The Choctaw Trail of Tears is a relocation of the Choctaw Nation from their country now called Deep South (Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana) to land west of the Mississippi River in Indian Territory in the 1830s. A miko Choctaw (head) was quoted by Arkansas Gazette that the dismissal was "a trace of tears and death." After the transfer, Choctaw became three different groups, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Jena Band of Indian Choctaw, and Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
Video Choctaw Trail of Tears
After handing over nearly 11,000,000 hectares (45,000 km 2 ), Choctaw emigrated in three stages: the first in the autumn of 1831, the second in 1832 and the last in 1833. The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was ratified by the US Senate on 25 February 1830, and US President Andrew Jackson was keen to make it a model of displacement. George W. Harkins wrote a letter to the American people before the abolition began.
We left sadly, knowing that mistakes had been made. Would you like to convey a sympathetic greeting to you until all the traces of disagreeable disputes are wiped out, and we will once again have confidence in the profession of our white brothers. This is the land of our fathers, and this is their bones; they leave it as a sacred deposit, and we are forced to glorify his belief; it is dear to us, but we can not stay, my people love me, with them I have to go. Can I stay and forget them and let them fight alone, unaided, unfriendly, and forgotten, by our great dad? I then had to be unworthy of Choctaw's name, and became a disgrace to my blood. I have to go with them; my destiny was cast among the Choctaw people. If they suffer, so do I; if they succeed, then i will rejoice. Let me again ask you to treat us with good feelings.
The first wave of removal is most injured. The second and third waves "sprinkle their fields quickly and experience fewer difficulties than the Indian tribe of most other foreign tribes." The abolition continued throughout the 19th century. In 1846 1,000 Choctaw was abolished, and in 1930 the 1.665 remained in Mississippi.
Maps Choctaw Trail of Tears
Choctaw and the United States approved nine agreements between 1786 and 1830. The Dancing Agreement of Rabbit Creek was the last signed to approve the final abolition of the Choctaw Nation. Choctaw land is systematically obtained through treaties, legislation, and threats of war. Agreement made with United Kingdom, France, and Spain. Nine agreements signed with the United States. Some agreements, such as the San Lorenzo Agreement, indirectly affect Choctaw.
Choctaw considers European law and diplomacy alien and confusing. The most perplexing aspect of covenant making is impressive writing for people who have not developed a written system. The history of Choctaw, as do many Native Americans, was orally passed from generation to generation. During the negotiation of the agreement, the three main Choctaw tribal regions (Upper City, Six cities, and Lower Cities) have "M i ko" (head) to represent them. During the Natchez Treaty, 1793, Head of Upper City was the last name of the King according to verified (verified) genealogical research, Head of Six Cities was Pushmataha, and the Head of the Western Division was James King, Jr (Frenchimastvbe ') representing the Governor of the Corondolet Kingdom. Spain has the earliest claims to the Choctaw state followed by French claims beginning in the late 17th century. United States, following the San Lorenzo Treaty, claimed Choctaw country beginning in 1795.
The Hopewell Agreement was signed in 1786, and although it does not surrender the land to the United States, this agreement is important because Article 9 gives the United States Congress the right to organize, trade, and "manage all their affairs in such a way that they deem true".
The Fort Adams agreement was signed to hand over the land at the mouth of the Yazoo River. Choctaw believes that handing over 2 million hectares to the United States would be enough to meet America's need for land, but that's not enough. Six months later, General Wilkinson returned with a new deal.
The Mount Dexter Agreement was signed in November 1805, and surrendered more land than the previous agreement. During this time, the Jefferson Government's plan was to force Choctaw into debt and then allow them to repay the debt back with their land. In the case of the Mount Dexter Agreement, Choctaw received $ 48,000 for 4.1 million acres of land they released. With this money, they then have to pay $ 51,000 for the trading house they use.
The Treaty of Doak's Stand is considered one of Jackson's greatest achievements since the battle of New Orleans, and one of "significant achievements of Calhoun's moderation policy." The agreement calls for Choctaw to hand over five million hectares of land, but they must receive thirteen million acres of land in Arkansas. This agreement shows the abolition and degradation of all Indians. This became problematic because the people in Arkansas felt as if their government had abandoned them to get rid of Indians from Mississippi, so they began launching an all-out effort to prevent the treaty being passed. Although the treaty was ratified, President Calhoun appointed a surveyor to find another frontier that would give Choctaw the same amount of land without disturbing the white status quo.
Although many Choctaw tribal leaders oppose the Dancing Rabbit Creek Agreement, "most leaders have been safely aligned with bribery with governments and treaties." Greenwood LeFlore, Nitakechi (William Ambrose), Mushulatubbe, and more than 50 other "elected members" acquired land by signing an agreement. LeFlore himself has a personal interest in removing tribes as he often bragged to President Jackson about his ability to wipe out a tribe even if the Dancing Agreement of Rabbit Creek was not ratified. Before the Dancing Agreement of Rabbit Creek had been ratified, the government allowed LeFlore to send a large number of unorganized and unwarranted tribesmen to the west. Of the thousand Choctaw Emigrants sent to the west by Leflore, only eighty-eight arrived, and they were starved.
Although there are so many agreements where we see Choctaw caving land, they still reject this land succession all the time. The desire for this land continued until Choctaw fought with the Americans and fought the River in the Creek War of 1813. MS Band of Choctaw chose to stay in Mississippi and did not erase, in part because the Chief of the Nation of Choctaw became Brigadier. General Pushmataha and respect for his ministry since the age of 13 years sided with France in New France. Also, many Choctaws fought at the Battle of 1812, and were visibly American friends and they were treated well by white settlers and by indigenous people who came from the Dimery Settlement to Ft. Adams from who had served in the Rev. Wars in Southern Tuscororan Land; & Lt;/ref & gt; Colbert Research (2017) & lt;/ref & gt;. When Choctaw signed the Fort St. Stephens, they feel as if they have "a friendly banquet [than] a meeting with opposing forces". Instead of land, Choctaw receives $ 6,000 for the next 20 years and merchandise such as weapons, blankets and equipment that will add up to $ 10,000.
Nearly 15,000 Choctaw along with 1000 slaves moved to an area called the Territory of India and then Oklahoma. Population transfers occurred in three migrations during the period 1831-33 including winter snow storms that destroyed 1830-31 and cholera epidemics in 1832. About 2,500 died along the trail of tears. About 5,000-6,000 Choctaw remained in Mississippi in 1831 after an early removal attempt. Over the next ten years they became the object of increasing legal conflicts, harassment, and intimidation. The Choctaw family described their situation in 1849, "we have dismantled and burned our habitat, our fences were destroyed, the cattle changed into our fields and we ourselves have been whipped, handcuffed, chained and if not privately tortured, until such treatment some of us the best people have died. "Racism is rampant. Joseph B. Cobb, who moved to Mississippi from Georgia, described Choctaw as having "no nobility or virtue at all, and in some ways he found blacks, especially native Africans, more interesting and admirable, superior red men in every way Choctaw and Chickasaw, the most familiar tribe, are under humiliation, even worse than black slaves. "The abolition continued until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903, three hundred Mississippi Choctaw were persuaded to move to the Nation in Oklahoma.
See also
- The Teardrop
- Choctaw
- List of Choctaw Treaties
- Dancing Agreement on Rabbit Creek
- Perry Cohea
External links
- Remote Sensing Technology for Understanding Choctaw Deletion
Source of the article : Wikipedia