Cart of Mexico has origins deep into pre-dated pre-dating periods, pre-dating ceramics and fire domestication. By the time the Spaniards arrived, there were a number of native forms, some of which are still made today. These and products introduced by Spain form a combined tradition that still exists today. Like other Mexican handicrafts, sales to tourists and collectors are important, but baskets are not as popular as other handcrafts. Techniques and materials of basketball baskets vary from region to region depending on available vegetation (with approximately eighty plant species used nationally), with important traditions in Sonora, the State of Mexico, MichoacÃÆ'¡n, Veracruz, Oaxaca and the Yucat Peninsula. ¡N.
Video Basketry of Mexico
Periode Pra Hispanik
Basketball is one of Mesoamerican's oldest crafts, which is important since the start of the hunting-gathering period and precedes both the manipulation of fire and the creation of pottery. The craft was originally developed from simple containers to collect groceries in nature and storage, to other items such as mats, boxes, chairs, cradles, slippers and some clothing items. Basketball in Mexico has two lineages, one native and one Spanish, distinguished primarily by manufactured products. Many products from pre-Hispanic times survive like mats called petates, carrying braces and baskets for the transport of goods to the market. The last two were very important at the time because there were no beasts, and merchandise was brought by people on the ground. Several pre Hispanic pieces are woven very finely with intricate designs, comparable to European rugs.
Much of the cart-making history has been lost because the basket can decompose. There are only fragments of baskets from archaeological records due to the degradation of biological materials used to make them. The best findings are in dry caves and stone plants, as well as the impression of baskets in ceramics. Most of the findings have been in dry and semi-arid regions of northwestern Mexico, with some found in the Ocampo and Romero caves in Tamaulipas, containing evidence of coils and braided items. Other important findings include the CoxcatlÃÆ'¡n Caves in TehuacÃÆ'¡n, Puebla, Guila Naquitz, Oaxaca, Gallo Caves and Chaguera Caves in Morelos, as well as in MichoacÃÆ'¡n and the Mexico Valley. This includes proof of rope and bag making.
Colonial Period
As no complete pieces survive, the best evidence of pre-Hispanic and colonial period basket forms is from contemporary codices such as the Mendocino Codex, chronic and written pieces that appear in the paintings. They confirm the existence of indigenous products such as petates, chairs (tollicpalli), seats with backs (tepotzoicpali), chiquihuites, tanates, tompiates, boxes (petlanali), sandals, nets, fans, mecapals (bring braces) and more. They also show that a number of products and techniques have been lost. For example, in the Mexican Valley, lakeside communities such as Xochimilco and Xoltocan are dedicated to making things like petates from the growing insistence on the waters edge. However, this has died with the drying of the lake.
The native craftsmen continue to make baskets throughout the colonial period. Unlike other handicrafts, it is considered truly domestic and therefore unregulated such as ceramics and woodworking, as well as no formal teaching by Spanish missionaries. However, European designs, such as baskets with handles, sombrero, palm braided for Palm Sunday and decorations of hearts were introduced, along with straw and wheat straw work.
19th century
Likewise, no part of the 19th century survives, but at that time, the daily scene painting became more popular, including the image of the house, which shows the survival of authentic items such as petates, along with sombreros and baskets of European style. European tourists in Mexico are documenting what they see, including the lives of ordinary people, with the baskets mentioned. One thing noted in the notes this time but not before is capote, a kind of rain robe made with layers of palm leaves.
the 20th century to the present
The early 20th century saw renewed interest in the Mexican craft tradition, including baskets. During the early 20th century hat-making from palm and other fibers was taught to prisoners in a city jail, something that has survived to this day. Author Manuel Toussaint notes the quantity and quality of baskets he found in Oaxaca during his travels, along with them in Puebla and the State of Mexico. For the 100th anniversary of the Mexican War of Independence, artists like Dr. Atl, Roberto Montenegro and others organized a nationwide handicraft and art exhibition. The exhibition produces a large catalog, of which Chapter 16 is dedicated to the basket. It gives an idea of ​​the state of the aircraft in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this catalog, Dr. Atl asserted that the most important basket items remain coffins, noting the use of tenure as a basic utilitarian item, with documentation of large basket production in the states of Puebla, Mexico State, Guanajuato, MichoacÃÆ'¡n and Jalisco. The making of miniature figures from Silao, Irapuato, Guanajuato and Santa MarÃÆ'a del RÃÆ'o, SLP are also mentioned. But mentioning work done in the northern part of the country does not exist.
Despite an interest in documenting craft traditions, there is no complete cut from before the 1960s remains. Although not as popular as other craft traditions, baskets can be found throughout Mexico, especially in indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz, with many made for collectors. However, a number of basket items are still used for local use, such as beds used by indigenous women in Sierra Norte Puebla, and pieces made for ceremonies in different parts of Mexico, such as a special basket made by the Series in Sonora. and Nahuas in the Huasteca region for the Day of the Dead.
Most craftsmen make part-time items, as a compliment to other economic activities, and workshops are based in the family home, with various participating members. Some craftsmen have been organized in cooperatives to promote their work. However, most basket products are easily replaced by manufactured goods, and in the resource areas needed to make them scarce. Basketry has declined in Mexico with the introduction of plastic containers in 1970 and similar products imported from Asia since 2005. For these and other reasons, baskets are not as important as other handicrafts such as ceramics, but still play an important domestic role and commercial role in the community rural areas in countries such as Guerrero, the State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Puebla, Sonora, MichoacÃÆ'¡n and Veracruz.
A microcosm of the basket market is at La Merced Market in Mexico City, which sells products from Puebla, Tlaxcala, QuerÃÆ' Â © taro, MichoacÃÆ'¡n, State of Mexico, Guerrero and San Luis PotosÃÆ'. There are about 30 stalls selling cart products in La Merced, many of which have been passed down from generation to generation. Most of the sales are to other merchants, like those who sell tacos de canasta, traditional sweets, and bakeries. Many sales happen together with certain celebrations. Holy Week sees the sale of baskets and palm trees. For Day of the Dead, petates, chiquihuites and small baskets are purchased as altar decorations. For Christmas, baskets are used for storing traditional food and décor. Much of this sale is for people from the edge of Mexico City where tradition survives better. However, many of these kiosks now have to offer cheaper Asian-made goods along with other items to stay in business.
Where tourism has a favorable impact on the conservation of basket traditions, it tends to have a negative effect on the resources used to make products because of demand.
Maps Basketry of Mexico
Basketry is related to other textile arts, except that the plant fibers are used more rigidly, ranging from rigid, hard work made from branches or wood pieces to pieces almost like fabric from leaf fibers such as ixtle (maguey fiber) and hennequin. Apart from ixtle and hennequin, the vegetation used can be divided into two types: hard or semi-rigid, which includes materials such as wood strips and willow branches or sticks for soft materials such as palm leaves, reeds, straw and other plant stems. The latter materials create items that are more flexible than the first. The materials used at the site of administration vary, depending on the local vegetation, and since it is largely dependent on plant fibers, it is mostly rural work, close to the source. The material can be mixed in the making of a piece, generally to give the pattern and texture, sometimes the color.
Since most materials are extracted from the wild, baskets affect the surrounding ecosystem to varying degrees. In Mexico about eighty plant species are used in baskets of twenty botanical families. These include agaves (Agavefourcroydes, A. sisalana, A. letonae, A. zapupe, A. funkiana), running and reeds (Arundo donax, Phragmites communis), palms (Acanthorriza mocinni, Brahea dulcis, Sabal mexicana, S. causarium, Acrocomia crispa), yucca (Yucca glauca, Y. elata, Y. treculeana, Y. mohavensis, Y. baccata), and various others (Smilacaceae, Bignoniaceae, Araceae, Dilleniaceae, Sapindaceae). It also includes the use of several trees such as willow (Salicaceae), pine (Pinaceae) and water plants such as lilies (Eichhornia crassipes) and thalia (Thalia sp.). Cultivated plant fibers include wheat and rye straw, along with hennequin. In recent decades new materials have entered into Mexican baskets including synthetic fibers, chains, metal rings, strips and leather.
The work of Hennequin and Ixtle does not use the whole plant, but the fibers are extracted from the plant. Hennequin is grown on the YucatÃÆ'¡n and ixtle Peninsula can be grown or collected from wild plants in semi-arid regions of various parts of Mexico. Both have been used to make strap bags, and nets, which have a high value in the past in making the rope.
In the last 20th century, the development of synthetic fibers, especially polypropolene and polyethylene as often cheaper and more colorful craftsmen, is important in areas where natural plant fibers become scarce. However, they have not replaced the use of natural ingredients. One community specifically noted for their work in this strip is Zapotitje Palmas in Oaxaca.
Cart products
Cart items usually consist of three types, flat goods, two or three dimensional shapes to carry or used for storage. Most are utilitarian, used then discarded when obsolete. Basketball in Mexico has two lineages. Original products include petates, tompeates, peacas, mecapales and soyetes, many of which survive to this day.
Petates are large mats made of reeds or palm leaves. The ones made with the latter have wider weavings. They have been used to wrap bonds, to sleep, bury the dead and events to celebrate weddings. They are still relatively common, especially in indigenous communities. Tompeates or tenates are made to store and transport fruits, vegetables and other merchandise to market. In pre-Hispanic and early colonial times, they were tied to one's back with mekapal (booster) to be transported because there were no burden animals in pre-Hispanic times. Currently the term is still used in some areas to refer to the container used to keep the tortillas warm. Sometimes the term tlaxcal is used instead. Petacas is a large container used for storing clothing, and in pre-Hispanic and colonial times it may be the only piece of furniture that looks like a slice in a poor man's home.
Cacles, capotes and soyantes are clothing items.
The items introduced by Spain include baskets handled, sombreros made with fiber braid, pizcadores, palm fronds for Palm Sunday, and a heart decoration made with straw (corazones de trigo).
Today, many of these items can be found. The most common items include handled baskets, tortilla holders, chairs, toys (generally miniature animals and objects, along with dolls), flowers, balls and bags. Another common item is soplador, a type of fan used to light a charcoal fire. The palm leaves are woven into a complicated design for Palm Sunday. In Veracruz, the basket technique is used to create traps for the fish that flows in the river. Ixtle and hennequin are still used, most often for the manufacture of bags and nets, and in the ixtle case, as a kind of embroidery thread for the skin.
Basketball Technique
There are several key techniques related to basket making in Mexico, rolls, braiding. weave and rotate. The technique used varies widely across the country as it depends on the available raw materials. The three-dimensional object has three parts, the center, from which the process begins, the walls (sides) and edges (s). The oldest technique is the coil, in which the fibers are pressed together, coiled into themselves and held up by sewing them. These types of vestiges have been discovered and dated archeologically, with the most famous example today being the Korita basket of the Seri people. One other technique is turning fiber on themselves. This is combined with weaving in mixed engineering pieces. The weave pieces begin with two or more cross pieces and the thinner pieces are woven over it. Generally used to make containers, carrying pieces and mats and the most versatile. This braiding technique is most often used for hat making.
The basket-baskets are adorned in several ways: paintings, changes in techniques when they take the shape and use of materials of different colors and textures. When the painting is selected, it is applied to the finished part. Sometimes other elements are added to the finished pieces, such as stitches, shells and feathers.
As working with ixtle and hennequin requires different techniques, such as separating fibers from the rest of the plant, this work is a subclass in Mexico under the name jarcierÃÆ'Â|.
Regional tradition
The main basket styles are North, Central, Mixtec/Oaxaca, Gulf of Mexico and Southeast, mainly divided by the kind of plant material used as raw materials.
Central Mexico
The basket from the Center of the state includes the states of Jalisco, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosa, QuerÃÆ' Â © taro, Hidalgo, State of Mexico, and Morelos. Tradition baskets here mixed up, mostly from European engineering and design but indigenous forms still produced. The most common materials include rush and reeds, especially in Mexican States, Morelos and Hidalgo, around the banks of the rivers Lerma and Tultepec, Lake Cuitzeo, Lake Patzcuaro and Lake Chapala. The work of willow branches to make baskets is also common. Palm leaves work in warm climates from Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, south to Morelos state, mostly to make petates, fanes and tenates. At Tierra Caliente of MichoacÃÆ'¡n, palm leaves are produced in abundance and used to make sombreros, tenates, fans, brooms and capotes (rain robes).
In the Mexican State, most of the basket craftsmen are indigenous, most of whom live in Jiquipilco, Temascalcingo, Tenancingo and Toluca (San AndrÃÆ'Â © s CuexcontitlÃÆ'¡n and San Cristobal Huichochitlan). A wide range of products are made from handled baskedts, tortilla guards, bags, placemats and more, with many having multiple colors, generally from dying fibers in different colors. Craftsmen in the Tenancingo municipality use ten plant species. In Amanalco, Donato Guerra and El Oro, baskets are made which include high fire ceramic ormanents, nickel-plated brass and glass. In Santa Ana TepaltitlÃÆ'¡n palm leaves are dyed in bright colors and spiral method is used. The city is used to produce an abundance of well-handled baskets and other items with animal and human decorative motifs. However, only a few such craftsmen remain. Young craftsmen make rough pieces and often make simpler geometric motifs.
At MichoacÃÆ'¡n, items from the basket are also varied, ranging from baskets and other containers of various sizes, miniatures, toys, and decorative items. The work of wheat straw is also common, most traditional for making heart-shaped sculptures for kitchens along with other decorative figures such as sun, moon, birth, and other Bible scenes. In ZacÃÆ'¡n, there are still some older artists who make sombreros use ixtle, which is waterproof and traditionally used for fieldwork. At UripitÃÆ'o a plant called cucharilla is used to make petates and fans. Sombrero for charros is also made in Jalisco state as well as San Francisco del RincÃÆ'³n, Manuel Doblado and Tierra Blanca, Guanajuato. The main basket manufacturer in Guanajuato is the city of Ichupio and QuerÃÆ' Â © ndaro, whose main clients are farming strawberries in and around Irapuato. In Silao, miniature and toys are made with basketry techniques.
In Sierra Norte Puebla, Otomis and Nahuas make cradles and carry bags using jonote leather, tradition dates back far to pre-Hispanic period. The Santa Cruz Community, Puebla still creates a fine petate with geometric design. The people of Santa MarÃÆ'a Chigmecatitlan make miniature figures such as musicians and circus performers along with complete birth scenes.
In the country of Guerrero, decorative baskets are made with geometric motifs and animals with palm fronds colored in various colors.
Baskets made with reeds and rushes are performed in different parts of the state of Oaxaca, such as the Central Valley, the Miahuatlau Valley, the Mixtec region and Tehuantepec, mostly baskets for the transport of merchandise. Most of these items initially were to bring merchandise to the market, along with petates and tenates. From the mid-1980s, the Oaxacan baskets, especially in the Central Valley as an Asian element were incorporated into their designs. Amador Martinez went to China to study bamboo basket. When he returned, he taught other craftsmen what he had learned. New forms have also been included in basketball workshops from prisons in Tlacolula and OcotlÃÆ'¡n. New forms and decorations have an ever-increasing level of acceptance in the region.
The most recognizable basket of countries is done by Mixtec, whose territory includes parts of Oaxaca, Puebla and Guerrero. Traditionally their work is almost exclusively done with palm leaves and recorded in the Sierra Codex. However, environmental degradation has made this raw material scarce, placing the aircraft in jeopardy. Those who still work with him create petates, soybeans, fans, tenates and sombreros, and for some households, it is their only source of income. The old decorative design is almost gone, but people can still be seen working on leaves in various public spaces. Nonetheless, the best petates are made in this region, along with the town of San Luis AmatlÃÆ'¡n. There are programs to support basket makers in the Mixtec Oaxaca area, such as FIDEPAL (Fideicomiso de la palma), a community dedicated to preserving and promoting crafts.
Another city noted in the Oaxaca Mixtec region is Zapotitlan Palmas, near Huajuapan de LeÃÆ'³n. Before the 1980s they made their merchandise exclusively with the type of palms (Sabal mexicana Mart), but since then they turned to polyethylene fiber for merchandise to be sold out of the city mostly in Huajuapan, with palm leaves devoted to use personal.
The North Cart includes work done in the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo LeÃÆ'³n, Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Durango and Zacatecas.
The Seri people in Sonora have one of the most famous basket traditions, with the most important items being a kind of basket called a corita. Until the popularity of ironwood carving, the basket is the famous main craft of the Series. Coritas is angry with brush or bush branches called torote (jatropha cuneatas), which grow in the desert. Except for the shoulder lid used to carry the package on the back, the basket is used to carry everything except the liquid by the Series. Shallow bundles are brought in the head by Series women, offset by the use of a head ring and carry everything from wood, harvest, meat and clothing. The basket is used for winnowing and storage. It functions as a suitcase, bucket and garbage container.
The heavy bucket bundles are made of a torote split bundle wrapped with a more flexible rod of torote rod. Torote is divided into teeth. The coil method is used, with construction so tight in a number of works that they can hold water. Traditionally it is women's work, but the demand for authentic caritas has brought men into their making as well. Traditional pieces such as containers and cradles are still made together with new works for the tourist trade, such as shallow bowls with various decorative motifs of the Series religion and culture. Some stories show that these baskets have magical properties or contain something from the spirits of the women who make them. The commonly used decorative color is red-rust, made from the roots of the family of krameria, most often gray chromeris, commonly called white ratany. Commercial dyes have recently been used. While the Series may decorate their baskets well into the past, the designs are more modern, probably due to the sale of goods to foreigners. The craft has declined due to the introduction of plastic containers, metals, etc., but continues due to tourism to the Seri area, but not as much as engraving as the process is more labor intensive.
Other northern basket traditions include the Pimas in Sonora, which weaves petates and palm leaf hats, along with a spiral basket. In Baja California, Cochimies and Pai-pies weave palm leaves, cedar leaves and willow boughs, using a spiral method to make baskets. The Tarahumara in Chihuahua works with palm leaves, reeds and pine needles. Many of the baskets there are small, similar to pre-Hispanic weavings. People of pine needles keep their distinctive smell for some time. The basket for carrying water, called guares, has double walls. The Huichols in Durango, Nayarit and Jalisco make hats and small box containers with palm leaves. The boxes are similar to martial, but with a rectangular prism shape. Traditionally this has been used for storing arrows.
Gulf of Mexico/Southeast
The Gulf of Mexico and the Southeast extend the length of the state of Veracruz and into the YucatÃÆ'¡n and Chiapas peninsula. Basketball is made throughout the state of Veracruz, with each ethnic and regional group producing its own style, based on needs and other factors. Over time a number of utilitarian goods and traditional ceremonies have been converted into decorative items, and still support a number of Veracruz families. The Totonac mainly uses reeds, (A. donax) among others.) In southern Veracruz, the Nahua community of PajapÃÆ'¡n and Hueyapan de Ocampo produces elaborate baskets with rattan and roots of Philodendrum radiatum and Monstera deliciosa. At the center of the state, the mestizo group makes various products such as layers of palm in Tigrillos and shrimp traps in Jalcomulco located in the center of Veracruz on the eastern side of Cofre de Perote. Surrounded by a semi-deciduous rainforest with over 800 plant species, as well as orchards and fields with sugar cane and other plants. The baskets are mostly associated with the harvest of crayfish and freshwater shrimp forming the Los Pescados River, using a traditional basket-like trap from the reeds. Since the 1990s, the economy has shifted from agriculture and fisheries to ecotourism. This has led many trap makers to extend their skills to other objects such as decorative baskets, vases, fruit bowls, lamp bases and more. The demand for this product has taken a toll on the crop used for this purpose.
In Chiapas, palm fronds are often used, along with ixtle, most commonly used by Lacandons to make bags and nets. In Tabasco palm leaves are used to make petates and various types of fans. In Campeche and part of the state of YucatÃÆ'¡n they make excellent hats of a special species of palm, called local jipi-japa. This work is often done in caves to keep the fibers moist and flexible as they work. The best known communities for this work include Ticul, YucatÃÆ'¡n and Becal, Campeche. Palm palm baskets are made throughout the YucatÃÆ'¡n peninsula, often dyed, using the coil method. Most of these baskets are made by women, with the community best known for this activity is HalachÃÆ'³.
External links
- Cart from Toluca Valley - Burke Museum Collection
Source of the article : Wikipedia