Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

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Swine Flu: Treatment, Symptoms, Signs, Risk Factors, Diagnosis

Influenza pigs are infections caused by one of several types of swine influenza viruses. Swine influenza virus ( SIV ) or pig influenza virus ( S-OIV ) is any strain of the family influenza virus that is endemic to pigs. In 2009, known SIV strains included influenza C and influenza A subtypes known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.

Swine flu was initially seen in humans in Mexico in 2009, where a particular viral strain was a mixture of 3 strains. Six of these genes are very similar to the H1N2 influenza virus found in pigs around the year 2000.

Swine influenza viruses are common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of viruses from pigs to humans is uncommon and does not always cause human flu, often producing only the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission does not cause human flu, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at an increased risk of swine flu infection.

Around the middle of the 20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, allowing accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, only 50 transmissions have been confirmed. This swine flu strain rarely moves from human to human. The symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to influenza and influenza-like illnesses in general, ie chills, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, severe headaches, coughing, weakness, shortness of breath, and general discomfort.

In August 2010, the World Health Organization declared the swine flu pandemic to be officially over.

Swine flu cases have been reported in India, with more than 31,156 positive test cases and 1,841 deaths by March 2015.

Video Swine influenza

Signs and symptoms

In pigs, influenza infections produce fever, lethargy, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and decreased appetite. In some cases, the infection can cause a miscarriage. Although mortality is usually low (about 1-4%), the virus can produce weight loss and poor growth, causing economic losses for farmers. Infected pigs can lose up to 12 pounds of weight over a three to four week period. Pigs have good receptors of bird flu virus and mammals can bind, which causes the virus to evolve and mutate into different forms. Influenza A is responsible for infecting pigs, and was first identified in the summer of 1918. Pigs are often seen as "mixing vessels", which help transform and develop disease strains that are then passed on to other mammals, such as humans..


Direct transmission of the swine flu virus from pig to human is sometimes possible (zoonotic swine flu). Overall, 50 cases are known to have occurred since the first report in the medical literature in 1958, which has resulted in a total of six deaths. Of these six, one was pregnant, one had leukemia, one had Hodgkin's lymphoma and two were previously known to be healthy. One of them has an unknown existence. Although the number of these infections appears to be low, the actual infection rate may be higher, as most cases only cause very mild disease, and may never be reported or diagnosed.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in humans the 2009 swine flu virus "H1N1" is similar to influenza and influenza-like illnesses in general. Symptoms include fever; cough, sore throat, watery eyes, body aches, shortness of breath, headache, weight loss, chills, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, dizziness, stomach pain, lack of appetite and fatigue. The 2009 outbreak has shown an increase in the percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting as well. The 2009 H1N1 virus is not a zoonotic swine flu, as it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but from person to person through droplets.

Since these symptoms are not specific to swine flu, a possible diagnosis of swine flu not only requires symptoms but also high chances of swine flu because of a new medical history and past ones. For example, during the 2009 swine flu outbreak in the United States, the CDC advised physicians to "consider swine flu infections in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute febrile respiratory illnesses who have been in contact with people with confirmed swine flu, or who are in one of five countries sections of the United States who have reported cases of swine flu or in Mexico for seven days prior to the onset of their illness. "The confirmed swine flu diagnosis requires laboratory testing of respiratory samples (simple nose and throat swabs).

The most common cause of death is respiratory failure. Other causes of death include pneumonia (causing sepsis), high fever (causing neurological problems), dehydration (from excessive vomiting and diarrhea), electrolyte imbalances and renal failure. Death is more likely to occur in children and the elderly.

Maps Swine influenza



Between pigs

Influenza is quite common in pigs, with about half of the pigs bred in the United States. Antibodies against viruses are also common in pigs in other countries.

The main transmission route is through direct contact between infected and uninfected animals. These close contacts are very common during animal transportation. Intensive farming can also increase the risk of transmission, since pigs are raised very close to each other. Direct transfer of the virus may occur either by pigs touching the nose, or through dry mucus. Airborne transmission through aerosols produced by pigs that cough or sneeze is also an important means of infection. Viruses usually spread rapidly through herds, infecting all pigs in just a few days. Transmission can also occur through wild animals, such as wild pigs, which can spread diseases between farms.

To humans

People working with poultry and pigs, especially those with strong exposure, are at increased risk of zoonotic infections with endemic influenza viruses in these animals, and are a population of human hosts in which zoonosis and reassortment can occur simultaneously. These workers' vaccinations against influenza and surveillance for new influenza strains among these populations can be an important public health measure. Transmission of swine influenza to humans working with pigs was documented in a small surveillance study conducted in 2004 at the University of Iowa. This study, among other things, forms the basis of the recommendation that people whose jobs involve the handling of poultry and pigs are the focus of increasing public health surveillance. Other professions at risk for infection are veterinarians and meat processing workers, although the risk of infection for both groups is lower than that of agricultural workers.

Interaction with H5N1 birds in pig

Pigs are unusual because they can be infected with an influenza strain that normally infects three different species: pigs, birds and humans. This makes pigs host where influenza viruses might exchange genes, producing new and dangerous strains. The Avian influenza H3N2 virus is endemic to pigs in China, and has been detected in pigs in Vietnam, raising fears of new strain variants. H3N2 evolved from H2N2 by an antigenic shift. In August 2004, researchers in China found H5N1 in pigs.

This H5N1 infection may be fairly common; In a survey of 10 healthy looking pigs placed near poultry farms in West Java, where bird flu had broken, five samples of pigs contained the H5N1 virus. The Indonesian government has found similar results in the same region. Additional tests of 150 pigs outside the area were negative.


Influenza virus is roughly spherical. This is a wrapped virus; the outer layer is the lipid membrane taken from the host cell where the virus multiplies. Incorporated into the lipid membrane are "spikes", which are proteins - in fact glycoproteins, because they are composed of sugar-related proteins - known as HA (hemagglutinin) and NA (neuraminidase). This is the protein that determines the subtype of influenza virus (A/H1N1, for example). HA and NA are important in immune responses to viruses; antibodies (proteins made to fight infections) against these surges can protect against infection. NA protein is the target of Relevant and Tamiflu antiviral drugs. Also embedded in the lipid membrane is the M2 protein, which is the target of antiviral adamantanes amantadine and rimantadine.


Of the three genera of influenza viruses that cause human flu, two also cause influenza in pigs, with common influenza A in pigs and influenza C becoming scarce. Influenza B has not been reported in pigs. In influenza A and influenza C, strains found in pigs and humans are largely different, though because of reassortment there is a transfer of genes between strains that cross the boundaries of pigs, poultry, and humans.

Influenza C

Influenza viruses infect humans and pigs, but do not infect birds. Transmission between pigs and humans has occurred in the past. For example, influenza C causes small outbreaks of mild influenza among children in Japan and California. Due to its limited range of hosts and a lack of genetic diversity in influenza C, this form of influenza does not cause pandemics in humans.

Influenza A

Swine flu is caused by influenza A subtypes H1N1, H1N2, H2N3, H3N1, and H3N2. In pigs, four influenza A (H1N1, H1N2, H3N2 and H7N9) influenza virus subtypes are the most common strains worldwide. In the United States, H1N1 subtypes are exclusively prevalent among pig populations before 1998; However, since late August 1998, H3N2 subtypes have been isolated from pigs. In 2004, the H3N2 virus isolate in US pig and turkey stocks was a triple reassort, containing genes from humans (HA, NA, and PB1), pigs (NS, NP, and M), and poultry lineages (PB2 and PA). In August 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 145 human cases (113 in Indiana, 30 in Ohio, one in Hawaii and one in Illinois) from H3N2v since July 2012. Death of Madison County, 61, Ohio Women was the first in countries linked to new swine flu strains. He contracted the disease after having contact with pigs at the Ross County Fair.

Swine Flu | reBlog


CDC recommends real-time PCR as the preferred method for diagnosing H1N1. The collection of oral and nasal fluids and RNA viruses that preserve the filter paper is commercially available. This method enables a new diagnosis of influenza (H1N1) as opposed to seasonal influenza. Treatment tests near the patient are under development.

Diagram of an H1N1 swine flu virus particle with section labels ...


Swine flu prevention has three components: prevention of pigs, prevention of transmission to humans, and prevention of its spread among humans.


Methods to prevent the spread of influenza among pigs include facility management, farm management, and vaccination (ATCvet code: QI09AA03 ( WHO )). Since many diseases and deaths associated with swine flu involve secondary infections by other pathogens, control strategies that depend on vaccination may not be sufficient.

The control of swine flu with vaccination has become more difficult in recent decades, as the evolution of the virus has resulted in inconsistent responses to traditional vaccines. The commercial swine flu vaccine standard is effective in controlling infections when viral strains are sufficient to have significant cross-protection, and special (autogenous) vaccines made from isolated isolated viruses are made and used in more difficult cases. Current vaccination strategies for SIV control and prevention in pig farms typically include the use of one of the few commercially available SIV vaccines available in the United States. Of the recently reported 97 H3N2 isolates, only 41 isolates had strong serologic cross-linking with antiserum to three commercial SIV vaccines. Because influenza vaccine protection capabilities depend primarily on the proximity of the game between the vaccine virus and the epidemic virus, the presence of the non-reactive S3 H2N2 variance suggests that current commercial vaccines may not be effective in protecting pigs from infection with most H3N2 viruses. US Department of Agriculture researchers say, while vaccination of pigs makes pigs do not hurt, it does not block infection or viral shedding.

Facilities management includes using disinfectants and ambient temperatures to control the virus in the environment. They are unlikely to survive outside the living cells for more than two weeks, except in cold conditions (but above freezing), and ready to be disabled by disinfectants. Group management includes not adding pigs that bring influenza to flocks that have not been exposed to the virus. The virus survives on healthy carrier pigs for up to three months, and can be recovered from them among outbreaks. Pig carriers are usually responsible for introducing SIV into previously uninfected clusters and countries, so new animals must be quarantined. After the outbreak, because the immunity in exposed pigs decreases, new outbreaks of the same strain may occur.


Prevention of transmission from pigs to humans

Pigs can be infected by bird flu both bird flu and strains, and therefore are hosts where antigenic shifts can occur that create new influenza strains.

Transmission from pigs to humans is believed to occur primarily in pig farms, where farmers are closely related to live pigs. Although strains of influenza pigs are usually unable to infect humans, this can sometimes happen, so farmers and veterinarians are encouraged to use face masks when confronted with infected animals. The use of vaccines in pigs to prevent their infection is the main method of limiting transmission from pigs to humans. Risk factors that can contribute to pig-to-human transmission include smoking and, in particular, not wearing gloves while working with sick animals, thereby increasing the chance of hand-to-eye, hand to nose or hand-to-mouth transmission.

Prevention of human-to-human transmission

Influenza spreads between humans when an infected person coughs or sneezes, then someone else breathes in a virus or touches something with a virus on it and then touches their own face. "Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are spreading this way." Swine flu can not be spread by pork products, because the virus is not transmitted through food. Swine flu in humans is most contagious during the first five days of illness, although some people, most often children, can remain infectious for up to ten days. Diagnosis can be done by sending specimens, collected during the first five days, for analysis.

Recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus among humans include using standard infection control, which includes frequent handwashing with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after leaving in public. Transmission opportunities are also reduced by household surface disinfectant, which can be effectively effected with dilute chlorine bleach solution.

Experts agree that hand washing can help prevent viral infections, including common swine flu infections. Also, avoiding touching the eyes, nose or mouth of a person with a person's hand helps prevent the flu. Influenza can spread in coughing or sneezing, but more and more evidence suggests tiny droplets containing the virus can linger on tabletops, surfaces and other surfaces and are transferred through the fingers to the eyes, nose or mouth. Alcohol-based or foam-based cleansers work well to destroy viruses and bacteria. Anyone with flu-like symptoms, such as sudden fever, cough or muscle pain, should stay away from work or public transport, and should call a doctor for advice.

Social distance, other tactics, away from others who may be infected, and may include avoiding large meetings, spreading a little at work, or possibly staying home and lying low if the infection spreads in a community. Public health and other responsible authorities have action plans that may require or require social distance measures, depending on the severity of the outbreak.


Vaccines are available for different types of swine flu. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new swine flu vaccine for use in the United States on September 15, 2009. A study by the National Institutes of Health showed a dose of creating enough antibodies to protect against the virus in about 10 days..

In the aftermath of the 2009 pandemic, several studies were conducted to see who received influenza vaccine. These studies show that white people are much more likely to be vaccinated for seasonal influenza and for H1N1 strains than African Americans. This can be caused by several factors. Historically, there was a distrust of the vaccine and the medical community of African Americans. Many African Americans do not believe the vaccine or doctors to be effective. This distrust comes from the exploitation of the African American community during studies such as the Tuskegee study. In addition, the vaccine is usually given in a clinic, hospital, or doctor's office. Many people with low socioeconomic status tend not to get vaccinated because they do not have health insurance.


Although there is no official national oversight system in the United States to determine what viruses circulate in pigs, the informal oversight network in the United States is part of the world's surveillance network.

Digital Illustration Of Swine Influenza In Colored Stock Photo ...



Because swine influenza is rarely fatal in pigs, little outside treatment breaks and supportive care is necessary. In contrast, veterinary efforts are focused on preventing the spread of the virus across farms, or to other farms. Vaccination and animal management techniques are the most important in this effort. Antibiotics are also used to treat the disease, which although it has no effect on influenza virus, helps prevent bacterial pneumonia and other secondary infections in influenza-attenuated swarms.

In Europe, H1N1 is bird-like and H3N2 is human-like and H1N2 is the most common influenza subtype in pigs, among which bird-like H1N1 is the most common. Since 2009 other subtypes, pdmH1N1 (2009), appear globally and also in the European pig population. Prevalence varies from country to country but all subtypes continue to circulate in pig herds. In the EU region, whole-virus vaccines are available that are inactive and adjuvanted. Vaccination against pigs is a common practice and also reveals benefits for young pigs by extending the level of maternal antibodies. Several commercial vaccines are available including the trivalent used in vaccination of pigs and vaccines against pdmH1N1 (2009). In the breeding multination viral vaccination and viral shedding significantly reduced.


If a person becomes swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness lighter and make the patient feel faster better. They can also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best when started immediately after falling ill (within two days of symptoms). In addition to antiviral, supportive care at home or at the hospital focuses on controlling fever, relieving pain and maintaining fluid balance, as well as identifying and treating secondary infections or other medical problems. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of swine influenza virus infection; However, the majority of people infected with the virus make full recovery without requiring medical treatment or antiviral medication. Viruses isolated in the 2009 outbreak have been found to be resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.

In the US, on April 27, 2009, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authority to provide Relevant and Tamiflu antiviral drugs to treat swine influenza viruses in cases that are not currently approved. The agency issues these EUAs to allow treatment of patients younger than current approvals allow and to enable the distribution of medicines widely, including by volunteers.

Illustration Of Swine Influenza In Coloured Background Stock Photo ...


Swine flu was first proposed to be a flu-related illness during a flu pandemic in 1918, when pigs became sick at the same time as humans. The first identification of influenza viruses as a cause of disease in pigs occurred about ten years later, in 1930. Over the next 60 years, strains of swine influenza are almost exclusively H1N1. Then, between 1997 and 2002, new strains of three different subtypes and five different genotypes emerged as the cause of influenza among pigs in North America. In 1997-1998, H3N2 strains appeared. This strain, which includes genes derived by reassortment of human viruses, pigs and poultry, has been a major cause of swine flu in North America. Reassortment between H1N1 and H3N2 produces H1N2. In 1999 in Canada, the H4N6 strain crossed the species barrier from poultry to pig, but contained in one farm.

The H1N1 form of swine flu is one of the offspring of the strain that caused the 1918 flu pandemic. In addition to surviving in pigs, the 1918 virus descendants have also circulated in humans during the 20th century, contributing to seasonal epidemics of normal influenza. However, the direct transmission from pigs to humans is rare, with only 12 cases recorded in the US since 2005. Nevertheless, the retention of influenza strains in pigs after these strains have disappeared from human populations may make pigs a hoard where influenza viruses can persist. , then appears to infect humans once human immunity to this strain has diminished.

Swine flu has been reported many times as a zoonosis in humans, usually with limited distribution, rarely with extensive distribution. Outbreaks in pigs often occur and cause significant economic losses in the industry, especially by causing stunting and extended time to market. For example, the disease costs the UK meat industry about Ã, Â £ 65 million every year.

pandemic 1918

The 1918 flu pandemic in humans is associated with H1N1 and influenza appears in pigs; this may reflect zoonoses either from pigs to humans, or from humans to pigs. Although it is uncertain which way the virus is being moved, some evidence suggests, in this case, pigs catch disease from humans. For example, swine flu was only listed as a new disease of pigs in 1918, after the first major influenza outbreak amongst people. Although recent phylogenetic analyzes of the types of influenza in humans, birds, animals, and many others and pigs show the 1918 outbreak in humans following reassortment events in mammals, the origin of the 1918 strain remains elusive. An estimated 50 to 100 million people are killed worldwide.

1976 US outbreak

On February 5, 1976, a US soldier recruited at Fort Dix said he felt tired and weak. He died the next day, and four of his soldiers were later hospitalized. Two weeks after his death, health officials announced the cause of death was a new strain of swine flu. Tension, a variant of H1N1, is known as A/New Jersey/1976 (H1N1). It was detected only from January 19 to February 9 and does not spread beyond Fort Dix.

This new tension seems to be closely related to the strains involved in the 1918 flu pandemic. In addition, subsequent increased surveillance found other strains circulating in the US: A/Victoria/75 (H3N2), which spread simultaneously, also cause disease, and persist until March. Public health officials are worried about deciding what action to take to confront another major pandemic, and urged President Gerald Ford that every person in the US be vaccinated for the disease.

Vaccination programs are plagued by problems of delays and public relations. On October 1, 1976, immunizations began, and three senior citizens died soon after receiving their injection. This resulted in media criticism linking this death to immunization, although there is no evidence that the vaccine is the cause. According to science writer Patrick Di Justo, at the moment the truth is known - that deaths have not been proven related to the vaccine - it is too late. "The government has long been worried about the mass panic about swine flu - now they are worried about the mass panic about swine flu vaccinations." This is a powerful setback for this program.

There are reports of Guillain-Barrà ©  © syndrome (GBS), a crippling neuromuscular disorder, affecting some people who have received swine flu immunization. Although there is an unclear relationship, this syndrome may be a side effect of the influenza vaccine. As a result, Di Justo wrote, "the public refuses to trust a government-operated health program that kills parents and paralyzes young people." In total, 48,161,019 Americans, or more than 22% of the population, were immunized when the National Influenza Immunization Program was effectively stopped on December 16, 1976.

Overall, 1,098 cases of GBS were nationally recorded by CDC surveillance, 532 of which occurred after vaccination and 543 prior to vaccination. About one to two cases per 100,000 GBS people occur each year, whether people have been vaccinated or not. Vaccination programs appear to have increased the normal risk of developing GBS to about one case per 100,000 vaccinations.

Demand for compensation was filed for more than 4,000 cases of severe vaccination damage, including 25 deaths, totaling US $ 3.5 billion, in 1979. The CDC says most studies on modern influenza vaccines do not see a connection with GBS. Although one review provides about one incident cases per million vaccinations, a major study in China, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, which includes nearly 100 million doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine, found only 11 cases of GBS, which is lower than the normal rate of disease in China : "The risk-benefit ratio, which is what vaccines and everything in medicine, strongly supports vaccinations."

1988 US epidemic

In September 1988, the swine flu virus killed a woman and infected another. A 32-year-old woman, Barbara Ann Wieners, was eight months pregnant when she and her husband, Ed, fell ill after visiting a pigsty in a county fair in Walworth County, Wisconsin. Barbara died eight days later, after experiencing pneumonia. The only pathogen identified was the strain of H1N1 swine influenza virus. Doctors are able to induce labor and give birth to a healthy daughter before she dies. Her husband recovered from her symptoms.

Influenza-like illness (ILI) is reported to be widespread among pigs exhibited in the exhibit. Of the 25 exhibitors of pigs aged 9 to 19 at the exhibition, 19 tested positive for antibodies to SIV, but no serious illness was seen. The virus can spread among people, as one to three health care workers who treat pregnant women experience minor illnesses like influenza, and antibody tests show that they have been infected with swine flu, but there is no community outbreak.

In 1998, swine flu was found in pigs in four US states. Within a year, it has spread through pig populations across the United States. Scientists found the virus originated from pigs as a form of recombinant flu strains from birds and humans. This plague asserts that pigs can serve as containers in which new influenza viruses emerge as a result of reassortment of genes from different strains. The genetic component of the three-year hybrid blot 1998 will then form six of the eight viral gene segments in the 2009 flu epidemic.

2007 Philippines Outbreak

On August 20, 2007, Department of Agriculture officials investigated the swine flu outbreak in Nueva Ecija and Central Luzon, Philippines. The mortality rate is less than 10% for swine flu, unless there are complications such as cholera pigs. On July 27, 2007, the Philippine National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) raised the cholera pig warning warning on Metro Manila and five Luzon areas after the disease spread to the backyard pig farms in Bulacan and Pampanga, even if this tested negative for the swine flu virus.

2009 Northern Ireland Outbreak

Since November 2009, 14 deaths from swine flu in Northern Ireland have been reported. The majority of victims reported to have previous health conditions that have lowered their immunity. This is closely related to 19 patients who died the previous year due to swine flu, in which 18 out of 19 people are determined to lower the immune system. Therefore, many mothers who have just given birth are strongly encouraged to get flu shots because their immune systems are vulnerable. Also, studies show that people between the ages of 15 and 44 years have the highest infection rates. Although most people now recover, having any condition that lowers a person's immune system increases the risk of potentially lethal flu. In Northern Ireland today, about 56% of all people under 65 who are eligible for the vaccine have been injected, and the outbreak is said to be under control.

2015 and 2017 Indian Outbreak

Swine flu outbreaks are reported in India by late 2014 and early 2015. As of March 19, 2015, the disease has struck 31,151 people and claimed more than 1,841 people. The largest number of reported cases and deaths due to this disease occur in western India including countries such as Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. MIT researchers claim that swine flu has mutated in India to a more lethal version with changes in the Hemagglutinin protein. But this is denied by Indian researchers.

There is another outbreak in India by 2017. The states of Maharashtra and Gujarat are the most affected states. The Gujarat high court has instructed the Gujarat government to control the deaths caused by Swine Flu. Actor Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao were among the newest to have swine flu. The couple talked about their battle with the H1N1 virus through a videoconference at the Satyamev Jayate Water Cup in Pune, which they had to pass through because of illness. More than 1094 people have died of swine flu in India from 2017 to 26 August 2017.

2015 The outbreak of Nepal

Swine flu outbreaks are reported in Nepal in the spring of 2015. On 21 April 2015, the disease has claimed 26 lives in the most affected district of Jajarkot in Northwest Nepal. Cases were also detected in the districts of Kathmandu, Morang, Kaski, and Chitwan. On April 22, 2015 the Ministry of Health of Nepal reported that 2,498 people had been treated in Jajarkot, 552 of whom were suspected of having swine flu, and admitted that the government's response was inadequate. The Jajarkot Outbreak was just declared an emergency when the April 2015 Nepal quake struck on April 25, 2015, diverting all medical and emergency resources into earthquake relief and recovery.

2016 outbreak of Pakistan

There have been seven reported cases of swine flu in Pakistan's Punjab province, especially in the city of Multan in January 2017. The Swine Flu Case has also been reported in Lahore & amp; Faisalabad.

2017 Maldives plague

On March 16, 2017, more than a hundred confirmed confirmed cases of swine flu and at least six deaths were reported in the Maldivian capital Male 'and several other islands. Emergency flu clinic opened in Male '. Schools, universities and colleges in the capital are closed, prison visits are suspended, some events canceled, and all unnecessary trips to other islands outside the capital are advised against HPA. Influenza vaccination programs focused on pregnant women begin shortly thereafter. An official visit by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to the Maldives during his Asian tour was also canceled at the last minute amid concerns over the outbreak of swine flu.

H1N1 virus pandemic history

A study conducted in 2008, and published in journal Nature , has successfully established the origin of the evolution of swine flu strain origin (S-OIV).

The phylogenetic origin of the flu virus that caused the 2009 pandemic could be traced before 1918. Around 1918, the ancestral virus, the origin of birds, crossed the boundaries of species and humans infected as human H1N1. The same phenomenon occurs soon after in America, where human virus infects pigs; it causes the emergence of the H1N1 pig strain, which later became the classic swine flu. However, the genetic coding of H1N1 suggests it is a segment combination of 4 influenza viruses forming a new strain - North American Swine (30.6%) - PIG ORIGINAL FLU North American Avian (34 , 4%) - ORIGINAL FLU Strain of human influenza (17.5%) Euroasia pig (17.5%) - PIG ORIGINAL FLU. RE-ASSORTMENT GENETICS QUADRUPLE - coinfected with influenza viruses from a variety of animal species. Because of coinfection, viruses can interact, mutate, and form new strains in which the host has variable immunity.

New reassortment events were not reported until 1968, when the H1N1 avian strain infected humans again; this time the virus meets the H2N2 strain, and the reassortment comes from the H3N2 strain. This strain remains a stable flu strain until now.

The mid-1970s are important for the evolution of the flu strain. First, the re-emergence of human H1N1 strains into seasonal strains. Later, a small outbreak of H1N1 pigs occurs in humans, and finally, human H2N2 strains appear to be extinct. Around 1979, the H1N1 strain of poultry infected pigs and caused the European swine flu and the Euroateatic H1N1 pig virus, which is still transmitted to the pig population.

The critical moment for the 2009 outbreak was between 1990 and 1993. A triple reassortment event in host pig H1N1 North American pig virus, human H3N2 virus and H1N1 avian virus produce H1N2 strain of pigs. Finally, the last step in the history of S-OIV was in 2009, when the H1N2 virus co-infected human hosts at the same time as the Euroasiatic H1N1 pig strain. This led to the emergence of new human H1N1 strains, which led to the 2009 pandemic.

On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization raised the world's pandemic alert level to Phase 6 for swine flu, which is the highest alert level. This warning level means that swine flu has spread throughout the world and there are cases of people with viruses in most countries. The pandemic level identifies the spread of disease or virus and not necessarily the severity of the disease.

Swine flu is spreading very rapidly around the world due to the high rate of human-to-human transmission and because of the frequency of air travel.

By 2015 the swine flu sample has increased substantially to a five-year high with more than 10,000 reported cases and 660 deaths in India. The states that report the highest number of cases and deaths are Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, and Telangana. Influenza strains that circulate into the same, unintentional strain that caused a global pandemic in 2009 (A H1N1 pdm 09), a sudden surge of cases in early 2015 left the Indian government inexplicable but concerned. The Government instructed affected countries to investigate the epidemiological reasons for the acceleration in the state, and has detailed advisory guidelines for all states. This guideline is primarily for (a) A H1N1 descriptions for rapid identification, detection and differentiation of other similar infection symptoms such as cold (b) c) screening of influenza A H1N1 cases, (c) clinical management protocols AI H1N1 influenza pandemic, (d) providing home care, (e) collection of human samples. In addition, through the National Disease Control Center (NCDC), Directorate General of Health Services (Ditjen Cipta Karya), the Government of India (GOI) has placed tender for the procurement of 8 Testing kit sets, 37 one-step kit RT-PCR kits, and 36 kits viral RNA extraction tool.

Diagram showing the life cycle of the H1N1 swine flu virus Stock ...


Maryland Discovers Swine Flu at County Fair â€

Further reading

Pigs In An Air Mask Represent Swine Influenza Stock Vector ...

External links

  • Official swine flu advice and updated information from the UK National Health Service
  • 8 minutes of video that answers general questions about the subject in
  • Swine flu chart and map Analysis and numerical estimates of current active case
  • "Pig Infection Diseases" at the World Organization for Animal Health
  • Worried about swine flu? Then you have to be afraid of the common cold.
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Swine Flu
  • Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy - The list of sources of new H1N1 influenza
  • The US Flu Pandemic Website
  • World Health Organization (WHO): Swine flu
  • Medical Encyclopedia Medline Plus: Swine Flu
  • Health-EU portal EU response to influenza
  • = Authorized & amp; status = Withdrawn & amp; status = Suspended & amp; status = Rejected & amp; keywords = Influenza & amp; searchType = ti & amp; taxonomyPath = & amp; treeNumber
  • The European Commission - Public Health EU coordination on Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Source of the article : Wikipedia
