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Kundalini Awakening | Awaken

Kundalini (Sanskrit: ????????? ku ?? alin? , Ã, pronunciation Ã, , "rolled one"), in the Dharma concept, referring to the primal energy form (or shakti ) is said to be at the base of the spine. The American comparative scholar Joseph Campbell describes the concept of Kundalini as "the female serpent-snake-snake goddess not of" dirty "but" subtile "substance - which should be considered a person who is in the torpid, fast asleep, the state in the smooth center, the first from the seven, near the base of the spine: the goal of yoga then becomes to awaken this snake, raise its head, and bring him to the delicate nerves or spinal cord to the so-called "lotus thousand-petal" (Sahasrara) in the crown of the head... He , rising from the lowest to the highest lotus center will pass through and build five between, and with each build, the psychology and personality of the practitioner will be completely changed and fundamentally. "

The awakening of Kundalini has been said to occur as a consequence of deep meditation which sometimes produces a sense of enlightenment and happiness. However, the awakening of Kundalini can occur through various methods. Many yoga systems focus on generating Kundalini through meditation; pranayama breathing; asana practice and spell chanting. The Kundalini experience is often reported as a feeling of electrical current that flows along the spine.

Gopi Krishna reported having experienced his first kundalini awakening at the age of 34 years. In his book Kundalini: Questions and Answers he writes that when meditating on the lotus flower, the flowering of his attention is fixed on the crown of his head. He begins to experience the sensation of light as if entering his brain that initially distracts but soon begins to get a dazzling condition. He felt it "like a liquid light through all my nervous systems, in my stomach, in my heart, in my lungs, in my throat, in my head, and in control of the whole body." It was the most incredible experience for me, new life energy has now taken over my body. "

He then came to believe. "As ancient writers say, it is a vital or pranic force spread across both the macrocosm, the whole universe, and the microcosm, the human body... Atom is contained in both of these things.Phana is the life energy that is responsible answer to the phenomenon of terrestrial life and life on other planets in the Prana universe in its universally immaterial aspects, but in the human body, Prana creates a good biochemical substance that works throughout the organism and is the principal agent of activity in the nervous system and in the brain. just because Prana...

... The most important psychological change in the character of an enlightened person is that he will be more compassionate and more sensitive. There will be less ego, no tendency toward violence or aggression or falsehood. The built-up energy of life is the mother of morality, for all morality arises from this awakening energy. From the beginning, this evolutionary energy has created the moral concept in man.

Video Kundalini


The concept of Kundalini is mentioned in the Upanishads (9th century BC - 3rd century BC). Sanskrit adjectives me ?? alin means "circular, annular". Mentioned as a noun for "snake" (in the sense of "rolled up", as in "forming a wedge") in the 12th century Rajatarangini (I.2). ku ?? a (a noun meaning to "bowl, pot of water" is found as the name of the Dragon in Mahabharata 1.4828). The 8th century Tantrasadbhava Tantra uses the term kundal? ("ring, bracelet, coil (rope)").

Usage me ?? al? as the name for the Goddess Durga (Shakti form) has often appeared in Tantrism and Shaktism since the 11th century in ? Aradatilaka . It was adopted as a technical term in Hatha yoga during the 15th century, and became widely used in Upanishad Yoga in the 16th century. Eknath Easwaran has paraphrased the term as "circular force", a force normally resting on the base of the spine, described as "rolled there like a snake".

Maps Kundalini


Many stories illustrate the experience of the awakening of Kundalini. When awakened, Kundalini is said to rise from the muladhara chakra, through the center of the pulse (called sushumna ) inside or on the side of the spine reaching the top of the head. Kundalini's progress through different chakras leads to various levels of awakening and mystical experiences, until Kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara or crown chakra, resulting in a deeply conscious transformation of consciousness. Energy is said to accumulate in muladhara, and the yogi attempts to send it to the brain to turn it into 'Ojas', the highest form of energy.

There are many and various physical effects that some believe to be a sign of the awakening of Kundalini; However, there are also others who argue that undesirable side-effects may indicate undiagnosed problems, rather than processes. The following are the common signs of the awakened Kundalini or the symptoms of problems associated with the awakening of Kundalini:

  • Enlightenment
  • Bliss, infinite love and universal connectivity, transcendent consciousness, seeing the truth (the third eye opener), the euphoria
  • Highly increased sense of smell, hearing and sexual sensation
  • No longer controlled by desire
  • Sound is heard in the pineal gland (fun/delicious)
  • Thyroid change, sudden ability to sing in perfect tone, change sound
  • Changes in sex orgasms, orgasms (high sensation)
  • Change your breath
  • The energy flows or the electrical feelings circulate the body
  • Unknowingly, tremor, trembling, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs
  • Heat is great (sweating) or cold, especially as the energy experienced through the chakras
  • Spontaneous Pranayama, asanas, mudra and bandhas
  • Vision or sound at times associated with a particular chakra
  • Sexual appetite decreases or on the other extreme sometimes leads to a constant or whole body of orgasms
  • Emotional upheaval or the emergence of unwanted feelings or thoughts and suppressed with certain oppressed emotions becomes dominant in the conscious mind for short or long periods of time.
  • Headaches, migraines, or pressure within the skull
  • Pain in different body areas, especially the back and neck
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch
  • A changing and changing state of consciousness
  • Sleep patterns are disturbed (period of insomnia or excessive sleep)
  • Vegetarianism
  • Changes in body odor (sweet/natural/healthy)

The report on the Yoga Technique only about Kundalini's awakening states that exercise can produce a cold wind that feels at the tip of the fingernails and the frontal bone area. One study has measured the temperature drop in the palms.

In his article on Kundalini in Journal of Yoga , David Eastman describes two personal experiences. A man says that he feels the activity at the base of his spine begins to flow, so he relaxes and lets it happen. The wave of energy began to move up into his back. On each chakra, he feels the feel of an electric orgasm like every nerve bar in his spine starting to glow. The second person describes a similar experience but is accompanied by a wave of euphoria and happiness gently penetrating its existence. He describes a soaring energy like electricity but heat, traveling from the base of the spine to the top of his head. He says the more he analyzes the experience, the less it happens.

In his book Building Noble Worl d, Shiv R. Jhawar describes the experience of Kundalini awakening in Muktananda's general program at Lake Point Tower in Chicago on September 16, 1974, as follows:

"Baba [Swami Muktananda] has just begun to deliver his lecture with his opening statement: 'The subject of the day is meditation The essence of the question is: What are we contemplating?' Continuing his conversation, Baba said: 'Kundalini started dancing when he repeated Om Shivaya's Namah.' Hearing this, I mentally repeated the mantra, I noticed that my breathing was getting heavier, and suddenly, I felt the great impact of the increased power within me.The intensity of this increased kundalini power was so remarkable that my body was slightly raised and falling into the hallway, my glasses fly.When I lay there with my eyes closed, I can see the continuous tears of a blinding white light erupt inside me.In brightness, these lights are brighter than the sun but do not have the same heat once I experience the free state of thinking of "I am," realizing that "I" is always, and will continue, eternally I am fully conscious and fully conscious when I experience the pure "I," the highest happiness condition Outside, at the right moment, Baba is happy to shout from his platform... mene kuch nahi kiya; kisiko shakti ne pakda (I do not do anything. ah catching somebody.) 'Baba noticed that the dramatic awakening of kundalini in me scared some people in the audience. Therefore, he said, 'Do not be afraid. Sometimes kundalini wakes up in this way, depending on the type of person. '

Kundalini Awakening: 432Hz Tone Spiritual Journey with Indian ...

Kundalini experiences

Borrowing the Kundalini experience

Some yogis assume that Kundalini can be awakened by shaktipat (spiritual transmission by a Master or teacher), or by spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation.

There are two broad approaches to the awakening of Kundalini: active and passive. The active approach involves systematic physical exercise and concentration techniques, visualization, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation under the guidance of a competent teacher. These techniques come from one of the four main branches of yoga, and some forms of yoga, such as Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga and Sahaja yoga.

The passive approach is not a surrender path where one releases all obstacles to resurrection rather than trying to actively evoke Kundalini. The main part of the passive approach is the shaktipat where a Kundalini person is built by someone else who already has experience. Shaktipat only gives rise to Kundalini for a while but gives students the experience to use as a base.

Hatha yoga

According to the hatha yoga texts, Goraksasataka , or "One Hundred Goraksa", certain hatha yoga practices including bandha start, uddiyana bandha, jalandhara bandha and kumbhaka can awaken Kundalini. Another hathayoga text, Khecar? Vidy? , states that the mudra kechari allows one to lift Kundalini and access the various amrita shops in the head, which then flood the body.


The spiritual master, Meher Baba, emphasizes the need for a master when he actively strives to develop the Kundalini:

Kundalini is the latent force in the higher body. When awakened, he penetrates the six chakras or functional centers and activates them. Without a master, the awakening of the kundalini can not take anyone far on the Way; and the indiscriminate or premature revival is full of the dangers of self-deception and abuse of power. Kundalini allows humans to consciously cross lower planes and eventually converge into universal cosmic forces that are part of it, and which is also sometimes described as kundalini... The important point is that the awakened kundalini only helps only to a certain extent, after it can not ensure further progress. It can not eliminate the need for the grace of a Perfect Master.

Awakening Kundalini when set up or not ready

The Kundalini awakening experience can occur when a person is prepared or unprepared.


According to the Hindu tradition, to be able to integrate this spiritual energy, a careful period of purification and strengthening of the body and nervous system are usually required beforehand. Yoga and Tantra suggest that Kundalini can be awakened by a teacher, but body and spirit must be prepared by the yoga hermitage, such as pranayama, or breath control, physical exercise, visualization, and singing. Students are advised to follow the path with an open heart.

Traditionally, people will visit an ashram in India to generate an inactive kundalini energy. Common activities include ordinary meditation, mantra spells, spiritual lessons as well as physical asana exercises such as kundalini yoga. However, Kundalini is now widely known outside of Hinduism and many cultures globally have created their own way of generating kundalini energy in human beings. Without explanation, an increasing percentage of people experience a kundalini energy revival spontaneously, meaning it is not necessary to follow a series of different instructions or rules to generate energy.


Kundalini can also arouse spontaneously for no apparent reason, or triggered by intense personal experiences such as accidents, near death experiences, childbirth, emotional trauma, extreme mental stress, and so on. Some sources associate awakening spontaneously with "God's grace", or perhaps for spiritual practice in past lives.

A spontaneous resurrection of someone who is unprepared or without the help of a good teacher can produce an experience that has been referred to as the "Kundalini crisis", "spiritual emergency" or "Kundalini syndrome". The symptoms are said to resemble the Kundalini awakening but are experienced as unpleasant, overwhelming or out of control. Unpleasant side effects are also said to occur when practitioners do not approach Kundalini with respect and with a narrow selfish way. Kundalini has been described as a very creative intelligence that dwarfs our own. The awakening of Kundalini, therefore, requires submission; it's not the energy that can be manipulated by the ego.

Dark Night Of The Soul Vs. Kundalini Awakening â€

Religious interpretation

Indian Interpretation

Kundalini is thought to occur in the chakra and pulse of the delicate body. Each chakra is said to contain special characteristics and with proper training, moving Kundalini through these chakras can help express or unlock these characteristics.

Kundalini is described as a potential power of sleep, active in human organisms. This is one component of the esoteric description of the "delicate body", which consists of pulse (energy channel), chakra (psychic center), prana (subtle energy), and bindu (drop of essence).

Kundalini is depicted rolled at the base of the spine. The location description can be slightly different, from the rectum to the navel. Kundalini is said to be on a triangular-shaped sacral bone in three and a half rolls.

Kundalini has been described as "the rest of the pure desire of purity" by Nirmala Srivastava and the "enormous volume of energy" hidden in one's self by Jaggi Vasudev.

Ramana Maharshi mentions that Kundalini is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where the Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every creature and that the mind of the individual mind envelops this natural energy from an unmixed expression. Advaita teaches self-realization, enlightenment, God-awareness, and nirvana. But the beginning of the Kundalini awakening is only the beginning of true spiritual experience. Q & A meditation is considered a very natural and simple way to achieve this goal.

Swami Vivekananda explains Kundalini briefly in his book Raja Yoga as follows:

According to Yogi, there are two neural currents in the spine, called PingalÃÆ' Â ¢ and IdÃÆ'Â ¢, and a hollow channel called SushumnÃÆ'Â ¢ ¢ walks through the spinal cord. At the bottom end of the hollow channel is what Yogi calls "Lotus of the Kundalini". They describe it as a triangle in a form in which, in the symbolic language of the Yogis, there is a force called Kundalini, circular. When the Kundalini awakens, it tries to force a passage through this empty channel, and as it moves step by step, as if, layer after layer of mind becomes open and all different visions and extraordinary powers come to Yogi. When it reaches the brain, Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; soul finds itself free. We know that the spinal cord is structured in a strange way. If we take the number eight horizontally (?), There are two parts connected in the middle. Suppose you add eight after eight, accumulate one on top of another, which will represent the spinal cord. The left is Ida, the right Pingala, and the empty canal that runs through the center of the spinal cord is Sushumna. Where the spinal cord ends in some lumbar vertebrae, the fiber issues down, and the canal runs even inside the fiber, only much smoother. The canal is closed at the lower end, located near what is called the sacral plexus, which, according to modern physiology, is triangular in shape. Different plexuses that have their centers in the spinal canal are perfect for the different "lotus" of Yogi.

When Kundalini Shakti was conceived as a goddess, then, as he headed up, he joined the Most High (God Shiva). The candidate then became engrossed with deep meditation and unlimited happiness. Paramahansa Yogananda in his book God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita states:

At the yogi's command in deep meditation, this creative force changes inward and flows back to its source in the petal lotus, revealing the glorious inner world of divine power and the consciousness of soul and spirit. Yoga refers to the power that flows from the tail bone to the spirit as the awakened kundalini.

Paramahansa Yogananda also stated:

The yogi reverses the inner light of the intelligence, mind, and life force through the secret astral aisle, the circular way of the kundalini in the coccygeal plexus, and upward through the higher sacral, lumbar, and dorsal plexus, cervix, and medulla, and spiritual eyes at the point between the eyebrows, to reveal ultimately the presence of the soul at the highest center (Sahasrara) in the brain.

An Introduction to Kundalini | Wake Up World

Western Meaning

Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936) - also known by his pseudonym Arthur Avalon - is a British Orientalist whose published works stimulate a vast interest in Hindu philosophy and the practice of Yoga. While serving as a High Court Judge in Calcutta, he studied Sanskrit and Hindu Philosophy, especially with regard to Hindu Tantra. He translated many original Sanskrit texts and gave lectures on Indian Philosophy, Yoga and Tantra. His book The Serpent Power: The Secret of Tantra and Shaktic Yoga is the main source for many modern Western adaptations of the Kundalini yoga practice. It presents an academically and philosophically sophisticated translation, and commentary on, two key Eastern texts: Shatchakranir? Pana (Description and Investigation to Six Body Centers) written by Tantrik P? Rn? Nanda Sv? M? (1526) and My lord-Pancak? from Sanskrit a comment by K? L? Charana (Teak Five-Finger Lever from Master). The Sanskrit term "Kundali Shakti" is translated as "Serpent Power". Kundalini is considered the energy released in individuals using special meditation techniques. It is symbolically represented as a circular snake at the base of the spine.

In the preface to The Serpent Power Woodroffe explains the concept of Kundalini:

Given by their "Serpent Fire" (Kundalini) (chakra) it becomes the connection gate between the physical body and the "astral". When the astral awakening of these centers first takes place, this is unknown to physical consciousness. But the sensory body can now be "brought to share all these advantages by repeating the process of the resurrection with the etheric center, by generating through the power of" Serpent Fire, "which exists in the clothing of" physical etheric matter, and sleeping in the etheric center which is appropriate - that is at the base of the spine. When this is done, the central vivifies are higher, with the effect that brings to the physical awareness of the forces generated by the development of an appropriate astral center... There is only evoking the Power of the Snake no, from the point of view of spiritual yoga, the amount is too much. However, no real moment, from the higher Yogi point of view, is reached until the Ajna Cakra is reached. Here, again, it is said that the Atma Sadhaka is simply a meditation on the lotus "being the creator, keeper and destroyer of the three worlds"... Not until Tattvas of this center is also absorbed, and complete knowledge of Sahasrara is obtained, that Yogi accomplishes what is the purpose and motive of his work, the cessation of rebirth which follows the control and concentration of Citta on Siva-sthanam, Abode of Bliss.

In his book Artistic Form and Yoga in the Sacred Images of India, Heinrich Zimmer praised Woodroffe's works:

The values ​​of the Hindu tradition were expressed to me through the great work of Sir John Woodroffe, aka Arthur Avalon, a classical pioneer and author in the second Indie study, which, for the first time, by numerous publications and books is widely available and complex of late Hindu traditions: Tantras, periods as large and rich as Vedic, Epic, Purana, etc.; the crystallization of India's latest wisdom, the crucial chain linkage of chains, provides the key to many problems in the history of Buddhism and Hinduism, in mythology and symbolism.

When Woodroffe later commented on his acceptance of his work, he clarified his purpose, "The whole world (I speak of course from those interested in the subject) starts talking about KundalinÃÆ'® Shakti." He describes his intentions as follows: "We, who are strangers, must put themselves in Hindu skin, and should see their doctrine and rituals through their eyes and not ours."

The Western awareness of kundalini is reinforced by the interest of the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Jung (1875-1961). Jung's seminar on Kundalini yoga presented to the Psychological Club in Zurich in 1932 is widely regarded as a milestone in the psychological understanding of Eastern thought and the symbolic transformation of inner experience. Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model for a phase of higher consciousness development, and he interpreted his symbols in terms of individualation processes, with a sensitivity to the interests of new generations in alternative religions and psychological explorations.

In the introduction to Jung's book Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Sonu Shamdasani puts forward "The emergence of profound psychology historically paralleled with the translation and widespread dissemination of yoga texts... to the depths of psychology seeking to break free from the boundaries of thought Western discourse to develop a map of inner experience based on the transformative potential of therapeutic practices.The similar similarities of "theory" and "practice" seem to be manifested in texts of yoga which have also been independently developed from the bondage of Western thought. , the initiation structure adopted by the psychotherapeutic institution brings its social organization to proximity to yoga.Therefore, the opportunity for a new form of comparative psychology is open. "

American writer William Buhlman began conducting an international survey of out-of-body experiences in 1969 to gather information about symptoms: sounds, vibrations and other phenomena, which generally occur during OBE events. His main interest is to compare findings with reports made by yogis, such as Gopi Krishna (yogi) who have referred to similar phenomena, such as the 'vibrational state' as a component of their kundalini spiritual experience. He explained:

There are many reports of the full Kundalini experience culminating in a transcendental state of transcendental awareness. In fact, many people regard this experience as the path to enlightenment. The basic premise is to push the flow of Kundalini energy into the spine and upwards of the crown's head - thereby projecting your awareness to a higher heavenly dimension of the universe. The result is an indescribable expansion of consciousness to the spiritual realm beyond form and thought.

George King (1919-1997), founder of the Aetherius Society, described the concept of Kundalini in all of his works and claimed to have experienced this energy many times throughout his life while in a "positive yoga trans yoga state."

According to the King,

It should always be remembered that despite the opposite appearance, full control of the Kundalini through the spinal column is the only reason humans are on Earth, because when this is done, the lessons in this class and the mystical exam are passed.

In his lecture entitled Psychic Center - Their Significance and Development, he described the theory behind Kundalini's appointment and how it can be safely done in a balanced life context devoted to selfless service.

Sri Aurobindo is another great scholar of authority on Kundalini who is parallel to Woodroffe with a somewhat different perspective, according to Mary Scott (who himself is a latter-day scholar of Kundalini and his physical base) and is a member of the Theosophical Society.

In the early 1930s, two Italian scholars, Tommaso Palamidessi and Julius Evola, published several books with the intention of reinterpreting alchemy with reference to yoga. The works affect the modern interpretation of Alchemy as mystical science. In the works, Kundalini is called "Igneous Power" or "Serpentine Fire".

Other renowned spiritual teachers who have used the Kundalini idea include Aleister Crowley, the Gnostic Mass symbolically combining concepts through various means including the 'circumambulation' of priests and priests; Albert Rudolph (Rudi), Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), George Gurdjieff, Paramahansa Yogananda, Sivananda Radha Saraswati, who produced English guides for Kundalini yoga methods, Muktananda, Bhagawan Nityananda, Yogi Bhajan, Nirmala Srivastava, Samael Aun Weor.

New Age

The Kundalini reference can be found in a number of New Age presentations, and is a word that has been adopted by many new religious movements.



According to Carl Jung "... the concept of Kundalini for us is only one use, that is, to describe our own experience with the unconscious..." Jung uses the Kundalini system symbolically as a means to understand the dynamic movement between conscious and unconscious processes. He reminded that all forms of yoga, when used by Westerners, can be an attempt to dominate the body and unconsciously through the ideals of rising to higher chakras.

According to Shamdasani, Jung claims that the symbolism of Kundalini yoga shows that the strange symptoms that often appear in the patient, actually resulted from the awakening of Kundalini. He argues that the knowledge of such symbolism allows many things if not seen as a meaningless by-product of a disease process to be understood as a meaningful symbolic process, and explains the often strange physical localization of symptoms.

Recently, there has been a growing interest in the medical community to study the physiological effects of meditation, and some of these studies have applied the Kundalini yoga discipline to their clinical setting.

Popularizing eastern spiritual practices has been linked to psychological problems in the west. Psychiatric literature notes that "since the influx of eastern spiritual practice and the rising popularity of meditation began in the 1960s, many have experienced psychological difficulties, whether involved in intensive or spontaneous spiritual practice". Among the psychological difficulties associated with intensive spiritual practice, we find the "Kundalini awakening", "the complex psychosocial transformational process described in the yogic tradition". Researchers in the field of Transpersonal psychology, and Near-death studies have described the complex patterns of sensory, motor, mental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini, sometimes called Kundalini syndrome.

The difference between a spiritual emergency associated with the awakening of Kundalini can be seen as an acute psychotic episode by a psychiatrist who is not proficient with culture. The biological changes in P300 amplitude increase that occur with certain yoga practices can lead to acute psychosis. Biological changes by Yoga techniques can be used to alert people to such reactions.

Several modern experimental studies seek to establish a connection between Kundalini practice and the ideas of Wilhelm Reich and his followers.

Kundalini Rising - Part 5

See also

  • Temporal lobe epilepsy
  • The mystical experience

Kundalini Rising by Benedigital - YouTube



Further reading

Kundalini â€

External links

  • Kundalini in Curlie (based on DMOZ)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
