tension bands. Even the pictures are sold by thousands in "card cabinet" and other prints. Sandow is the perfect "Gracilian", standard proportion of the ideal body close to the ancient Greek and Roman statues. Men are judged by how closely they fit into this proportion.
The first large-scale bodybuilding competition
Sandow hosted the first bodybuilding contest on September 14, 1901, called the "Great Competition". It was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Judged by Sandow, Sir Charles Lawes, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the contest is very successful and many bodybuilding fans are turning away because of the large number of viewers. The trophy presented to the winner is a Sandow gold statue carved by Frederick Pomeroy. The winner is William L. Murray from Nottingham. Silver silver trophy presented to second place winner D. Cooper. The bronze Sandow trophy, now the most famous, was presented to third place winner A.C. Smythe. In 1950, this same bronze trophy was presented to Steve Reeves for winning the NABBA Mr. The first universe. It will not appear again until 1977 when the winner of Mr Olympia's IFBB contest, Frank Zane, is presented with a bronze trophy, or at least a replica. Since then, Olympia's winner has been awarded a bronze trophy replica.
On January 16, 1904, the first large-scale bodybuilding competition in America took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Competition promoted by Bernarr Macfadden, the father of physical culture and publisher of original bodybuilding magazines such as Health & amp; Strength . The winner is Al Treloar, who is declared the "Perfectest Man Developed in the World". Treloar won a $ 1000 cash prize, a large sum at the time. Two weeks later, Thomas Edison made a film of the Treloar pose routine. Edison also made two Sandow movies a few years earlier. It was the first three films featuring bodybuilders. At the beginning of the 20th century, Macfadden and Charles Atlas continued to promote bodybuilding around the world. Alois P. Swoboda was an early pioneer in America.
The famous early bodybuilder
Many other important bodybuilders in the early history of bodybuilding before the 1930s included Earle Liederman (author of some early bodybuilding books), Zishe Breitbart, Georg Hackenschmidt, Emy Nkemena, George F. Jowett, Finn Hateral (pioneer in the art of posing), Frank Balance, Monte Balance , William Bankier, Launceston Elliot, Sig Klein, Sgt. Alfred Moss, Joe Nordquist, Lionel Strongfort ("Strongfortism"), Gustav Fri? TenskÃÆ'½, Ralph Parcaut (champion wrestler who also wrote his early book on "physical culture"), and Alan P. Mead (who became an impressive muscle champion Despite the fact that he lost legs in World War I). Actor Francis X. Bushman, who is a Sandow pupil, started his career as a bodybuilding and sculptor model before starting his famous martial arts career.
Maps Bodybuilding
Bodybuilding became more popular in the 1950s and 1960s with the rise of champions of strength and gymnastics, and the simultaneous popularization of bodybuilding magazines, training principles, nutrition for bulking up and cutting down, the use of protein and other dietary supplements, and the opportunity to enter physical contests. The number of bodybuilding organizations grew, especially the International Federer of Bodybuilders (IFBB), founded by Canadian brothers Joe and Ben Weider. Other bodybuilding organizations include the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), the National Amateur Bodybuilding Association (NABBA), and the World Bodybuilding Guild (WBBG). As a result, male-dominated contests grew in number and size. In addition to many "Mr. (enter city, city, state, or region)" championship, the most prestigious title is Mr. America, Mr. World, Mr. Universe, Mr. Galaxy, and finally Mr. Olympia (which started in 1965 by IFBB and is now considered the most important bodybuilding competition in the world).
During the 1950s, the most famous bodybuilders were Bill Pearl, Reg Park, Leroy Colbert, and Clarence Ross. Some bodybuilders became famous thanks to the relatively new media on television, as well as movies. The most notable are Jack LaLanne, Steve Reeves, Reg Park, and Mickey Hargitay. Although there were well-known gyms throughout the country during the 1950s (such as Vince's Gym in North Hollywood, California, and Vic Tanny's sporting branches), there are still segments in the United States that do not have a "hardcore" bodybuilding fitness center until the emergence of Gold's Gym in the middle 1960s. Finally, the famous Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, California continues its popularity as a place to witness acrobatic acts, powers, and the like. The 1960s grew more on TV and movies, as a typecast bodybuilder in popular shows and movies.
New organization
In the 1970s, bodybuilding had great publicity thanks to the performances of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, and others in the 1977 Pudding Iron docudrama . At this time, IFBB dominates the competitive bodybuilding landscape and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) takes the backseat. The National Physical Committee (NPC) was formed in 1981 by Jim Manion, who recently stepped down as chair of the AAU Physique Committee. NPC has become the most successful bodybuilding organization in America and is an IFBB amateur division. The late 1980s and early 1990s saw a decline in AAU sponsored bodybuilding contests. In 1999, AAU chose to stop bodybuilding events.
Use of anabolic/androgenic steroids
This period also saw the emergence of anabolic steroids in bodybuilding and many other sports. In bodybuilding knowledge, this is partly due to the emergence of "mass monster", beginning with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergio Oliva, and Lou Ferrigno in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and continues to the present with Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman, and Markus RÃÆ'¼hl. Bodybuilders like Greg Kovacs and Paul Demayo reached mass and size that were not seen before but were not very successful at pro level. When photographing Pumping Iron, Schwarzenegger (although never acknowledging steroid use long after retirement) said that "you have to do whatever you can to gain a competitive advantage". He then says that he does not regret using anything.
To combat steroid use and in the hope of becoming an IOC member, IFBB introduces doping tests for both steroids and other illicit substances. Although doping tests occur, most of the professional bodybuilders still use anabolic steroids for the competition. During the 1970s, the use of anabolic steroids was openly discussed, partly due to the fact that they were legal. In the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, the US Congress places anabolic steroids into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). In Canada, steroids are added to the Canadian Criminal Code as class IV controlled substances (classes made especially for steroids).
World Bodybuilding Federation
In 1990, professional wrestling promoter Vince McMahon announced that he was forming a new bodybuilding organization called the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBF). McMahon wants to bring WWF-style skills and a bigger prize money for bodybuilding sports. A number of IFBB stars are recruited but the list is never very large and shows the same athletes competing; the most prominent winner and the first WBF champion is Gary Strydom. McMahon officially disbanded the WBF in July 1992. The reasons for this were reported including the lack of income from the pay-per-view broadcast of the contest, the slow sales of WBF magazine Bodybuilding Lifestyles (later WBF Magazine ), and the cost of paying several six-digit contracts while producing two monthly TV shows and magazines.
In 2003, Joe Weider sold Weider Publications to AMI, which has National Enquirer . The position of IFBB president was filled by Rafael Santonja after Ben Weider's death in October 2008. In 2004, promoters of Wayne DeMilia's contest decided on the rankings with IFBB and AMI took over the promotion of Mr Olympia's contest. Other professional contests appeared in this period, such as Arnold Classic, Night of Champions, and European Grand Prix of Bodybuilding.
In the early 21st century, similar patterns of consumption and recreation with the United States became wider in Europe and particularly in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This resulted in the emergence of a new population of bodybuilders emerging from the former Eastern Bloc countries.
Discussion of the Olympic sport
In the early 2000s, IFBB tried to make Olympic sports bodybuilding. It gained full IOC membership in 2000 and sought to be approved as a demonstration event at the Olympics, which is expected to cause it to be added as a full contest. This is not the case and the Olympic admission for bodybuilding is still controversial because many argue that bodybuilding is not a sport.
Professional bodybuilding
In the modern bodybuilding industry, the term "professional" generally means bodybuilders who have won the qualification competition as amateurs and have obtained a "pro card" from their respective organizations. Professionals get the right to compete in competitions that include prize money. Pro cards also prohibit athletes from competing in federations other than from where they have received pro cards. Depending on the success rate, this bodybuilder can receive compensation money from sponsors, such as athletes in other sports.
Bodybuilding < span id = "WNBF">
Due to rising concerns about the high costs, health consequences, and the illegal nature of some steroids, many organizations have formed in response and have regarded themselves as "natural" bodybuilding competitions. In addition to the concerns noted, many bodybuilding promoters have sought to dispel the "odd" perception that the general public has bodybuilding and has managed to introduce a more mainstream audience for bodybuilding sports by including competitors whose physical looks are much more achievable and realistic.
In natural contests, testing protocols range from organizations from lie detectors to urinalysis. Penalties also range from organization to organization from suspension to strict prohibition of competition. It is also important to note that natural organizations also have their own list of prohibited substances and it is important to refer to their respective organizations' websites for more information on prohibited substances from competition. There are many natural bodybuilding organizations. Some of the larger ones include MuscleMania, Ultimate Fitness Events (UFE), INBF/WNBF, and INBA/PNBA. These organizations either have an American presence or worldwide and are not limited to the country in which they are based.
Other well-known natural bodybuilding organizations include the National Physical Committee (NPC) and the North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (NANBF). The NPC competition filters competitors against ineffective lie detector tests to ensure fair practice. Such tests are very error prone, and some competitors are not even tested.
This is how NPC differs from NANBF. NANBF takes a more direct approach by taking urine samples from all competitors tested for steroids and other substances on the forbidden list. The NANBF is also different from the NPC when it comes to judging. Criteria for a particular pose differ from organization to organization. NANBF even has a high calf poses unique to their competition.
Bodybuilding women
The first US Women's National Physical Championship, promoted by Henry McGhee and held in Canton, Ohio in 1978, is generally considered to be the first true female bodybuilding contest - that is, the first contest in which participants are judged solely on muscle. In 1980, the first Olympian Mother (originally known as "Miss" Olympia), the most prestigious contest for professionals, was held. The first winner was Rachel McLish, who also won the NPC Championship in the US at the beginning of the year. Contests are a major turning point for female bodybuilding. McLish inspires many future competitors to start training and compete. In 1985, a film titled "Pumping Iron II: The Women" was released. It documents the preparations of several women for the 1983 Caesars Palace World Cup Championship. Competitors featured in this film are Kris Alexander, Lori Bowen, Lydia Cheng, Carla Dunlap, Bev Francis, and McLish. At the time, Francis was actually a powerlifter, although he soon made a successful transition to bodybuilding, becoming one of the major competitors in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
In recent years, areas related to fitness competitions and figures have increased in popularity, beyond female bodybuilding, and have provided an alternative for women who choose not to develop the muscle levels needed for bodybuilding. McLish will be very similar to what is considered today as a fitness competitor and figure, not what is now regarded as a female bodybuilder. Fitness competitions also have elements of gymnastics for them. A study by the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine found that female bodybuilders who used anabolic steroids were more likely to have qualifications for substance dependence disorder and had been diagnosed with psychiatric illness and had a history of sexual abuse..
E Wilma Conner competed in NPC Armbrust Pro Gym Warrior Classic Championships 2011 in Loveland, Colorado, at the age of 75 and 349 days.
In competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders aspire to develop and maintain a balanced aesthetic and physical body. In prejudice, the competitor performs a series of compulsory pose: front spread, lat lat spreads, double biceps front, double dorsal biceps, side chest, side triceps, most muscular (male only), and belly thigh. Each competitor also performs routines to showcase their physique. A posedown is usually held at the end of the pose, while the judges are finalizing their judgment. Bodybuilders spend a lot of time practicing posing in the mirror.
In contrast to strong people or powerlifting competitions, where physical strength is important, or for Olympic weight lifting, where the main points are equally divided between strength and technique, bodybuilding competition usually emphasizes condition, size, and symmetry. Different organizations emphasize certain aspects of the competition, and sometimes have different categories to compete.
Cut and bulk
The general strategy adopted by most competitive bodybuilders today is to make muscle profits for most of the year (known as "off-season") and, about 12-14 weeks of competition, an attempt to lose body fat (referred to as "cutting"). The bulking phase requires the rest in a net positive energy balance (surplus calories). The number of surpluses in which a person remains based on one's goals, since a larger surplus and longer rolling phase will create more fat tissue. A caloric surplus relative to a person's energy balance will ensure that the muscles remain in a state of growth.
The cutting phase requires residuals in a net negative energy balance (calorie deficit). The main purpose of cutting is to oxidize fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible. The larger the calorie deficit, the faster it will lose weight. However, a large calorie deficit will also create the risk of losing muscle tissue.
The strategy of infusing and cutting is effective because there is an established relationship between muscle hypertrophy and being in a state of positive energy balance. Sustained caloric surplus will allow athletes to gain more fat-free mass than they can get under eucaltic conditions. Some advantages in fat mass are expected, where athletes seek to oxidize in the cutting period while maintaining the fat-free mass as much as possible.
Many non-competitive bodybuilders choose not to adopt conventional strategies, as they often produce significant undesirable fat increases during the "bulking" phase. Attempts to increase muscle mass in a person's body without getting fat are called clean milling. Competitive bodybuilders focus their efforts on achieving peak performance during a brief "season". Clean bulking takes longer and is a much smoother approach to achieving body fat and the percentage of muscle mass that a person is looking for. Common tactics to keep fat low and high muscle mass will have higher calories and lower caloric days to maintain a balance between profit and loss. Many clean bulk foods begin with moderate amounts of carbohydrates, moderate amounts of protein, and low amounts of fat, "Getting lean muscle means going for leaner meats, like steak and fillet meat, chicken, and, of course. , fish, "White said. Enjoy the meat with some starch: rice, beans, quinoa, couscous seeds, or sweet potatoes, for example. "To maintain a clean bulk, it is important to achieve your calorie goals every day.The purpose of macronutrients will be different for everyone, ideal to get as close as possible.
Gross fattening
"Dirty bulking" is the process of eating on a calorie surplus, without finding the exact number of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins). The iron rod that tries to gain mass quickly often chooses to use the "dirty bulk" method.
In the weeks leading up to the contest, bodybuilders can reduce their water, sodium, and carbohydrate consumption, the former two to change how water is retained by the body and the last to reduce glycogen in muscles. The day before the show, water is removed from the diet, and diuretics can be introduced, while carbohydrate loading is done to increase muscle size by filling their glycogen. The goal is to maximize leanness and increase venous visibility, or "vascularization". The appearance of the vein is further enhanced immediately before it appears on stage by darkening the skin through tanning products and applying oil to the skin to increase the luster. Some competitors will eat sugar-rich foods to increase the visibility of their veins. The last step is the use of weight to fill the muscle with blood and increasing the size.
Muscle growth
Bodybuilders use three main strategies to maximize muscle hypertrophy:
- Strength training through load or elastic/hydraulic resistance.
- Special nutrients, combining additional proteins and supplements when necessary.
- Enough rest, including sleep and healing between exercises.
Bodybuilders often shorten these three steps into a famous motto "eat clean, train hard, sleep soundly".
Weight training
Weight training causes micro tears to the muscles trained; this is commonly known as microtrauma. This micro-tear in muscle contributes to the perceived pain after exercise, called delayed onset muscle pain (DOMS). This is to improve the micro-trauma that produces muscle growth. Usually, this pain becomes clearest one or two days after exercise. However, when the muscles adapt to exercise, the pain tends to decrease.
Weight training aims to build muscle by encouraging two different types of hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy leads to larger muscles and is so favored by bodybuilders more than myofibrillar hypertrophy, which builds athletic strength. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is triggered by increased repetition, whereas myofibrillar hypertrophy is triggered by lifting heavier loads. In both cases, there is an increase in muscle size and strength (compared if the same individual does not lift the load at all). However, the emphasis is different.
Many participants like cycling between two methods to prevent the body from adaptation (maintaining a progressive load), may emphasize which method is more suited to their purpose. ie a bodybuilder will use sarcoplasmic hypertrophy most of the time but may turn into temporary myofibrillar hypertrophy to move past the plateau. However, no concrete evidence is given to show that trainees have ever reached this plateau, and more of a hype created from "muscular confusion".
The high levels of muscle growth and improvement that the bodybuilder takes requires a special diet. In general, bodybuilders need more calories than the average person with the same weight to provide the protein and energy needed to support their training and increase muscle mass. The sub-level of food energy maintenance is combined with cardiovascular exercise to lower body fat in preparation for the contest. The calorie ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats varies depending on the purpose of the bodybuilder.
Carbohydrates play an important role for bodybuilders. They energize the body to cope with the rigors of training and recovery. Carbohydrates also increase the secretion of insulin, a hormone that allows cells to get the glucose they need. Insulin also carries amino acids into cells and increases protein synthesis. Insulin has effects such as steroids in terms of muscle gain. It is impossible to promote protein synthesis without insulin, which means without eating carbohydrates or protein - which also causes insulin release - is unlikely to increase muscle mass. Bodybuilders look for low glycemic polysaccharides and slowly digest other carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable way than glycemic high sugar and starch. This is important because high glycemic carbohydrates cause a sharp insulin response, which puts the body in a state where it is possible to store additional food energy as fat. However, bodybuilders often digest some quickly digested sugars (often in the form of pure dextrose or maltodextrin) after exercise. It can help to fill the glycogen stored in the muscles, and to stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins.
The actin motor proteins and myosin produce the force given by the contracting muscles. The current suggestion says that bodybuilders should consume 25-30% protein per total caloric intake to advance their goals of maintaining and improving their body composition. This is a widely debated topic, with many arguing that 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day is ideal, some suggesting that it is inadequate, while others recommend 1.5, 2, or more. It is believed that protein should be consumed throughout the day, especially during/after exercise, and before bedtime. There is also some debate about the best types of protein to take. Chicken, turkey, beef, pork, fish, eggs, and dairy products contain high protein, such as nuts, seeds, nuts, and lentils. Casein or whey is often used to supplement diet with additional protein. Whey protein is a type of protein contained in many brands of popular protein supplements and is preferred by many bodybuilders because of its high Biological Value (BV) and rapid absorption rate. However, whey has a greater effect than Casein on insulin levels. Whey triggers about twice the amount of insulin release. The effect was somewhat overcome by combining Casein and whey. Bodybuilders are usually considered to require proteins with higher BVs than soybeans, which are also avoided because of their claimed estrogenic properties. However, some nutritionists believe that soy, flaxseed and many other plants containing compounds such as weak estrogen or phytoestrogens can be used advantageously, because phytoestrogens compete with estrogen for receptor sites in the male body and can block their actions. It may also include some inhibition of pituitary function while stimulating the P450 system (a system that removes hormones, drugs and metabolic waste products from the body) in the liver to more actively process and excrete excessive estrogen. Cortisol decreases the absorption of amino acids by muscles, and inhibits protein synthesis.
Contrary to certain rumors that animal protein is more suited to trigger muscle growth than vegetable protein, a study by Mangano et al. (2017) can not provide evidence for this. Conversely, when combined with good vegetable protein even has a higher biological quality. The combination of one part of wheat protein (eg seitan) and two parts of soy protein (eg tofu) has been favored by many bodybuilders. Some bodybuilders, such as Patrik Baboumian and Robert Cheeke, follow a strict vegan diet.
Bodybuilders often divide their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals with approximately the same nutritional content and try to eat at regular intervals (eg every 2 to 3 hours). This method can serve two purposes: to limit overindulging in the cutting phase, and physically allow the consumption of food in large volumes during the spraying phase. Contrary to popular belief, eating more often does not increase basal metabolic rate when compared to 3 times a day traditionally. While food does have metabolic costs to digest, absorb, and store, the so-called thermic effects of food, it depends on the quantity and type of food, not how the food is spread in the food of the day. Well-controlled studies using body-wide and double-labeled water calorimetry have shown that there is no metabolic advantage to eating more often.
Dietary supplements
The crucial role of nutrients in muscle building and fat loss means bodybuilders can consume a variety of dietary supplements. Various products are used in an effort to increase muscle size, increase fat loss rate, improve joint health, increase natural testosterone production, improve training performance and prevent potential nutritional deficiencies. There are three main macronutrients that the human body needs to build muscle. The main nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, and fats - provide the body with energy.
Performance enhancement
Some bodybuilders use drugs such as anabolic steroids and precursor substances such as prohormones to promote muscle hypertrophy. Anabolic steroids cause muscle hypertrophy of both types (I and II) of muscle fibers caused by increased muscle protein synthesis and are accompanied by undesirable side effects including hepatotoxicity, gynecomastia, acne, early onset of male pattern baldness and decreased testosterone production of the body alone, which can lead to testicular atrophy. Other performance-enhancing substances used by competitive bodybuilders include human growth hormone (HGH), which can cause acromegaly.
Muscle growth is more difficult to achieve in older adults than younger adults because of biological aging, which causes many metabolic changes that damage muscle growth; for example, by reducing growth hormone and testosterone. Several recent clinical studies have shown that low-dose HGH treatment for adults with HGH deficiency changes the body's composition by increasing muscle mass, reducing fat mass, increasing bone density and muscle strength, improving cardiovascular parameters, and affecting the quality of life without the side significant. effect.
The latest trend in bodybuilding is to inject synthol into the muscle to make a bigger bulge, or inject PMMA into the muscle to form it. The use of PMMA to build muscle is prohibited in the United States.
Although muscle stimulation occurs in the gym (or home gym) when lifting weights, muscle growth occurs later on during rest. Without adequate rest and sleep (6 to 8 hours), the muscles have no chance to recover and build. About eight hours of night sleep is desirable for bodybuilders to refresh, though this varies from person to person. In addition, many athletes find daytime naps increasing their body's ability to build muscle. Some individual bodybuilders add massage, sometimes by professional masseuse, masseuse or massager at the end of each exercise for their routine as a method of recovery.
Overtraining occurs when the bodybuilder has been trained to the point where its workload exceeds its recovery capacity. There are many reasons that overtraining occurs, including lack of adequate nutrition, lack of recovery time between exercise, lack of sleep, and training on high intensity for too long (lack of exercise separation). High-intensity training too often also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can cause hyperadrenergic states that interfere with sleep patterns. To avoid over-training, intensive training often has to be met with at least the same amount of recovery. Timely provision of carbohydrates, proteins, and various micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, even nutritional supplements is very critical. A mental disorder known as bigorexia can be considered responsible for some people overtraining. Patients feel as though they are never big enough or muscular enough. Therefore, this forces them to overtrain to try and achieve this physical goal.
It has been argued that too much training can be useful. One article published by Muscle & amp; Fitness Magazine states that you can "Overtrain for Big Gains". This suggests that if someone is planning a quiet holiday and they do not want to hamper their bodybuilding lifestyle too much, they have to overtrain before taking a vacation, so the body can rest easily and recover and grow. Overtraining can be used advantageously, such as when a bodybuilder is deliberately overtrained for short periods of time to super compensate during the regeneration phase. This is known as "micro-cycle shock" and is a major training technique used by Soviet athletes.
Inject oil into muscle
Site increase oil , often called " wolves " or " synthol " (unrelated to Synthol's mouthwash brand), refers to injected oil to muscle to increase size or change shape. Some bodybuilders, especially at the professional level, inject their muscles with such mixtures to mimic the appearance of developed muscles where it may be disproportionate or lagging. This is known as "fluffing". Synthol is 85% oil, 7.5% lidocaine, and 7.5% alcohol. Unlimited, and many brands are available on the Internet. The use of oil injected to improve muscle appearance is common among bodybuilders, despite the fact that synthol can cause pulmonary embolism, nerve damage, infection, sclerosing lipogranuloma, stroke, and granuloma formation filled with oil, cysts or ulcers in muscles. Rare cases may require surgical intervention to avoid further damage to muscles and/or to prevent loss of life.
Sesame oil is often used in such a mixture, which can cause allergic reactions such as vasculitis.
Since the injected muscle actually does not develop properly, it may droop under gravity.
See also
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Source of the article : Wikipedia