Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Martial Arts is a codified system and combat practices tradition, practiced for a number of reasons: as an application of self-defense, military and law enforcement, mental and spiritual development; as well as entertainment and preservation of the nation's intangible cultural heritage.

Although the term martial arts has been associated with the art of fighting in East Asia, it originally refers to the European combat system as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin, and means "Martian art", the Roman god of war. Some authors argue that the fighting art or battle system would be more precise on the basis that many martial arts have never "martial" in the sense of being used or made by professional warriors.

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Variations and scope

Martial arts can be categorized under various criteria, including:

  • Traditional or historical vs. art. contemporary style of traditional wrestling and modern hybrid martial arts.
  • Technique taught: Armed vs unarmed, and in these groups with weapons types (swords, battles sticks, etc.) and with the types of battles (wrestling vs. invading, upright battle vs. land battle)
  • With apps or intent: martial arts, sports war, choreography or form demonstrations, physical fitness, meditation, etc.
  • In Chinese tradition: "external" style vs. "internal"

With a technical focus


Unarmed martial arts can be broadly grouped into a focus on strikes, those focusing on grappling and those covering both fields, often portrayed as hybrid martial arts.


  • Punching : Boxing, Wing Chun, Karate
  • Kicking : Taekwondo, Capoeira, Savate
  • Others use strikes: Muay Thai, Kung Fu


  • Throwing : Hapkido, Judo, Sumo, Wrestling, Aikido
  • Shared together / Chokeholds / Hold on hold : Jujutsu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo
  • Tagging Techniques : Judo, Wrestling, Aikido

Traditional martial arts, which train armed combat, often include a variety of melee weapons, including sharp weapons and polearm. Such traditions include eskrima, silat, kalaripayat, kobudo, and historic European martial arts, especially the German Renaissance tradition. Many Chinese martial arts also feature weapons as part of their curriculum.

Sometimes, training with one special weapon will be regarded as a martial arts style in its own right, which mainly occurs in Japanese martial arts with disciplines such as kenjutsu and kendo (sword), bojutsu (staff), and kyudo (archery). Similarly, modern Western martial arts and sports include modern fences, battering systems like canne de combat and jogo do pau, and modern competitive archery.

With the app or intent


Many martial arts, especially those from Asia, also teach a side discipline related to the practice of medicine. It is very prevalent in traditional Asian martial arts that can teach the regulation of bones, herbs, and other aspects of traditional medicine.

Orienting spirituality

Martial arts can also be associated with religion and spirituality. Many well-known systems have been established, disseminated, or practiced by monks or nuns.

Throughout Asia, meditation can be included as part of the training. In countries influenced by the Hindu-Buddhist philosophy, art itself can be used as an aid to attain enlightenment.

The Japanese style, when dealing with the non-physical qualities of combat, is often strongly influenced by the Mahayana Buddhist philosophy. Concepts such as "empty mind" and "reciprocal thought" repeat themselves. Aikido, for example, can have a strong philosophical belief about the flow of energy and the fostering of peace, as idealized by its founder, Morihei Ueshiba.

Traditional Korean martial art emphasizes the development of spiritual and philosophical development of practitioners. Common themes in most Korean styles, such as taekkyeon and taekwondo, are the values ​​of "inner peace" in a practitioner, emphasized to be achieved only through individual meditation and training. Koreans believe that the use of physical strength is only justified through defenses.

Systema refers to breathing and relaxation techniques, as well as elements of Russian Orthodox thought, to foster self-awareness and calmness, and beneficial to practitioners at various levels: physical, psychological and spiritual.

Some martial arts in a variety of cultures can be done in dance-like settings for various reasons, such as to raise violence in preparations for combat or showcase skills in a more fashionable way. Many martial arts like it include music, especially the powerful percussion rhythm. (See also war dance.)

Maps Martial arts


martial art history

The oldest artwork depicting battle scenes is a cave painting of eastern Spain (Spanish Levant) dated between 10,000 and 6,000 BC showing organized groups that fought with bows and arrows.

Chinese martial arts came from the Xia dynasty over 4000 years ago. It is said that the Yellow Emperor Huangdi (the legendary elevation date 2698 BC) introduced the earliest battle system to China. The Yellow Emperor is described as a famous general who, before becoming a Chinese leader, wrote long treatises on medicine, astrology and martial arts. One of his main opponents is Chi You who is considered the creator of jiao di, the pioneer of modern wrestling art.

The cornerstone of modern Asian martial art is likely a mixture of early Chinese and Indian martial arts. During the American War period of Chinese history (480-221 BC) extensive developments in philosophy and martial arts strategy emerged, as described by Sun Tzu in The Art of War (around 350 BC). The legendary account connects the origin of Shaolinquan with the spread of Buddhism from India during the early 5th century, with the figure of Bodhidharma, to China. The written evidence of martial arts in South India originated from Sangam literature from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century. The combat technique of the Sangam period is the earliest precursor for Kalaripayattu.

In Europe, early sources of martial arts tradition originated in Ancient Greece. Boxing ( pygme , pyx ), wrestling ( pale ) and pancrasi are represented in the Ancient Olympics. The Romans produced the battle of the gladiators as a public spectacle.

A number of historical combat manuals have survived the Middle Ages of Europe. These include styles such as swords and shields, two swordfighting hands and other types of melee weapons in addition to armed combat. Among these are the transcription of the Johannes Liechtenauer mnemonic poem on the longsword dating from the late 14th century. Likewise, Asian martial arts became well-documented during the medieval period, Japanese martial arts began with the formation of 12th-century samurai nobles, Chinese martial arts with Ming-era treatises such as Ji Xiao Xin Shu, Indian martial arts in medieval texts such as Agni Purana and Malla Purana, and Korean martial art from the Joseon era and texts such as Muyejebo (1598).

The European sword weapon always had a sportive component, but the duel was always possible until World War I. Modern sports fencing began to develop during the 19th century when French and Italian military academies began to draw up instructions. The Olympic Games lead to a standard international rule, with the FÃÆ' Â © deration Internationale d'Escrime established in 1913. Modern boxing originated from the 18th century rule of Jack Broughton, and achieved its present form with the Marquess of Queensberry Rules of 1867.

Folk style

Traditional combat sports and fighting styles exist throughout the world, rooted in local culture and folklore. The most common of these is the folk wrestling style, some of which have been practiced since antiquity, and are found in the most remote areas. Other examples include stick fighting and boxing. While this art is based on the historical tradition of folklore, this art is not "historical" in the sense that they reconstruct or preserve the historical system of a particular era. They are a rather contemporary regional sport that coexists with modern forms of martial arts sport as they have developed since the nineteenth century, often including cross-fertilization between sport and folk styles; thus, the traditional art of Thai muay boran evolved into a modern national sport muay Thai, which is then practiced worldwide and contributes significantly to modern hybrid styles such as kickboxing and mixed martial arts. Singlestick, the British martial art can be seen often used in morris dancing. Many European dances share elements of martial arts with examples including Ukrainian Hopak, Polish ZbÃÆ'³jnicki (use of ciupaga), Czech dance odzemek, and Norwegian Halling.

Modern history

End of 19th to early 20th century

The mid to late 19th century marked the beginning of the history of martial arts as a modern sport developed from previous traditional combat systems. In Europe, it concerns the development of boxing and fencing as a sport. In Japan, the same period marked the formation of modern forms of judo, jiu-jitsu, karate, and kendo (among others) based on the renaissance of the old school of martial arts of the Edo period that had been suppressed during the Meiji Restoration. The rule of modern muay Thai dates back to the 1920s. In China, the history of modern martial arts began in the decade of Nanjing (1930s) after the founding of the Central Guoshu Institute in 1928 under the rule of the Kuomintang.

Western interests in Asian martial arts emerged towards the end of the 19th century, due to increased trade between the United States with China and Japan. Relatively few Westerners who actually practice art, think of it as a mere show. Edward William Barton-Wright, a railroad engineer who had studied jiu-jitsu while working in Japan between 1894 and 1897, was the first person known to have taught Asian martial arts in Europe. He also founded an eclectic style named Bartitsu that combines jiu-jitsu, judo, wrestling, boxing, fighting and fighting.

Greco-Roman fencing and wrestling was included in the Summer Olympics in 1896. FILA Wrestling World Championships and Boxing at the Summer Olympics was introduced in 1904. The tradition of awarding championship belts in wrestling and boxing can be traced to the Lonsdale Belt, introduced in 1909.

the 20th century (1914 to 1989)

The International Boxing Association was established in 1920. The World Fencing Championships have been held since 1921.

As Western influence grew in Asia, large numbers of military personnel spent time in China, Japan and South Korea during World War II and the Korean War and were exposed to local fighting styles. Jujutsu, judo and first karate became popular among the mainstream from the 1950s-60s. Since most Asian and Hollywood martial arts films, most of the modern American martial arts are from Asia or Asia. The term kickboxing (????????) was created by Japanese boxing promoter Osamu Noguchi for the Thai muay variant and the karate he created in the 1950s. American kickboxing was developed in the 1970s, as a combination of boxing and karate. Taekwondo was developed in the context of the Korean War in the 1950s.

The 1960s and 1970s saw an increasing media interest in Chinese martial arts, influenced by martial artist Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is credited as one of the first instructors to openly teach Chinese martial arts to Westerners. The World Judo Championship has been held since 1956, Judo at the Summer Games was introduced in 1964. The Karate World Championship was introduced in 1970.

Following the "kung fu wave" in Hong Kong action theaters in the 1970s, a number of mainstream films produced during the 1980s contributed significantly to the perception of martial arts in popular Western culture. These include The Karate Kid (1984) and Bloodsport (1988). This era produced some Hollywood action stars with a background of martial arts, such as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Chuck Norris.

Also during the 20th century, a number of martial arts were adapted for self-defense purposes for military hand-to-hand combat. Combatives of World War II, KAPAP (1930s) and Krav Maga (1950s) in Israel, Systema in Soviet Russia, and Sanshou in the People's Republic of China are examples of such systems. The US military did not emphasize hand-to-hand combat training during the Cold War period, but revived with the introduction of LINE in 1989.

1990 to serve

During the 1990s Brazilian jiu-jitsu became popular and proved effective in mixed martial arts competitions such as UFC and PRIDE.

In 1993 the first Pancrase event was held. K-1 kickboxing rules are introduced based on the 1980s.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are prominent film actors who are responsible for promoting Chinese martial arts in recent years.

With the continuous discovery of more than medieval and Renaissance fighting manuals, the practice of Martial Arts of Western Europe and other Western Martial Arts became increasingly popular throughout the United States and Europe.

29 November 2011, UNESCO wrote taekkyeon into the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Man.

Reliving lost martial arts

Much of the martial arts originating from South India were banned by the British Raj government, some of whom were barely survivable were Kalaripayattu and Silambam. This and other martial arts survived by telling the British government it was a form of dance. Varma kalai, a martial art that concentrates on important points, is almost dead but gradually revived.

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Testing and competition

Testing or evaluation is important for martial artists of many disciplines who want to determine their development or have a skill level in a particular context. Students often undergo regular testing and assessment by their own teachers to advance to higher levels of recognized achievements, such as different belt colors or titles. The type of testing used varies from system to system but can include shape or sparring.

Various forms and sparring are commonly used in martial arts exhibitions and tournaments. Some competitions trick practitioners from different disciplines against each other using a common set of rules, these are called mixed martial arts competitions. The rules for the debate vary between art and organization but can generally be divided into contact-light , medium-contact , and full-contact variants, which reflects the amount of force that must be used on the opponent.

Light and contact is

This type of sparring limits the amount of power that can be used to hit an opponent, in which case the light sparring is usually to 'touch' the contact, eg. a blow must be 'withdrawn' immediately after or before the contact is made. In intermediate contact (sometimes referred to as semi-contact) the blow will not be 'drawn' but not beaten in full force. Because the amount of force used is limited, the purpose of these sparring types is not to paralyze an opponent; points system used in the competition.

A referee acts to monitor the offense and control the match, while the judge marks the score down, as in boxing. Certain targets may be prohibited, certain techniques may be prohibited (such as headbutting or crotching), and fighters may be required to wear protective equipment on the head, hands, chest, groin, shin or legs. Some grappling arts, such as aikido, use a similar method of appropriate training that is equivalent to mild or moderate contact.

In some styles (such as fencing and some taekwondo sparring styles), competitors score points on a single technique landing or strike as judged by the referee, where the referee will stop the match briefly, give points, then start the match again. Alternatively, sparring may proceed with points noted by the jury. Some point-argument critics feel that this training method teaches habits that result in lower combat effectiveness. Lighter-contact sparring can be used exclusively, for children or in other situations when heavy contacts are not appropriate (such as beginners), medium-distance conversations are often used as training for full contact.

Full contact

Full-contact sparring or competition, where strikes or techniques are not drawn but used with full force as the name implies, has a number of tactical differences from light and medium-contact sparring. This is considered by some as a prerequisite for learning realistic non-weapon battles.

In a full-contact fight, the goal of competitive matches is to paralyze an opponent or force an opponent to bow down. Where an assessment occurs may be the size of a subsidiary, it is only used if no clear winner has been established in another way; in some competitions, such as UFC 1, there is no assessment, although most now use some form of valuation as a backup. Due to these factors, the full contact match tends to be more aggressive in character, but the rule set may still mandate the use of protective equipment, or restrict the permissible technique.

Almost all mixed martial arts organizations such as UFC, Pancrase, Shooto use the form of complete contact rules, such as professional boxing organizations and K-1. Kyokushin karate requires advanced practitioners to engage in complete sparring that allows kicks, knees, and punches even if kicks to the head are not allowed while wearing karate gi and groin protectors. The jujutsu and Brazilian judo matches do not allow strikes, but are full contact in the sense that full force is applied in permissible drawing and submission techniques. Competition organized by the World Taekwondo Federation requires the use of Headgear and padded vests, but is full contact in the sense that full force is applied to attack the head and body, and winning with a knockout is possible.

Martial Sports

Martial arts have crossed into the sport when the form of debate becomes competitive, becoming a sport in itself that is separated from the origin of the original rebellion, as with the western fence. The Summer Olympics include judo, taekwondo, western archery, boxing, javelin, wrestling and fencing as events, while the Chinese wushu has recently failed in its attempt to be included, but is still actively performed in tournaments around the world. Practitioners in some arts such as kickboxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu often practice for sporting events, while those in other arts such as aikido generally reject such competition. Some schools believe that competition gives birth to better and more efficient practitioners, and gives a good sense of sportsmanship. Others believe that the rules by which competition occurs have reduced the combat effectiveness of the martial arts or encouraged some kind of exercise that focused on winning trophies rather than focusing such as cultivating certain moral characters.

The question "which is the best martial art" has led to inter-style competition struggling with very few rules that allow different fighting styles to enter with some limitations. This is the origin of the first Ultimate Fighting Championship tournament (later renamed UFC 1: The Beginning) in the US inspired by the Vale tudo Brazilian tradition and along with other minimal competition rules, especially those from Japan such as Shooto and Pancrase, have evolved into a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat sports.

Some martial artists compete in non-sparring competitions such as routine techniques such as paperse, words and aliases, or modern variations of martial arts that include dance-influenced competition such as cheats. The martial arts tradition has been influenced by governments to become more sporty for political purposes; the central impetus for the efforts of the People's Republic of China in transforming Chinese martial arts into the wushu sports governed by the committee has suppressed what they see as a potentially subversive aspect of martial training, especially under the traditional system of family lineage.

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Health and fitness benefits

The martial arts training aims to generate some benefits for trainees, such as their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Through systematic training in martial arts one's physical fitness can be improved (strength, stamina, flexibility, movement coordination, etc.) because the whole body is done and the entire muscular system is activated. In addition to contributing to physical fitness, martial arts training also has benefits for mental health, contributing to self-esteem, self-control, emotional and spiritual well-being. For this reason, a number of martial arts schools are focusing entirely on the therapeutic aspect, not emphasizing the historical aspects of self-defense or full combat.

According to Bruce Lee, the martial art also has an artistic nature, because there is emotional communication and complete emotional expression.

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Defense, military and law enforcement applications

Some traditional martial concepts have seen new uses in modern military training. Perhaps the most recent example of this is the shooting of dots that depend on muscle memory to be more effective at using firearms in awkward situations, many of the ways in which they will master the movement with their swords.

During the World War II era William E. Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes were recruited by the Executive of Special Operations (SOE) to teach their martial arts from defendu (drawing themselves on boxing and western jiu-jitsu) and shooting pistols to England, USA, and Canadian Special Forces. The Kill or Get Killed Book, written by Colonel Rex Applegate, is based on a defense taught by Sykes and Fairbairn. Both Fairbairn's and Appelgate's Kill or Get Killed are classic in hand-to-hand combat.

Traditional hand-to-hand techniques, knives, and spears continue to be used in composite systems developed for today's wars. Examples include the European Unifight, the US Humanitarian Army system developed by Matt Larsen, KAPAP of the Israeli army and Krav Maga, and the Marine Corps Marine Corps (MCMAP) Program. The defense of an unarmed dagger identical to that found in the Fiore dei Liberi and Codex Wallerstein manuals was integrated into the US Army training manual in 1942 and continues to influence the current system along with other traditional systems such as eskrima and silat.

The gun-mounted bayonets, which come from spears, have been used by the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, and the British Army recently as the Iraq War.

Many martial arts are also seen and used in Law Enforcement training hand to hand. For example, the use of aikido Police from the Tokyo Riot Police.

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Industri martial arts

Martial art since the 1970s has become a significant industry, part of the wider sports industry (including cinema and sports television).

Hundreds of millions of people around the world practice some form of martial arts. The Japanese Web (sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan) claims there are 50 million karate practitioners around the world. The South Korean government in 2009 published estimates that taekwondo was practiced by 70 million people in 190 countries.

The wholesale value of martial arts related sports equipment shipped in the United States is estimated at 314 million USD in 2007; participation in the same year is estimated at 6.9 million (age 6 years or more, 2% of US population). R. A. Court, CEO of Martial Arts Channel, said the total revenue of the US martial arts industry amounted to USD 40 billion and the number of US practitioners of 30 million in 2003.


Martial arts equipment may include those used for conditioning, protection and weapons. Special conditioning equipment can include broken boards, dummy partners like wooden dolls, and targets such as punching and makiwara sacks. Protective equipment for sparring and competition includes boxing gloves and headgear.

Martial arts fraud

Asian martial arts experienced a surge in popularity in the west during the 1970s, and increasing demand led to many low quality schools or fake schools. Fueled by fictitious depictions in martial arts films, this caused the ninja to go crazy in the 1980s in the United States. There are also many fake advertisements for martial arts training programs, put into comic books circa 1960s and 1970s, which are mainly read by teenage boys.

When martial arts came to the United States in the seventies, the lower row (kyu) began to be given a colorful belt to show progress. It is commercially proven viable and colored belt systems are adopted in many martial arts factories (also known as McDojos and Belt Factory ) as a means to generate additional money. These are covered under Penn & amp; Teller: Nonsense! episode of "Martial Arts" (June 2010).

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See also

  • For the timeline of martial arts history, see the timeline of the martial arts
  • For a detailed history of martial arts, see: The history of martial arts
  • For a detailed list of martial arts, see List of martial arts
  • For a detailed list of fictional martial arts, see List of fictitious martial arts

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
