Learn to read is the acquisition and practice of the skills necessary to understand the meaning behind printed words. For a good reader, reading skills often seem simple, easy and automatic; However, the process of learning to read is complicated and built on cognitive, linguistic, and social skills developed from a very early age.
Video Learning to read
Writing system
Usually, to understand the text, it is important to understand the spoken language associated with the text. In this way, the writing system is distinguished from many other symbolic communication systems. Once established, the entire writing system changes more slowly than their oral counterparts, and often retains non-current features and phrases in spoken language. The great benefit of the writing system is their ability to retain continuous information notes expressed in the language, which can be taken independently of the initial action of the formulation.
Maps Learning to read
Get a reading
The ability of a child to learn to read, known as reading readiness, begins with the baby, when the child begins to notice speech signals in their environment and begins to produce spoken language. Children use some of the material presented, including any perceptions, concepts, and words that come into contact with them; thus the environment in which a child develops affects the child's ability to learn to read. The amount of time children spend with their parents or other important caregivers while listening to them reading is a good predictor of the child's reading level in the future. When a child sits with a nanny, sees a picture and listens to a story, he will slowly learn that all the different lines on each page create different symbols and then together these symbols refer to the words. Taking time to read for children is the most important precursor to children's reading. Preschoolers with limited exposure to books and reading in their homes, including limited reading experience, are at risk of reading difficulties. For example, these children tend to be less exposed to literary phrases, such as "Once upon a time", and have a smaller vocabulary, the two factors that affect reading ability by limiting textual understanding. The environment in which a child lives can also affect their ability to acquire reading skills. Children who are regularly exposed to chronic environmental sound pollution, such as highway traffic noise, have been shown to exhibit a decreased ability to distinguish between phonemes as well as lower reading values ​​on standardized tests.
Thus, the ideal process of what is called literacy appears or begins in the relationship between hearing spoken language, seeing written language and feeling loved. The positive feelings that come from spending time with books in a loving context provide a strong foundation and intrinsic motivation for a long and cognitively challenging learning process. However, reading for children and ensuring the exposure of many books is not enough to prepare them for reading. Another important skill is the ability to mention letters or characters.
Age to introduce literacy learning
Some scholars favor approaches where developmental formal instruction on reading begins when children are about six or seven years old, while others prefer limited literacy instruction at age four and five, in addition to non-academic activities and intellectual stimulation. For example, advocates opposing the 2015 Core General Standard complain that "To achieve [the reading standard] usually takes a long time to practice and worksheets - and reduce other important areas of learning such as math, science, social studies, art, music and creative play. "
Some parents teach their children to read as babies. Babies learn to read differently and more easily than children who learn to read in school from formal instruction. The most important aspect of early reading (the baby) is the interaction with loving and bonding parents.
In a discussion in academic kindergarten, child development professor David Elkind argued that, because "there is no strong research showing that early academic training is better than (or worse than) a more traditional and more traditional early educational model" , educators must be subject to a developmental approach that gives young children plenty of time and opportunities to explore the natural world in their own way. Elkind emphasized the principle that "early education should begin with the child, not the subject being taught."
OECD 2007 PISA data from 54 countries shows "no relationship between school age... and reading achievement at age 15". A German study of 50 kindergartens compared children who, by age 5, had spent a year either "academically focused" or "artistic focus" and found that in time the two groups became inseparable in reading skills. Suggate concludes that the effects of initial readings such as "watering the garden before a rainstorm, previous watering is undetected by a storm, watering precious water waste, and watering reduces the gardener from other important preparation bases."
Reading development
There are five stages of reading development. They are prefix readers, novice readers, decoding readers, readers who understand well, and expert readers. It is normal that children will move through these different stages at different rates.
Appear pre-reader
The pre-reader stage that appears, also known as readiness, occurs when a child is sitting and listening to someone who reads it. An ongoing reading requires years of experience in the language, along with improvements in conceptual and social development. Demonstrating that this process begins early in a child's life is the fact that children usually produce their first few words before their first birthday. This pre-readership stage usually lasts for the first five years of a child's life.
During the pre-reading stage, children will often "read" books and stories. They will tell the story because they have memorized it and turned the page right. They call what they do "read" because they usually have not understood that their parents or caregivers decode the written word. For them, they do what they think their parents or caregivers do when reading the story.
A group of researchers in the United States discovered in the late 1990s and 2000s that the traditional way of reading for children made little difference in their reading skills in later life, and this hypothesis is that children spend relatively little time really- really see the text. They found that simple exercises during reading that led children to notice and think about letters and words made a significant difference in the development of early reading.
Beginner reader
The next step in the process of learning to read is the beginner's reading stage which is also known as selective association. It begins with the child learning to decode print and understand the meaning of what has been translated. To do this, the child must first understand the alphabetic principle and master it in just a few years. Most children know that the words on the page in the book mean something, but it is not easy to understand how the letters mean the meaning. They know that these words are made of their particular language sound, and the letters convey these voices. The novice reader learns to hear and manipulate the smaller sounds into syllables and words. If a child is able to master this skill, called phonological awareness, it is one of the best predictors of a child's success in learning to read. One way you can teach children to be more aware of sounds in words is through things like children's poems that improve the child's ability to hear and share the structure of words. Another way to teach a child to read is through a small "game" where the sound in the word claps, written or danced with a tap. Beginning readers will also memorize the most common letter patterns in their own language and most of the frequent words that do not have to follow phonological rules like in English the word "have" and "who". At this stage the children will develop a vocabulary of words between 2500 and 5,000 words. Children's vocabularies continue to grow as they enter primary school, as they will continue to learn new words at a rate of about seven words per day. This shows that at this stage in reading the best advice is just practice, practice, practice or read, read more, and read again.
Decode reader
The transition from the beginner reader stage to the decoding stage is marked by the absence of painful pronunciation and instead of a smoother and more confident reader's voice. In this reading learning phase, the reader adds at least 3,000 words into what they can solve. For example, in English, the reader needs to learn the variations of vocal and vowel pairs of vowels. Very important during this stage, if a reader will become fluent, the reader needs to acquire an adequate repertoire of vowel and pair-vowel patterns that help to compose words that transcend the ground level. The sooner a child can see that the word "together" is "to-ge-ther", the faster the reader will become a smoother reader. As children move forward with their reading skills, they learn a lot about what is actually inside a word; stems, roots, prefixes and suffixes that make up the language's morphemes. At this stage, children already know about common bound morphemes like "s" and "ed" because they are attached to many words. Decoding readers become exposed to many types of morphemes such as prefixes and suffixes, and when they learn to read this as a "sight piece" that their reading and comprehension will increase dramatically. Being able to read at an eloquent level is not just about how fast a child can read, but it is a matter of being able to take advantage of all the special knowledge they have about a word - his letters, letter patterns, meanings, grammatical functions, roots, and ends - fast enough so they have time to think and understand what they see. The point is to become a proficient reader is to read fluently and understand what has just been read. New decode readers are beginning to understand and learn how to use their widespread knowledge of the language and strength of their growing inference to find out what they actually read.
At the beginning of the decoding stage a child will often devote so much mental capacity to the decoding process that they will not understand the meaning of the words being read. This is most likely if the text being read is at or above their skill level. Yet this is an important stage. Such decoding practices allow children to upgrade their decoding skills with the ultimate goal of becoming automatic as it is for most readers who are skilled with most of the texts they encounter. Like every skill, the more you do it, the better you get. Although understanding may be bad at this stage, it remains an important step toward understanding. As the decoding skill increases and the more automatic it becomes the more the child has the mental capacity to devote understanding. Therefore, the understanding of what is being read increases.
It is also in the decoding phase that the child will learn to go beyond what is said in writing in the story to get the underlying meaning of what the story really is. In the decoding stage, a child also learns that if a sentence or paragraph is not understood, re-reading for the second or third may be necessary to understand the passage completely. Knowing when a text needs to be re-read is a very important skill and can improve a very big understanding.
Current, understand the reader
The next stage in the development of reading is an eloquent and understanding reader stage, in which children move from learning to reading, reading, and learning. At this stage the reader builds a substantial spelling knowledge background. During this time in the development of the reader that teachers and parents can be tricked by reading the reading smoothly so that thinking that a child understand everything he read. Because the content of what they can read becomes more demanding, good readers will develop figurative language knowledge and irony that help them discover new meaning in the text. This will help them understand the meaning of what they read beyond what is written on the page. While learning to read, one of the most powerful moments is when eloquently understanding the reader learns to get into the life of the heroine and the imagined hero. Examples of books where these imagined heroes and heroes can be found include Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Huckleberry Finn. The process of understanding grows when reading a book like this, where children learn how to link prior knowledge, predict good or bad consequences, draw conclusions from every dangerous angle, monitor gaps in their understanding, and interpret how each new clue, revelation, or add a piece of knowledge to change what they know. In learning these new skills, they learn to open layers of meaning in one word, phrase or thought.
There are two ways in which improved fluency can be supported. They include explicit instruction in understanding by a child teacher and the child's own desire to read. Engaging in conversations about what they read enables novice readers to ask critical questions, facilitating a better understanding of central meaning.
At the end of this stage, before the reader becomes an expert reader, many processes start to become automatic. This increase in automaticity frees cognitive resources so readers can reflect meaning. With an almost automatic decoding process at this point, the brain learns to integrate more metaphorical, inferential, analogical, background and experience knowledge with every new millisecond won. This stage in learning to read will often last until early adulthood.
Expert reader
The last stage in learning to read, is the expert stage. When the reader is at this stage of reading, it usually takes only half a second to read almost any word. The extent to which expert readings will change during adult life depends on what one reads and how much they read. As adults, the life experiences as well as the cognitive processes of reading text form a reading comprehension. It is this interpretive response that adds depth to reading and will often bring the reader in a new direction from where the author is referring.
Teaching method read
Alphabetical language
Educators have been arguing over the years about which method is best for teaching children to read. For English, there are two main methods, Phonics and Whole Language, where there are subtypes of Phonics and Sight synthetic words. Each method is used at different levels depending on the country and particular school divisions. Some educators began using two methods in relation to maximizing the benefits of both methods. Phonics is a teaching method that emphasizes voice-character correspondence, special rules and its use in reading and spelling. This helps beginner readers understand how characters are connected to sounds (phonemes), correspondence patterns of letters and spelling in English, and how to apply this knowledge as they read to utter words. Master Phonics presents spellings for different sounds in a specific order, introducing the simplest (or most useful) patterns early on; these patterns are then put into practice. The disadvantage of phonics is that in some languages ​​like English, complex letter correspondence can cause confusion for the novice reader.
Traditional phonics instructions have obvious benefits. Initial reading often involves a significant expansion of the child's mental lexicon, which includes all words that have been exposed to the child and its meaning. By focusing on the principle of connecting certain sounds and characters, the child has the ability to recognize new words and gain meaning from them. Being able to adjust what they know about the language with their new words is vital to broadening their mental lexicon; This allows for a productive reading which is the ability to read new words. This also results in higher achievement for the novice reader and the difference is the greatest for those at risk of failing to learn to read. While some children may conclude these rules themselves, some people need explicit instructions about the phonetic rules. Overall, children who are directly taught phonics are better at reading, spelling, and understanding.
Traditional phonics instructions can also have unintended consequences of promoting malfunction. The difficulty lies in the nature of coarticulated speech; voice overlapping speech, while the print is discrete and sequential. It can be appreciated if a person forms the mouth in a position to start producing the word cat compared to the word cot . The harsh start is categorized by the next vowel even before the speech begins, the smiling position when someone prepares to say the cat , and the weaker position as someone prepares to say cot . As early readers work from left to right, starting with the initial consonants, they usually do not yet know which vowels to be coarticulated. The vowel itself can not be known until the rest of the time (the syllable part starts with the vowel and extends to the end: for example ight in right ) is fully encountered. For this reason, teaching reading through orientation to the rime first and then adding onset (which should be purchased) can help in improving fluency through supporting phonological coarticulation problems. The emphasis on time also supports the development of an intuitive awareness, and therefore a more eloquent, orthographic pattern.
Synthetic phonics is a method endorsed by the governments of England, Australia and Scotland. It also has considerable support in the US and Canada. In Synthetic Phonetics, students first learn to pronounce the sounds (phonemes) that are attached to the character (grapheme) separately before the sound is "synthesized" or put together to make a word. (eg/a/,/k/,/t/.) Then, while reading a word, he learns to say every sound in a word (eg/k/-/a/-/t/); and to "blend" these sounds into a word pronunciation (eg "cat").
Synthetic phonics do not teach the whole word as a form; and does not involve guessing words from the context, drawings and hints of the initial letter.
There are other types of phonics, such as Analytic phonics, which differ in their approach based on how "snippets" in words are defined (ie individual phonemes, syllables, or non-blended units).
All Languages ​​are widely used in the US and Canada. It is a method of reading and learning that trains students to focus on words, sentences and paragraphs as a whole rather than letters. This method aims to make reading fun and keep the child motivated, which is beneficial because learning to read depends heavily on what the student does and not by the teacher. While children are usually heavily involved in this method, many children struggle to deduce the specific rules of their own language, which causes children to experience decoding and spelling during development.
One subtype is the word Vision, which is sometimes called the "see-say" method. The vocabulary of the 50-100 word vision is first memorized and the subsequent words are studied as wholeness, often by seeing them used repeatedly in the context of a story. It tells the children to find meaning by guessing, by recognizing all the words they have memorized, by looking at the images, and by creating context based on the surrounding words. This encourages students to "build their own meaning" (with guidance from peers and facilitators of the consensus process). It relies heavily on the child's experience with the language as a whole. The following are some features of the entire language philosophy:
- Children are expected to learn to read and write as they learn to speak, gradually, without much direct instruction.
- Learning is more emphasized than teaching; it is assumed that children will learn to read and write, and the teacher facilitates that growth.
- Children read and write daily in various situations.
- Reading, writing, and speaking languages ​​are not considered as separate components of the curriculum or just ending in themselves; instead they perceive everything the children do.
- There is no division between first learning to read and then reading to learn . (adapted from Weaver, C. 1990)
The style used in reading teaching has been breaking educators for years. It is now known that using two approaches together is stronger than the program alone. The technical skills learned through phonics are important for many children when learning to read, spell, and understanding common language and involvement of children in the overall language approach is also important to keep children motivated and eager to learn. Many teachers and schools admit this and say they use many methods to teach children to read.
Logographic languages ​​â € <â € <
Languages ​​like Chinese are usually written in logograms (hanzi and kanji, respectively), which represent all words or morphemes with one character. There are a large number of characters, and the sounds created each must be studied directly or from other characters containing "hints" in them, such as, in Japanese, "reading with min and?" who share the same reading with ?, which becomes min. In the same way when the exact section contains the character pronunciation, "being read" has exactly the same, but this does not apply to all characters. Kun readings, on the other hand, should be learned and memorized because there is no way to know from each character.
Ruby characters are used in textbooks to help children learn the sounds created by each logogram. It's written in smaller sizes, using alphabetical scripts or syllables. For example, hiragana is usually used in Japanese, and pinyin romanization into Latin alphabet characters is used in Chinese.
The above example spelled the word kanji , which consists of two kanji characters :? ( kan , written in hiragana as ??), and? ( ji , written in hiragana as?).
Textbooks are sometimes edited as a cohesive set in all classes so that children will not find logograms that have not been expected for them to learn.
Skills required for proficient reading
According to a report by the US National Reading Panel (NRP) in 2000, the skills required to read proficiently are phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and textual understanding. More generally, proficient readings need not require phonemic awareness, as in the Latin Alphabets, but an awareness of individual parts of language, which may also include whole words (as in Chinese characters) or syllables (as in Japanese) as well as others on the writing system used. Other important skills are: automatic quick naming (RAN), general understanding of language orthography, and practice.
- Speech Awareness : Awareness of each part of the language as they apply to an individual's written character is essential to understanding reading (as defined by translating written characters into spoken language). Phonological awareness, which includes the manipulation of rhymes, syllables, and onsets and rimes, is most prevalent in the Abjad system. An important part of the speech depends on the writing system used.
- Fluency : The ability to read verbally with speed, accuracy, and vowel expression. The ability to read fluently is one of several important factors needed to understand reading. If a reader is not fluent, it may be difficult to remember what has been read and to associate ideas expressed in the text with background knowledge. The accuracy and automaticity of this reading serves as a bridge between rendering and understanding.
- Vocabulary The important aspect of reading comprehension is the development of vocabulary. When a reader finds an unknown word in the print media and translates it to get the pronunciation it says, the reader will understand the word if it is in the spoken vocabulary of the reader. If not, the reader should get the meaning of the word using other strategies, such as context. If the development of a child's vocabulary is hampered by things like ear infections, which inhibit the child from hearing new words consistently, then the development of reading will also be disrupted.
- Understanding readings : NRP describes understanding as a complex cognitive process in which the reader is intentionally and interactively involved with the text. Understanding of reading relies heavily on word recognition and deciphering of skillful words, eloquence of oral reading, well-developed vocabulary and active engagement with texts.
- Automatic fast setting : The ability to quickly say names of letters, objects, and colors predicts a person's ability to read. This may be related to the importance of rapid retrieval of phonological representations of long-term memory in reading and the importance of object naming circuits in the left hemisphere recruited to support the child's recognition abilities.
- Orthography describes or defines a series of symbols used in the language, and rules on how to write these symbols. Orthographic development develops in increasing complexity as a child learns to read. Some of the first things to learn are orthographic conventions such as reading directions and there is a difference of typography and capitalization for each symbol. In general, this means that to read proficiently, the reader must understand the elements of written language including refinement, capitalization, words, emphasis, and punctuation.
- Practice : Repeated exposure to print improves many aspects of learning to read and most importantly the knowledge of individual words. This increases the speed at which high-frequency words are recognized that allow for increased fluency in reading. It also supports the development of orthography, reading comprehension and the development of Vocabulary.
Difficulty reading
Difficulty in reading usually involves difficulty with one or more of the following: decoding, reading level, fluency of reading, or reading comprehension.
Difficulty with decoding is characterized by not getting the concept of mapping the phonemes. One particular disability characterized by poor decoding is dyslexia, defined as a brain-based learning disability that specifically undermines a person's ability to read. These people usually read at a much lower rate than expected despite having normal intelligence. It can also be inherited in some families, and recent research has identified a number of genes that can affect individuals to develop dyslexia. Although the symptoms vary from person to person, the common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulties in spelling, phonological processes (voice manipulation), and/or rapid visual-verbal responses. Adults, may experience developmental dyslexia or Acquired Dyslexia that occurs after a brain injury, stroke or dementia.
Reading rate
Individuals with reading-level difficulties tend to have accurate word recognition and normal comprehension skills, but the reading speed is below grade level. Strategies such as guided reading, silent reading and model reading can help improve reader reading rates
Smooth reading
Individuals with eloquent reading difficulty maintain fluid, smoothness while reading. The strategies used to overcome reading difficulties are also useful in overcoming the problem of fluent reading.
Reading comprehension
Individuals with difficulty reading comprehension are generally described as being poor. They have normal deciphering skills as well as fluid reading rates, but have trouble understanding the text while reading. Increasing vocabulary knowledge, listening skills and teaching basic comprehension techniques can help facilitate better reading comprehension.
See also
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Source of the article : Wikipedia