Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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Red-Footed Tortoise

The red-legged turtle ( Chelonoidis carbonarius ) is a turtle species from northern South America. Medium-sized turtles are generally on average 30 cm (12 inches) as adults, but can reach more than 40 cm (16 inches). They have dark-colored carapace (rear shell) with lighter patches in the center of each scales, and dark limbs with brightly colored scales ranging from pale yellow to dark red. A recognized difference is seen between red-legged turtles from different regions. They are closely related to the yellow-footed ( C. Denticulata ) from the Amazon Basin. They are popularly kept as pets, and over-collection has caused them to be vulnerable to extinction.

Their natural habitats range from savanna to the edge of the forest around the Amazon Basin. They are omnivorous with diets based on a variety of plants, mostly fruits when available, but also include grass, flowers, mushrooms, carcasses, and invertebrates. They are not brumate, but may be aestivate in hot and dry weather.

Eggs, hatchlings, and young turtles are food for many predators, but the main threats to adults are jaguars and humans. Population density ranges from common to very rare locals due in part to habitat destruction and over-exploitation of food and pet trade.

Video Red-footed tortoise


Red-legged turtles have many common names: red-legged turtles, red-legged, or red-legged (often without hyphens) and savory tortoises, as well as local names, such as carumbe < or karumbe , which means 'slow moving' (Brazil, Paraguay), wayapopi or morrocoy (Venezuela, Colombia) well like japuta and jewels (Brazil, Argentina).

All turtles and turtles were originally assigned to the genus Testudo (named by Carl Linnaeus in 1758) for a short time, but soon became a term for turtles with high-vaulted shells, elephant legs, and completely terrestrial habits - tortoises. In 1835, Leopold Fitzinger used Geochelone to distinguish some non-Mediterranean tortoises, apparently based on the size and lack of specific identifier characteristics such as hinged shells in African hingeback turtles. He used the term Chelonoidis as a subgenus for species from South America. Some people used these terms until they were resurrected by Hewitt in 1933 and Loveridge and Williams in 1957.

In 1982, Roger Bour and Charles Crumly separated the Geochelone into different genera on the basis of anatomical differences, especially on the skull. It results in the formation or restoration of several genera: Aldabrachelys , Astrochelys , Cylindraspis , Indotestudo , Manouria , and Chelonoidis . Chelonoidis are distinguished from Geochelone others by their South American locations, as well as the absence of nuchal (a marginalized margin in the neck) and a large, undivided supracaudal presence (scute or scutes directly above tail), as well as differences in the skull. Many of these generic names are debatable; for example, there are no specific definitions of Geochelone given, and Chelonoidis is mainly used for geography rather than unique anatomical characteristics.

The species name carbonarius means "coal as" refers to dark coal with luminous glow. Originally identified by Johann Baptist von Spix in 1824. The Holotype was kept at Zoologischen Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates in Munich, Germany, but was lost. Paulo Vanzolini believes it may have come from near the town of Manaus, Brazil, in Rio Negro. No subspecies of recognized red-footed turtles, although many believe that the species has five or more variants that may be subspecies or even separate species.

Maps Red-footed tortoise


Red-footed turtles show variations of gender, region, and individual in color, shell shape, and small anatomical characteristics. Adult carcasses are generally oval-shaped elongated with nearly parallel sides, although male sides can bend inwards. They are quite vaulted and smooth with slightly flat backs (although flutes can be raised or 'pyramids' on some individuals, especially captive specimens). Often, a high point above the hip is visible, with a small incline on the neck. The fibers of the vertebral and costal bodies (the membrane along the middle and the side of the carapace) are black or dark brown with pale yellow acids in the middle. Marginal (scales along the edge of the carapace) 'tucked under' along the sides and light up slightly above the limbs. They are dark with a pale aureole along the center of the lower edge. The nuchal scute (which is marginal over the neck) does not exist, and the margin above the tail combines as one large supracaudal. The growth ring is clearly visible in most individuals, but becomes obsolete with age.

Plastron (bottom shell) large and thick along the edges. The gular (the foremost pair of plastron scutes) does not protrude far past the front of the carapace. Male plastrons are deeply indented, and scute anal (the rearmost pair of plastron scutes) can be used for animal sex while color patterns vary by region.

The head is relatively small with a square and flat profile at the top, longer than the width. Large eyes with black irises, and rarely any sclera seen around them. The upper jaw is slightly tied, and the upper jaw is grooved in the center of the front. Approximately 15 to 20 'teeth' or subtle indentations occur on each side of each jaw. The nearly circular tympanum lies behind and under the eyes and is covered with a dark scale. Head scales are generally smallish and irregular, become small and pebbly in the neck. Many of the scales are pale yellow to red brick, especially on the top of the head, above the tympanum, around the nostrils, in the lower jaw, and on the side of the neck. Men are usually slightly more colorful than women, and colors vary by region.

The limbs are generally cylindrical with four claws on the front limb and five in the back, but no toes are seen. The front limbs are slightly flattened and the front surface is covered with large scales, mostly in the same color as the head. They are not as large or prominent as they are in more primitive species such as the African turtle being spurred ( Geochelone sulcata ). The tail is muscular, varying in length and overall shape by gender, and has no claws on the ends.

Average adult sizes vary by region and sex, and 'giants' are often encountered. Red-footed turtles average 30-35 cm (12-14 inches) with males overall slightly larger. Turtles up to 45 cm (18 inches) are quite common and more than 50 cm (20 inches) are sometimes found. The largest known specimen, from Paraguay, is 60 cm (24 inches) long, and weighs more than 28 kg (62 pounds). It is not known whether 'giants' represent food availability, genetic problems, longevity, or other possibilities.

Breeding and pink-legged turtles have much more rounded and flat carapace that starts like most pale yellow to brown. The new growth adds a dark circle around the pale center of each scales. Margin from a very young turtle, especially on the hind legs. This may be helpful in camouflaging against leaf litter and making small animals more difficult to eat. Young turtles are generally more colorful overall.

Sexual dimorphism

Men are slightly bigger and more colorful overall. Male carapace from the north of the Amazon basin shows a 'cervix', or constriction along the sides. Male plastron is deeply indented to help position during mating. Male tail is long and muscular, generally carried along the side while a short and cone-shaped female tail.

Anal scute varies to allow male tail to more mobility and allows more protection for the female's back end. The gap between anal scales and wider borders and analges form a wider angle - almost a straight line across the male to allow the tail to move laterally. The angle is more closed (about 90 ° angle) and the points closer to the margin in the female.

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Distribution and habitat

Red-legged turtles range from southeastern Panama to Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Guyana to the north; south along the Andes to the west in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia; east to Brazil, and along the southern range in Bolivia, Paraguay, and possibly northern Argentina. They are not evenly distributed within their reach. For example, they are not commonly found in central Brazil or in heavily forested areas in general, and have only been documented in Peru since 1985. Accurate range information is complicated by large ranges, political and geographical barriers, and confusion about where many specimens are collected.

They are also found in some Caribbean Islands, although it is not always clear whether they are genuine or brought by humans. Many colonies seem to have been established in the 17th century as a food supply or as pets. They are found in the Netherlands Antilles, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenadines, Santa Lucia, Martinique, Dominica, Guadalupe, Leeward Islands, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

The preferred habitat of red-legged turtles varies by region, but generally includes fairly consistent seasonal temperatures near 30 ° C (86 ° F) that rarely get lower than 20 ° C (68 ° F) or more than 35 Â ° Ã, Â ° C (95Ã, Â ° F), generally with high humidity and plenty of rainfall, although some areas can be very dry. Most ranges experience colder winters (April to August) and warmer droughts (September to March), but parts of the southern range sometimes experience a cold collision. Red-footed turtles are often found in or near transitional areas between forests and savannahs, such as forest clearing, wooden edges, or along streams.

Area variation

Various authors have divided the red-legged turtles into different groups based on anatomy and geography. Peter Pritchard recognizes seven types, but DNA research has identified five genotypes.

The most obvious difference is between groups found in the north or south of the Amazon basin. The 'north' variants are all very similar to the holotype and are distinguished mainly by the shell, head, and color of the extremities. The southern variant of the Amazon is generally larger and smaller than the holotype, has a very different plastral pattern, and has an enlarged or 'spur' scale on the inside of the front leg elbow.

Northeastern Variant

This is the species holotype. The color of the head and limbs are generally orange to red. Plastron is mostly pale yellow. They range in Guiana Shield - Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, and northern Brazil.

Northwestern variant

They are similar to northeastern variants, but their basic carapace colors are gray, dark brown, or coffee rather than black. Their pale plastron has a dark central area that resembles an exciting point. Their heads and limbs are generally pale yellow to orange. Average size slightly smaller than usual - 30-35 cm. They are found in southeastern Panama and Colombia.

Northern Variant

It's also similar to the northeastern variant, with the color of the head and limbs generally pale yellow to bright orange, rarely red, and their heads and limbs are often slightly different colors. Average size slightly smaller than usual - 30-35 cm. They are found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Southern Variant

Southern carapace carapas are often not black enough to dark brown, sometimes in light gray or whitish color among the layers. Their plastron is mostly dark in a symmetrical striped pattern. The size tends to be larger than the average northeast variant, with the largest individuals found in this area. The front limbs have a slightly larger scale on the 'elbows' side. Adult males do not have a limited waist, and the average female is slightly larger than males. They are seen in Gran Chaco - Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.

Eastern variant

The carapace of the eastern variant is often light gray or whitish among the layers. Their plastron is mostly dark in a symmetrical striped pattern. The size tends to be smaller than the average of the northeast variant, it also achieves sexual maturity at smaller sizes. The front limbs have a slightly larger scale on the 'elbows' side. Their heads and limbs are yellowish or red, starting bright red. They are east to southeast Brazil. The red-headed type of this variant is often called 'cherry-head' in pet trade.

Redfoot Tortoise Care & Housing (HD 720p) - YouTube

Population features

Little information is available on population density or sex ratios. Many specimens are recorded from research stations and nearby towns, but that is almost certainly more because of the ease of finding them there than the higher local population. They are considered one of the most common turtle species in many places. When a dam is built in the Edo region of Venezuela, several hundred red-and-yellow-legged turtles are caught for relocation. A large number were also found in the market, confiscated at the airport, etc. However, very few records exist from Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, and Central Brazil. In the Guiana Shield area, the island with a higher population and stretches where only a few are seen.

Counting turtles that are often well hidden, excavated, in burrows, etc. Difficult. Trained dogs find many that may not be found. One study showed a nearly equal mixture of 1.32 males per woman, and 1.05 red-footed turtles per hectare (2.4 hectares) on the island, which may be underestimated because of the difficulty in finding the turtles.

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The history of evolution and the fossil record

The Chelonoid genus has two main subcategories based on the appearance and habitat- C. carbonarius and C. chilensis groups. The C. carbonarius group has a close-legged red and yellow-tipped turtle that clearly has the same ancestor. The C. chilensis group features Chaco tortoises ( C. chilensis ) and GalÃÆ'¡pagos turtles ( C. niger ), which sharing similar habitat and basic appearance, but otherwise it does not seem to be closely related. The relationship between groups is not clear.

Several theories are offered to explain the relatively small number of turtle species in South America and the relationships between them, but the fossil record is not very complete. One long-held theory is that they came from Asia using a land bridge, then spread throughout North America and share ancestors with gopher turtles ( Gopherus species). Others keep their Geochelone ancestors floating from Central Africa, leveraging their ability to float, retain saltwater, and leave without food for long.

DNA studies show that the carbonarius group may be associated with African hingeback tortoises (species Kinixys ). This suggests that they may have originated from Gondwana before being separated to Africa and South America about 130 million years ago. An ancestral form of about 5mya, Chelonoidis hesterna (Auffenberg 1971), is thought to live in wet forests and is divided into two species in the Miocene with the remaining yellow-footed tortoisose in deep and red-footed forests that colonize the edge of the forest and savannas that appear. As climate and topography change, the red-legged turtle group becomes physically isolated and genetically isolated.

Adult Red Footed Tortoises - YouTube

Ecology and behavior

The red-footed tortoise climate in the northern part of the range changes little from day to day and rarely gets too hot for them, so tortoises do not have to practice all forms of dormancy and can often search for food all day long. Turtles in the Moskovitz research area are most active after 3 pm while many species from warmer climates will be most active in the morning and evening. Turtles from the southern part of the range experience much warmer, cooler, and drier conditions than most ranges and aestivates when food becomes scarce. They may expand or brasil when the temperature is low enough.

Most species of turtles spend most of their day off, and red-legged turtles generally spend more than 50% of the daylight hours at rest. They can rest even longer after a big meal, with a five to ten day stretch becoming commonplace. One large specimen seems to remain in the same position for more than a month. The resting turtle is almost immobile, allowing leaf litter to accumulate above it, and termites build tunnels in red-legged turtles.

They seek refuge in places that offer thermoregulation and protection from predators. Treefalls are the preferred sites, such as piles of debris, burrows (especially those of the armadillo ( Dasypodidae family) and agouti ( Dasyprocta

The shelter is often communal with many turtles that can fit into the room. Good shelter is very important, and visibility is so bad that the tortoise will leave a trail of scents that can be followed by them or others. Some shelters are heavily used by turtles that have a clear trail on the ground that leads to them, although individual tortoises can not return to specific shelters regularly.

In addition to public shelters and marking scents, red-legged turtles also show other signs of semisocial behavior such as lack of aggression at the eating place, not protecting the territory, and group feeding on fallen fruit and carcasses (though unusual for a single turtle to block access or even try to go with some food). Red-footed turtles often follow each other, usually smaller ones follow larger ones and are quite often followed by men, but all combinations are seen. They have also been observed following the clear aroma traces induced by individuals a day or two earlier.


Young and hatching turtles are at high risk for predation. Lizard species ( Tupinambis species), tail-ring tail ( nasua nasua ), and introduced rats and mongoos to attack nests and eggs. Many predators take young turtles, including large lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and even large turtles; predator birds such as species of curassow ( Crax ), guan ( Penelope species), rails, cuckoos, and eagles; and mammals such as cats (Felidae species), opossums, foxes, peccari, and wild dogs.

In addition to humans, the main predator of the adult turtle is the jaguar ( Panthera onca ). Red-legged and yellow-legged turtles appear to be an important source of food for jaguars in parts of their respective ranges, such as ManÃÆ'º National Park in Peru. Jaguar bit into the carapace and worked to break or pry it to extract the soft tissues. Many turtles show bite marks from the attacks they survive, often on the back end when they are protected in burrows or shelter.


Discussing the red-legged tortoise diet is difficult because of the variety of foods it eats, the diversity and availability of seasonal plants available across a wide range, interpreting what field reports are trying to decipher, and because studying pellet droppings is a very different result than what animals observe eating.

Forest-dwelling turtles in Chelonoidis , Indotestudo , Manouria , and Kinixys genera are omnivores with upper intestine and below. about the same length, while the genus of herbivores such as Gopherus and Testudo . have more colon to digest the fibrous grass. Most omnivorous turtles do not have any specific digestive structures, which reflect their flexible general diet.

Most diets are some kind of fruit or seed pod. Common fruits come from the cacti ( Opuntia ), figs ( Ficus ), pehen ( Acacia scent ), Spondias , Annona , Philodendron , bromiliads, and more. Up to five different types of fruit are often found in pellet stools. All the fruit is eaten, and the seeds are passed and can germinate, giving the red-and-yellow-legged turtles an important role in seed dispersal. Red-legged turtles have been observed at the base of the fruit tree, apparently waiting for the fruit to fall.

The rest of the diet includes grass, leaves, flowers, roots, and shoots of various plants and fungi, living invertebrates (such as ants, termites, beetles, butterflies, snails, and worms), carcasses, and impurities (especially from foxes). Turtles are often found on carcasses fed to satiety, and occasionally eat small live animals such as snakes and rodents. Gravel and sand are also often found in pellet droppings.

Seasonal diet changes and availability. In the rainy season it may be about 70% fruit, 25% leaf and fresh shoots, and the rest are mushrooms and animal foods. The dry season has 40% fruits, 23% flowers, 16% leaves and fresh shoots, and remains of mushrooms, mosses, and animal foods.

Omnivorous turtles look for foods high in calcium even if other foods are more available, and even eat mineral-rich soils if they do not get enough calcium in the diet.


Red-foot tortoises foraging in areas ranging from 0.63 to 117.5 hectares (1.6 to 290.3 hectares) typically create 'spiderweb' patterns centered on good hiding or recent fruit fall. They generally move methodically about 5 to 20 m/h (5.5-22 yd/hr), but can raise their long legs and move up to 100 m/h (109 yd/hr) when they want. While they are generally looking for zig-zag or looping patterns, they sometimes move 100 m (110 y) or more in a straight line, often at fast speeds. They show marked preferences for moving under moderate to dense vegetation cover.

Life cycle

All turtles and tortoises start as eggs. The red-legged turtle eggs are approximately round and average about 5.0 x 4.2 cm (2.0 x 1.7 inches) and weigh 50 g (1.8 oz) with two to seven eggs in clutch , though the same females might put some grip near each other. The incubation period is 105-202 days, with the typical 150.

The hatchlings use egg teeth to open the eggs. They stay in an egg or nest for several days. The deflector is bent almost half inside the egg and takes time to straighten. The 3.6 by 6.3 cm (1.4 by 2.5 inch) carapace is a hatchling flat, somewhat wrinkled from being folded in an egg, and has a serrated side. Little is known about the daily activities or diet of wild turtles that hatch. Subadult turtles grow rapidly to reach breeding sizes - approximately 20 to 25 cm (7.9 to 9.8 inches), depending on the average adult size of the regional variant.

The peak time for dating and reproduction is the beginning of the rainy season in April and May, although it can happen anytime. The sound of fights and possible aroma cues seem to attract other turtles to the 'courtship site' under a fruitful tree like Genipa . When two tortoises meet about a meter apart, they engage in some special behavior to identify the other. The first trigger is the color of head and limbs; bright red, orange, yellow, or white on dark skin identify other animals as the right species. Furthermore, larger turtles make jerky side-to-side head movements for two to four seconds. If both turtles are male, one will withdraw and retreat, or they may try to tear each other apart, try to get their gular scute under another, then push them a few feet as fast as possible. The losing turtle sometimes reverses to his back in the process. The losing turtle will leave the area afterwards. No head swings or ritual battles have been observed in the turtles in the southern Amazon Basin, probably due to the lack of yellow-turtledoes in the area. Men who ride other men, and even women who ride one sex have been witnessed and considered to be dominant.

If the other tortoise is female, she will move and the men will follow, touch her carapace and occasionally sniff the cloaca. If a woman stops, a man can wait for her to move on or leave. Men make a loud 'ringing' sound during the chase. After trailing, the male mounts the female, his legs planted in his carapace costals, slashed the anal scute against the supracaudal, and made the 'skin' hard. If the woman is back walking, she may fall and continue trailing. Women sometimes seem to deliberately use low limbs to bring down men. A receptive woman stretches her hind legs and lifts her plastron when the males are themselves on their long hind legs as they work to align their cloaca to be inserted. Tailor's tail, scales and penis are designed to overcome the shell's awkwardness. The man often bends over his head and holds his jaw wide open making the calls louder. He may bite him, too, sometimes quite aggressively. The shells can make a loud clack sound during strong pressure. Women walk away after intercourse, sometimes dropping the man from her.

Females begin nesting five to six weeks after mating. Digging nests is often difficult on hard ground. The woman can urinate to soften the soil before using her hind legs to dig a room about 10 x 20 cm (3.9 x 7.9 inches) in about three and a half hours. Inexperienced women often dig up some partial nests, and even experienced females may leave the nest they are working on and start another. When the nest is ready, it lowers its tail into the nest of its kind and deposits eggs every 30 to 120 seconds. He restored his nest and lowered his land. Females better dig, cover, and disguise the nest from time to time. Once covered and hidden, he often gets old drinking water, then finds shelter and rest. Very rarely, red-footed turtles lay their eggs on the surface, or in a patch of cactus.

Like other tortoises, red-legged turtles can reproduce most of their lives, although the number of eggs is knocked and the ratio of the hatchlings that succeeds increases with the maturation of the tortoise, then down again when the old tortoise ages. Due to the difficulty in determining the age of wild turtles, only a small amount of longevity data exists, although many live for 30 years or more in captivity.

Red-footed tortoise | Smithsonian's National Zoo

Conservation and relationships with humans

Red-footed turtles are considered vulnerable and are listed in Appendix II CITES, restricting international trade - though this does not offer any protection within a country and smuggling still occurs in large numbers. Conservation parks and sanctuaries, breeding farms under natural conditions, and increased breeding in other countries have helped, but they are still exported in large numbers - 35,565 from 2000-2005, mostly as pets and food. Recorded exports do not include smuggling or other losses, which some estimates are more than doubled. They are considered very risky in Argentina and Colombia, and are considered more risky than the yellow-footed turtles and Chaco.

They are widely used as food throughout their range, especially where other meat is limited. Their ability to go long without eating makes it easy to catch and keep them fresh for a long time. The Catholic Church allows turtles to be eaten on fasting days when most of the forbidden meat such as Lent. The tortoise pie ( pastel de morrocoy , served in turtle shell) is a favorite food for the time, and a large number of tortoises are exported just for that purpose. Even people living in countries with abundance of available cattle enjoy wild game, like turtles, whenever possible. Hunting food is so vast that Colombia and some other countries import turtles from neighbors.

Habitat destruction is another important threat to red-legged turtles, and so many other species. They are also widely collected as local pets and their shells are sold as souvenirs.

Red footed tortoises eating mice - YouTube

Captive Maintenance

Red-legged turtles are popular pet turtles around the world. They are relatively inexpensive, manageable size, have an interesting personality, and are colorful. Pet turtles should be purchased as captive from reliable breeders where possible to help protect wild populations and to avoid internal parasites.

Each reptile can carry Salmonella species , so guards should practice proper hygiene, such as washing their hands after handling animals or their wastes. Dogs, even well-behaved dogs, often attack or chew the turtles, so be careful if they are around.


All turtles should be placed outside the house when conditions permit. The outer pen should allow room for exercise, a safe wall at least 1.5 times higher than the long tortoise, and safety of both predators and escape. Housing and water should always be provided.

Indoor housing is generally tailored to the size of the turtle and should be safe and waterproof for these high humidity species, as well as offering enough space. Aquaria and plastic tubs are often used for younger turtles, while "tortoise tables" (similar to bookcase shelves lying on their backs), in minigreenhouse rooms, or large indoor pen can be used for tortoises large or group of turtles.


Heat, light, and humidity should be kept in the right guidelines for healthy turtles. The red-footed turtles are most active at temperatures of 27-30 ° C (81 ° to 86 ° F). A warmer area of ​​30 to 31 Â ° C (86 to 88 Â ° F) is required, and night temperatures may drop a few degrees lower. High humidity should be available in some parts of the habitat.

Lighting should be low and diffuse or many shadows should be offered. UVB light emitting lights are recommended to help the tortoise metabolize calcium properly and help regulate the pineal gland if the tortoise will be indoors for a long time.

Prisoner diet

Pet turtles should be allowed to find food in well-grown cages whenever possible. The basic diet should consist of a variety of plants, vegetables, and fruits with occasional meats, and are rich in calcium and fiber, and low in sugar and fat. Fruits should be kept as complete as possible. Commercial tortoise pellets can be offered along with fresh food.

Cilantro baby red foot tortoise. - Imgur


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External links

  • See a red-legged turtle video at the Naples Zoo
  • Red Foot Tortoise
  • Foot Tortoise
  • Animals from the Virgin Islands
  • Red Foot Tortoise AVPH - Turtles and Tortoises

Source of the article : Wikipedia
