Bhakti yoga , also called Bhakti clan (literally Bhakti street ), is a spiritual path or spiritual practice in Hinduism that focuses on full devotion love of the personal god. This is one of the paths in Hindu spiritual practice, the other is Jnana yoga and Karma yoga. Tradition has ancient roots. Bhakti is mentioned in Shvetashvatara Upanishad where it means participation, devotion and love for every effort. Bhakti yoga as one of the three spiritual paths for salvation is discussed in depth by Bhagavad Gita .
Personal gods vary with devotees. These may include gods or goddesses like Ganesha, Krishna, Radha, Rama, Sita, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shiva, Parvati, Durga among others.
The Bhakti clan involving these gods grew up with the Bhakti Movement, beginning around the middle of 1 millennium CE, from Tamil Nadu in South India. This movement is led by Saiva Nayanars and Vaisnava Alvars. Their ideas and practices inspired bhakti and devotional poetry throughout India during the 12th-18th century. Bhakti clan is a part of religious practice in Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism.
Video Bhakti yoga
The Sanskrit word bhakti comes from the root bhaj , which means "share, share, take part, participate, belong." The word also means "attachment, devotion to, joy, honor, faith or love, worship, piety to something as a spiritual principle, religion or means of salvation."
The term yoga literally means "unity, yoke", and in this context contains a sense of way or practice for "salvation, liberation". The yoga here is "joined together, unity" from someone Atman (the true self) with the concept of Brahman (Real Reality).
According to Samrat Kumar, bhakti yoga is an Indian tradition of "divine love mysticism", the spiritual path "which is identical to a deep understanding of the unity and harmony of the eternal individual with the Divine (Universal Being) and all creatures, the constant pleasure."
Bhagavad Gita
Bhakti yoga is one of three yoga taught in Bhagavad Gita . Bhakti yoga is, according to Peter Bishop, devotion of a loving devotee to a personal god as a way of spirituality. The other two paths are jnana yoga , the path of wisdom in which Hinduism pursues introspective knowledge and self-understanding as a spiritual exercise, while karma yoga is the path of virtuous action (karma)) does not expect gifts or consequences for doing the right thing, or nishkama karma . Later, new movements in Hinduism add the king's yoga as the fourth spiritual path, but this is not universally accepted as distinct from the other three.
Bhagavata Purana
The Bhagavata Purana is a popular and influential text in the tradition of Vaishnavism, and it deals with Ishvara pranidhana (devotion to a personal deity). The Sanskrit text presents various special devotional modes for the incarnation of Vishnu, especially in the case of "Narayana, Krishna". According to Edwin Bryant, and other scholars, the Bhakti yoga taught in this text is inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita , and they focus on " the ultimate truth of the individual self and the love affair with the personal god ". Presentations in the Bhagavata Purana are not in abstract terms, but through "interesting and fun stories that capture hearts and minds", the goal of Bhakti yoga, states Bryant.
Maps Bhakti yoga
Hinduism, in its holy book like chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita, recognizes four types of worshipers practicing Bhakti yoga. Some practice it because they are hard pressed or suppressed by their anxiety or circumstances and see Bhakti yoga as a form of help. The second type practiced Bhakti yoga to learn about god because of curiosity and intellectual intrigue. The third type seeks rewards in this or in the afterlife through their Bhakti yoga. The fourth is those who love gods who are driven by pure love, knowing and searching for anything beyond the experience of the unity of love.
According to these Hindu texts, the highest spiritual level is the fourth, those who worship because of their knowledge of love. The Bhagavad Gita states that all four types of Bhakti yogis are noble because pursuing Bhakti yoga they sooner or later embark on a journey in the way of spirituality, it keeps one from negativity and evil karma, it causes spiritual transformation towards the goal of Bhakti yoga, to "recognize god as their essence and their true selves with God".
The main traditions include Shaiva who focus on Shiva theology; Vaishnavas who worship Vishnu or his avatars like Krishna and Rama; and Shakta which focus on the goddess, also called Devi like Durga, Kali, Lakshmi and Parvati. These are all considered as manifestations or aspects of the same metaphysical reality that Brahman calls in Hinduism.
Panchayatana puja
Panchayatana puja is a bhakti form found in the Hindu Smarta tradition. It consists of the worship of various gods simultaneously: Shiva, Vishnu, Devi or Durga, Surya and Devata Ishta like Ganesha or Skanda or personal god of the worshiper preference.
Philosophically, the Smarta tradition emphasizes that all images (murti) are icons of the Brahman saguna, a means of thinking about the abstract Ultimate Reality called Brahman's user. Five or six icons are seen by Smartas as a double representation of one Saguna Brahman (ie, personal God with form), not as a different being. The main goal in this practice is to transition through the use of icons, then follow the philosophical and meditative pathways to understand the unity of Atman (soul, self) and Brahman - as "That Thou Art thou".
Saiva Siddhanta
The tradition of "aivasiddh" Nta supports Bhakti yoga, emphasizing the devotion of devotion to Shiva.The theology presents three universal realities:
The historic Literature of Shaiva Siddhanta is a huge collection of texts. The practice of Shaiva Siddhanta has focused on abstract ideas of spirituality, worship and devotion of love to Shiva as SadaShiva, and teaches the authority of Veda and Shaiva Agamas.
Shakti Bhakti
Bhakti Dewi is another important tradition, found in Shaktisme. The theology of the unity and unity of the "goddess and worship goddess", their eternal fearless love for each other is a theme found in Devi Gita , a text embedded within Devi-Bhagavata Purana. Practices of certain Bhakti yoga among the Shakta are similar to those in other Hinduism traditions. Shakta devotion is common in the eastern states of India, especially West Bengal. The personal gods here vary, and include Durga, Tara Ma (Buddhist influence), Kali and at the lower levels of Saraswati, Lakshmi, Bharat Mata (goddess of land), according to June McDaniel.
The Bhakti yoga tradition is historically most associated with Vaishnavism. The personal god here is Vishnu or one of his avatars. In many areas, loving devotion is good for Vishnu-Lakshmi (gods) together, or through Lakshmi who is regarded as Vishnu shakti. Avatar specific varies by devotees and regions, but the most common are Krishna and Rama.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
In the Krishna-oriented tradition of Vaishnavism, Chaitanya Charitamrita Krishnadasa Kaviraja interprets Section 7.5.23-24 of the Bhagavata Purana to teach nine types of bhakti sadhana, in the words of Prahlada. David Haberman translates it as follows:
(1) ? Rava? A ("listening to" the stories of Krishna's scriptures and his friends), (2) k? Rtana ("praising"; usually refers to singing ecstatic groups), (3) smara? a ("remembering" or improving your mind on Wisnu), (4) p? (5) arcana (adoring images), (6) vandana (paying homage), (7) d? Sya (slave), (8) s? Khya (friendship), and (9) ? Tma-nivedana (self-surrender).
These nine principles of devotional service are united by Rupa Goswami in connection with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as an integral part of Krishna's spiritual training.
Meher chin
A movement led by Meher Baba states that "from a number of practices that lead to the ultimate goal of mankind - the Realization-God-Bhakti Yoga is one of the most important.Almost all mankind is related to > Bhakti Yoga , which, in simple terms, means the art of worship, but it must be understood in all its real aspects, and not only in the narrow and superficial sense, where the term is commonly used and interpreted.A deep worship based on the ideals high ideals of philosophy and spirituality, driven by divine love, must be true Bhakti Yoga ".
See also
- Narada Bhakti Sutra
- Kirtan
- Mariasusai Dhavamony (1971). Love of God according to? aiva Siddh? nta: a study in mysticism and theology? aivism . Clarendon Press. Ã,
- Jeaneane D. Fowler (2012). Bhagavad Gita: A Text and Comments for Students . Sussex Academic Press. ISBN: 978-1-84519-520-5. < span>
- Jeaneane D. Fowler (2002). The perspective of reality: an introduction to Hinduism philosophy . Sussex Academic Press. ISBN: 978-1-898723-93-6.
- Sanderson, Alexis (1988). "Saivism and Tantra Tradition". In S Sutherland; et al. World Religions . Routledge. CS1 maint: Explicit usage et al. (link)
- Hilko Wiardo Schomerus (2000). ? aiva Siddh? nta: Indian School of Mystical Thought: Presented as System and Documented from Tamil Original Source . Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN: 978-81-208-1569-8.
Source of the article : Wikipedia