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The Science of Esotericism and Occult Discourses
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In esoteric cosmology, a plane is understood as a subtle state, level, or realm of reality, each field corresponding to some kind, type, or category of beings.

This concept can be found in religious and esoteric teachings - eg Vedanta (Advaita Vedanta), Ayyavazhi, shamanism, Hermetisism, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Kashmir Shaivism, Sant Mat/Surah Shabd Yoga, Sufism, Druze, Kabbalah, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism (Esoteric Christian), Eckankar, Ascended Master Teachings, etc.-- which propound the idea of ​​a whole series of fine planes or worlds or dimensions that, from the center, pervade themselves and the physical planet in which we live, solar, and all the physical structures of the universe. This interpenetration of aircraft culminates in the universe itself as a structured, dynamic and evolutive physical expression radiated through a series of increasingly congested stages, becoming increasingly more material and manifest.

Emanation is understood, in accordance with esoteric teachings, originated, at the beginning of the manifestation of the universe, in The Supreme Being that sends out - from unmanifested Absolute beyond comprehension - the dynamic power of creative energy, such as voices ("Word"), into the abyss of space. As an alternative, it states that this dynamic power is being transmitted, all the time, framing all the things that make up and inhabit the universe.

Video Plane (esotericism)

Origins dari konsep

The concept of the plane of existence can be seen as deriving from traditional mythological and shamanic ideas from the vertical axis of the world - for example a cosmic mountain, a tree, or a pole (like Yggdrasil or Mount Meru) - or the philosophical conception of the Great Presence Chain, arranged metaphorically from God to to an inanimate object.

But the original source of the word "plane" in this context is the late Neoplatonist Proclus, which refers to to platos , "broad", which is equivalent to the use of the 19th-century philosophy. An example is the phrase id to psychiko platei .

Maps Plane (esotericism)

Concepts in ancient traditions

Concepts that are directly equivalent in Indian thought are locality and bhuvanas. In Hindu cosmology, there are many locations or worlds, identified with traditional cosmology and meditation levels.

Aircraft of existence may have been referred to by the use of the term that corresponds to the word "egg" in English. For example, the Sanskrit term Brahmanda is translated into "All creation" as opposed to the lazy inference "The Egg of Creation". Certain Puranic accounts assume that Brahmanda is a superset of a small fractal Egg set, as seen in the Brahmanda and Pinda equality statements.

Ancient Norse mythology gave the name "Ginnungagap" to "primordial" chaos, which is bordered on the north side by "Niflheim" cold and misty - land of mist and fog - and on the south side by fire "Muspelheim." When heat and cold enter the room occupied by Chaos or Ginnungagap, they cause the crystallization of the universe to appear.

In the Middle East and Middle East medieval people found references to the four worlds in Kabbalah, or five in Sufism (where they were also called tanazzulat, ), and also in Lurianic Kabbalah. In Kabbalah, each of the four or five worlds itself is divided into ten sefirot, or divided by other means.

The Astral Plane | TALL WHITE ALIENS
src: tall-white-aliens.com

Esoteric Conception

Medieval alchemists proposed the idea of ​​the constitution of the universe through hermetic language filled with esoteric words, phrases, and signs designed to mask its meaning from uninitiated ones into alchemical ways. In his book "Physica" (1633), Rosicrucian alchemist Jan Baptist van Helmont, writes: "Ad huc spiritum incognitum Gas voco" q.e., "The spirit I hitherto did not call Gas." Furthermore in the same work he said, "The steam I call Gas is not far from the Chaos that the people first talked about." Then, similar ideas will develop around the idea of ​​ether.

At the end of the 19th century, the term "plane" metaphysically was popularized by the H.P. Blavatsky, in The Secret Doctrine and other writings put forward a complex cosmology of seven planes and subplanes, based on the synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas. From theosophy, the term makes its way to esoteric systems later like Alice Bailey, who was very influential in shaping the worldview of the New Age movement. The term is also found in some Eastern teachings which have some Western influences, such as Sri Aurobindo cosmology and some later Sant Mat, and also in some descriptions of Buddhist cosmology. The teachings of Surat Shabd Yoga also include several areas of creation in the macrocosm and microcosm, including Bramanda eggs contained in Sach Khand eggs. Max Theon uses the word "Country" (French Etat ) rather than "Planes", in its cosmic philosophy, but the meaning is the same.

The planes in Theosophy are further systematized in the writings of C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Max Heindel is presented in the Cosmological Rosmucrucian Cosmo-Conception associated with the evolutionary scheme in general and the evolution of the solar system and the Earth in particular, according to the Rosicrucians. He establishes, through the conception presented, the bridge between modern science (currently initiating research into the subtansial nature of etheric behind the physical) and religion, so that the latter may be able to overcome human problems. inner questions posed by scientific progress.

Spiritual teacher Meher Baba proposes that there are six areas of consciousness that must be experienced before one can attain the realization of God in the seventh field: "Each stage of advancement certainly represents a state of consciousness, and the progress of one state of consciousness to another, the result side by side by crossing the plane in So six medium planes and consciousness conditions must be experienced before reaching the seventh plane which is the end of the journey and where there is a final realization of the God-state. "

2. The Creative Hierarchies. - Part 1 - Online Books • Lucis Trust
src: www.lucistrust.org

Emanation vs. Big Bang

Most cosmologists today believe that the universe evolved from a singularity some 13.8 billion years ago in a so called 'gross singularity' called Big Bang, which means that space itself appears at the time of the big bang and has grown since then, creating and carrying galaxy with him.

However, in esoteric cosmology expansion refers to the emanation or the unfolding of the ever-denser plane or ball of the spiritual peak, what is the Greek philosophy called The One , until the lowest and most material world is achieved.

According to the Rosicrucians, another difference is that there is no empty or empty space.

"Space is the Spirit in its attenuated form, whereas matter is the crystallized space or Spirit. Spirit in manifestation is a double, which we see as a form is a negative manifestation of the Spirit - crystallized and inert The positive pole of the Spirit manifests as Life, into action, but both Life and Forms come from Spirit, Space, Chaos! On the other hand, Chaos is not a state that has existed in the past and has now completely disappeared It is all around us in Today is not the old forms - who have lost their usefulness - are continually resolved back into that chaos, which as well as constantly giving birth to new forms, there will be no progress, the work of evolution will cease and stagnation will prevent the possibility of progress. "

esoteric | Definition of esoteric in English by Oxford Dictionaries
src: oup.useremarkable.com


In supernatural teachings and as held by paranormal and other esoteric writers there are seven areas of existence.

Most of the occult and esoteric teachings agree that there are seven realms of existence; However, many different occult and metaphysical schools characterize the field of existence with different terminologies.

Physical field

The physical plane or the physical universe , in emanationist metaphysics taught in Neoplatonism, Hermetism, Hinduism and Theosophy, refers to the visible reality of space and time, energy and matter: physical nature universe in Occultism and esoteric cosmology is the lowest or densest of a series of spheres of existence.

According to Theosophists, after the physical plane is etheric plane and the two planes are connected to form the first plane. Theosophy also teaches that when the physical body dies, the etheric body is left behind and the soul forms an astral body in the astral plane.

Psychic researcher F. W. H. Myers proposed the existence of a "meteorite world", which he wrote as a world of images outside the physical world. He writes that apparitions have a real existence in the meteor world which he describes as a dreamlike world.

astral planes

The astral plane , also known as emotional plane is where consciousness goes after physical death. According to the philosophy of the occult man has an astral body. The astral plane (also known as the astral world) is postulated by classical (mainly neoplastic), medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophy and mystery religions. This is the world of planetary spheres, which are crossed by the soul in its astral body in the course of being born and after death, and is generally said to be inhabited by angels, spirits, or other immaterial beings. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries this term was popularized by Theosophy and neo-Rosicrucianism.

Throughout the Renaissance, philosophers, Paracelsians, Rosicrucians and alchemists continue to discuss the nature of the intermediate astral world between Earth and the divine. The Barzakh , olam mithal or the middle world in Islam and "The World Yetzirah " in Lurianic Qabala is related concept.

According to the occult teachings, the astral field can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation, and mantra, near-death experience, clear dreams, or other means. Individuals trained in the use of astral vehicles can separate their awareness in the astral vehicle from the physical body at will.

The author of Theosofis Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa writes: "When a person dies, they become fully conscious in the astral body, after a certain time, the astral body is destroyed, and the person becomes conscious of the mental sphere."

Okultis George Arundale menulis:

In the astral world there are while all physical entities, men and animals, for whom sleep involves the separation of the physical body for the time from the higher body. When we "sleep," we live in our astral bodies, both fully conscious and active, or partially conscious and semi-active, as is possible, according to our evolutionary growth; when we "wake up," the physical body and the higher body interlock together again, and we cease to be the inhabitants of the astral world. "

Some authors claim that astral planes can be achieved by dreaming. Sylvan Muldoon and psychic researcher Hereward Carrington in his book The Projection of the Astral Body (1929) writes:

"When you dream you are not really in the same world as when you are conscious - in the physical - even though the two worlds combine to become each other.As a dream, you really are in the astral field, and normally your astral body is in the zone tranquility. "

Astral projection writer Robert Bruce describes the astral as seven planes that take the shape of the planar surface when approached from a distance, separated by a very large "buffer zone". These planes relentlessly repeat the grid of the controlled Cartesian coordinate system, characterized by a different single signature pattern for each plane. Higher planes have bright and colorful patterns, while lower planes look much bleaker. Every detail of these patterns acts as a consistent portal for different kingdoms within the plane, which itself consists of many separate realms. Bruce notes that astrals can also be inserted through long tubes that have visual similarities with these planes, and suspect that grids and tubes are actually the same structure approached from different perceptual angles.

In his book Otobiografi a Yogi , Paramhansa Yogananda provides details about the astral field learned from his teacher who raised Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. Yogananda reveals that almost all individuals enter the astral plane after death. There they work the seeds of the past karma through the astral incarnation, or (if their karma requires) they return to the earthly incarnation for further refinement. Once an individual has reached a state of meditation from nirvicalpa samadhi in the incarnation of the earth or astral, the soul can advance upward to the "illuminated astral planet" of Hiranyaloka. After this transitional stage, the soul can then move upward to the finer causal balls where many incarnations allow them to further refine until final union.

Mental plane

The mental plane , also known as causal plane is the third lowest plane according to Theosophy. The mental field is divided into seven sub-planes.

Charles Webster Leadbeater menulis:

In the mental world, a person formulates a thought and is instantly transmitted to another's mind without any expression in the form of words. Therefore, in plane language it does not matter one bit; but a helper working in the astral world, who has not yet had the power to use a mental vehicle.

Annie Besant writes that "The mental field, as its name implies, belongs to the consciousness that works as the mind, not the mind as it works through the brain, but when it operates through its own world, unencumbered with the physical matter spirit.

Detailed explanations of the mental plane, along with the mental body, are provided by Arthur E. Powell, who has collected information in Besant and Leadbeater's works in a series of books on each subtle body.

According to the Hindu occult the mental field consists of two divisions, the lower division known as heaven ( swarglok ) and the upper division known as the causal field ( maharlok ).

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami writes:

"The field of cause and effect is the world of light and blessing, the highest of the heavenly regions, praised in the scriptures of all religions.That is the basis of existence, the source of sight, the point of conception, the culmination of creation. the abode of the god Siva and the entourage of Mahadevas and other highly evolved souls that exist in their own form - the luminous body of light-particles of quantum light. "

Sri Aurobindo developed a very different concept from the mental field, through his own Vedanta synthesis (including Taittiriya Upanishad), Tantra, Theosophy, and Max ThÃÆ' Â © on ideas (which he received through The Mother, who was a Theon disciple in the occult for two year). In this cosmology, there are seven cosmic planes, three lower, corresponding to the relative existence (Physical, Vital, and Mental), and four higher, representing the infinite divine reality ( Life Divine bk.1 ch. 27) The Aurobindonian or Mental Plane thought is a great zone derived from mental vital to the overmental divine region ( Letter of Yoga , Jyoti and Prem Sobel 1984), but like the Theosophy concept which then becomes the objective reality of the mind or a mere thought.

Buddha Aircraft (also known as unity plane)

The buddhic plane is described as pure consciousness. According to Theosophy, the Buddhist field exists to develop a Buddhist consciousness which means being unselfish and solving any problems with the ego. Charles Leadbeater writes that in men the buddhist man expels the delusion of the self and enters the realization of unity.

Annie Besant defines the field of buddhism as

Continuous and conscious spiritual awareness. This is the full awareness of the buddhic level or intuition. It is a perceptive consciousness that is an outstanding characteristic of Hierarchy. The focus of human life shifts to the field of buddhic. This is the fourth or middle state of consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo mentioned the above level of the supermind's aircraft mentality.

Spiritual Field

George Winslow Plummer writes that the spiritual plane splits into many sub-planes and that on this plane living spiritual beings are more advanced in development and status than ordinary humans. According to metaphysical teaching, the purpose of the spiritual field is to acquire spiritual knowledge and experience.

Divine Field

According to some occult teachings, all souls are born on the divine plane and then descend downward through the lower plane; But the souls will work their way back to the divine plane. On the soul of the divine plane can be opened to conscious communication with the divine sphere known as the Absolute and receive knowledge of the nature of reality.

Rosicrucianism teaches that the divine field is where Jesus dwells in the consciousness of Christ.

The logo field (also known as a monadic plane)

The plane logo is the highest plane, it has been described as a plane of total unity, "I AM Presence". Joshua David Stone described the plane as a complete union with God.

The monadic plane (hyperplane) or continuum/universe, attach and penetrate the dirty hyper, each of which is a plane where monad or holy or exaggerated spirits are said to exist.

Esoteric Physics, Multi-Dimensional Perception and Spiritual Insights
src: 2.bp.blogspot.com

31 planes

In Buddhism, the world consists of 31 realms of existence that can be born again, separated into three realms.

The Summerland

The Summerland is the name given by Theosophists, Spiritualists, Wiccans, and some ground-based contemporary pagan religions to conceptualize their existence in the plane in the afterlife.

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) inspired Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910), in his major The Great Harmonia to say that Summerland is the culmination of spiritual achievement in the afterlife; that is, this is the highest level, or sphere , of the afterlife we ​​can expect to enter. Summerland's general description is as a place of rest for the soul after or among their worldly incarnations. Some believe spirits will stay in Summerland for the eternal eternal life, though others believe after some time some spirits will be reincarnated. The Summerland is also imagined as a place for recollection and reunion with loved ones who have died.

As the name suggests, it is often imagined as a place of beauty and peace, in which all those who are close to their hearts are preserved in its perfect beauty for ever. It is conceived as containing a vast (perhaps immortal) green hills fields and lush grass. In many ways, this ideology is similar to Welsh's view of Annwn as the afterlife. The Summerland is also seen as the place where people go in the afterlife in the tradition of Spiritualism and the Theosophy, which Wicca finds.

In Theosophy, the term "Summer" is used without "definite" articles. Summerland, also called Astral plane Heaven, is described as a place where souls who have been good in their previous lives were among the incarnations. Those who have been wicked go to Hell, which is believed to be below the surface of the Earth and are on the astral plane and composed of the most dense astral matter; The Spiritual Hierarchy functions in the function of the Earth in the etheric plane beneath the surface of the Earth.

It is believed by Theosofis that most people (those with high initiation levels) go to a specific Summerland set up for people of each religion. For example, Christians go to Christian heaven, Jews go to Jewish paradise, Muslims go to Muslim paradise, Hindus go to Hindu heaven, Theosophists go to Theosophical paradise, and so, every paradise becomes as depicted in the holy book of religion. There is also a generic Summerland for those who are atheists or agnostics in their previous lives. People who are members of a religion who do not believe in reincarnation are shocked when they arrive in heaven that they must be reincarnated again in a few dozen to several hundred years. Every paradise is believed to be a vast structure consisting of astral matter located in the astral plane about three or four miles (5-6 km) above the surface of the Earth, above the part of the world where a certain heavenly religion is meant for the most dominant.

The theosophists also believe that there is a higher level of heaven called Devachan, also called the Mental Paradise, which some but not all souls attain among the incarnations - only higher souls developed spiritually reach this level, souls who are in the first, second, and third initiation levels. Devachan is several miles (about 10 km) higher above Earth's surface than Summerland.

The eternal heaven of the eternal last hereafter believed by Theosophists that most people will go millions or billions of years in the future, after our reincarnation cycle in this Round is over. To go to Nirvana, it is necessary to reach the fourth or higher level of initiation, which means one is arhat so there is no need to reincarnate.

Occupants of various planes

Occult writers such as Geoffrey Hodson, Mellie Uyldert, and Dora van Gelder have attempted to classify different spiritual beings into the hierarchy based on the places and functions that they assume to the realms of life.

Charles Webster Leadbeater basically describes and incorporates his understanding of intangible beings for Theosophy. Along with him there are various airplanes associated with the human world and all inhabited by many entities. Each aircraft is acknowledged as consisting of discrete density of astral or subtle material and often the occupants of the plane have no sharpness from the others. Other Theosophical writers such as Alice Bailey, a Leadbeater contemporary, also give continuity of the concepts of the spirit theosophy and its works have a great impact on the New Age movement. He places natural spirits and gods as subtle creatures immersed in macro divisions of a multiplicity of intertwined universes, usually belonging to the etheric, astral, or mental plane. The subtle entities of the four kingdoms, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are the forces of nature.

The Dutch writer Mellie Uyldert, proclaiming himself a fortune teller, characterizes the likeness and behavior of subtle entities in the etheric field, which, he says, hovers over plants and transfers energy for plant vitality, then nourishes in the sun. He describes them as asexual gender, and consists of etheric material . They fly three feet above the ground, some have wings like butterflies while others have only small faces and aura that waves gracefully. Some are very large while others may have an inch in size.

See also

  • Astral body
  • Astral Projection
  • Aura
  • The chain becomes
  • Many world interpretations
  • Aircraft (Dungeons & amp; Dragons)
  • Silver cable
  • Spiritual evolution
  • Spirituality
  • Smooth body


Further reading

  • Blavatsky, H.P., Secret Doctrine , Theosophical Publishing House, 1888.
  • Heindel, Max, Rosicrucian Mystery (Chapter III: The Visible and the Invisible Worlds), 1911, ISBNÃ, 0-911274-86-3.
  • Poortman, Johannes Jacob, Vehicle Awareness. The Concept of Hylic Pluralism , Theosophical Society in The Netherlands, 1978.
  • Yogananda, Paramahansa, Autobiography of a Yogi , Los Angeles, CA: Self-Rehabilitation Alliance, 1946, Chapter 43.

External links

  • Vedic cosmology - planetarium
  • Thirty-One Aircraft Existence, according to Buddhist cosmology
  • "The Main Scheme of All Creations", part of the Miraculous Sant's Memorial Site of Singh Ji (a small Radhasoami cosmological diagram)
  • Creation According to Sant Mat
  • The Inner Planes of Creation - Al-Shabd Yoga/Sant Mat diagram
  • The Material World is a Reversed Reflection of the Spiritual World according to the Rosicrucian cosmology:
    • Seven Worlds
    • The Supreme Being, The Cosmic Planes and God

Source of the article : Wikipedia
