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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (08/03/1714 - 14/12/1788) | Remarkable ...
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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (March 8, 1714 - December 14, 1788), also previously spelled Karl Philipp Emmanuel Bach , is a musician and composer of the German Classical period, the fifth and second child ( congratulations) son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach. The second name was given in honor of his godfather Georg Philipp Telemann, a friend of Johann Sebastian Bach.

C. P. E. Bach was an influential composer who worked on the transition between his father's baroque style and the classical and romantic styles that followed him. His personal, expressive and often turbulent approach known as "empfindsamer Stil or" sensitive style ", applying the principles of rhetoric and drama for the musical structure. Bach Dynamics stands in deliberate contrast with a more polite galant style also later in fashion.

To distinguish him from his brother Johann Christian, "London Bach," who is currently a music teacher for the Queen of England, CPE Bach is known as "Berlin Bach" during his residence in the city, and later as "Hamburg Bach" when he replaced Telemann as Kapellmeister in there. He is known only as Emanuel to his contemporaries.

Video Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach


Tahun-tahun awal: 1714-38

C. P. E. Bach was born on March 8, 1714 in Weimar to Johann Sebastian Bach and his first wife, Maria Barbara. He is the third son of composer. Composer Georg Philipp Telemann was his godfather. When he was ten years old, he entered St. Thomas in Leipzig, where his father had become a singer in 1723. He was one of Bach's four sons to become a professional musician; all four are trained in music almost entirely by their fathers. In the age of royal patronage, fathers and children alike know that university education helps prevent a professional musician from being treated as a servant. Carl, like his brothers, pursued further studies in jurisprudence at the University of Leipzig in 1731 and in Frankfurt-on-the-Oder in 1735. In 1738, at the age of 24, he earned his degree but never practiced law, instead turned his attention immediately to music.

Berlin Berlin years: 1738-68

A few months after Bach's graduation, armed with recommendations by the brothers Graun (Johann Gottlieb and Carl Heinrich) and Sylvius Leopold Weiss, obtained a pledge in Berlin in the service of Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia, the future of Frederick the Great. After Frederick's accession in 1740, Bach became a member of the royal orchestra. He is currently one of the leading clavier players in Europe, and his compositions, dating from 1731, include about thirty sonatas and concert pieces for the harpsichord and clavichord. During his stay there, Berlin is a rich artistic environment, where Bach mixes with many accomplished musicians, including some of his father's renowned disciples, and important literary figures, such as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, with whom the composer will become close friends.

In Berlin, Bach continues to write many parts for a solo keyboard, including a series of character pieces, called "Berlin Portraits", including "La Caroline". His reputation was founded by two pairs of sonata which he published with dedication to Frederick the Great (1742) and to Charles Eugene, Duke of WÃÆ'¼rttemberg (1744). In 1746, he was promoted to the position of room musician (kiermermusikus) and served the king along with his colleagues such as Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Joachim Quantz, and Franz Benda.

The composer who most influenced Bach's maturation style was undoubtedly his father. He received creative inspiration from his godfather Georg Philipp Telemann, then worked in Hamburg, and from contemporaries like George Frideric Handel, Carl Heinrich Graun and Joseph Haydn. Bach's interest in all types of art led to the influence of poets, playwrights and philosophers such as Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Moses Mendelssohn and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Bach's own work influences the works, among others, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Felix Mendelssohn.

During his stay in Berlin, Bach arranged the arrangement of the Magnificat (1749), in which he showed more traces than his father's usual influence; an Easter canton (1756); some symphonies and concerts; at least three volumes of songs, including Gellert Songs are celebrated; and some secular cantatas and other occasional pieces. But his main work is concentrated on the clavier, which he composed, at present, nearly two hundred sonata and other solos, including the set of Mit verÃÆ' ¤nderten Reprisen ( With Varied Repairs , 1760-1768).

While in Berlin, Bach placed himself at the forefront of European music with a treatise, Versuch ÃÆ'¼ber die wahre dav Clavier zu spielen > ( Essay on the True Art of Keyboard Playing ), soon recognized as the definitive work on keyboard techniques. "Both Haydn and Beethoven swear by that." In 1780, the book was in the third edition and laid the groundwork for Clementi and Cramer keyboard methods. Essays describe the fingering for each chord and some chord sequences. Bach techniques continue to be used today. The first part of the Essay contains chapters that describe the various ornaments in the work period, for example, trill, turn around, mordents, etc. The second section presents Bach's ideas on bass and counter art, in which he gives preference to the contrapuntal approach to harmonization of new ideas from Rameau's theory of harmony and root development.

Hamburg: 1768-88

In 1768, after protracted negotiations, Bach was allowed to relinquish his position to succeed his godfather, Telemann as the music director Kapellmeister ) in Hamburg. After being released from court service, he was appointed a court composer to Frederick's sister, Princess Anna Amalia. The title is honor, but its patronage and interest in the oratorio genre may play a role in nurturing the ambitious choir works that followed.

Bach began to turn more of his energy into ecclesiastical music and choir in his new position. The work required a steady musical production for the service of the Protestant church at the Michaeliskirche (St. Michael's Church) and elsewhere in Hamburg. The following year he produced the most ambitious work, oratorio Die Israeliten in der WÃÆ'¼ste ( Israel in the Desert ), a remarkable composition not only because of its extraordinary beauty but for the resemblance of his plans with Felix Mendelssohn Elijah . Between 1768 and 1788, he wrote twenty-one Passion settings, and seventy cantatas, litanies, motets, and other liturgical pieces. In Hamburg he also presents a number of works by his contemporaries, including his father, Telemann, Graun, Handel, Haydn, Salieri and Johann David Holland (1746-1827). The Bach choir's output culminated in two works: the 1776 Heilig Holy double chorus, the seraph song arrangement of the throne scene in Isaiah, and the oratories of Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu ( The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus ) of 1774-82, which establishes the harmonization of the poetic gospel by poet Karl Wilhelm Ramler. The widespread admiration of Auferstehung resulted in three 1788 performances in Vienna sponsored by Baron Gottfried van Swieten and performed by Mozart.

Bach married Johanna Maria Dannemann in 1744. Only three of their sons lived to adulthood: Johann Adam (1745-89), Anna Carolina Philippina (1747-1804), and Johann Sebastian "the Younger" (1748-78). No one became a musician and Johann Sebastian, a promising painter, died in his late twenties during his 1778 trip to Italy. Emanuel Bach died in Hamburg on December 14, 1788. He was buried in Hamburg's Michaeliskirche .

Maps Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach



Among Bach's most popular and often recorded works are his symphonies. While in Berlin, he wrote several symphonic strings (Wq. 173-181), most of which were later revised to add parts to the wind instrument. Of these, E minor symphony, Wq. 178, is very popular.

In Hamburg, Bach wrote six major string symphonies for Gottfried van Swieten, Wq. 182. These works were not published in his lifetime (van Swieten, who had assigned them to be written in a more "difficult" style, preferring to keep them for personal use), but since their rediscovery has become increasingly popular.

However, Bach's best work in form (according to his own estimation) is definitely four Orchester-Sinfonien mit zwÃÆ'¶lf obligaten Stimmen , Wq. 183, which, by its title, is written with the obbligato wind section that is an integral part of the texture, instead of being added to the older symphony of the string. The first symphonic (D major) in the set is very popular, seeing the continued performance and tradition of publicity throughout the 19th century, making it the earliest symphony. Some of the more unusual features have been taken as Bach style characteristics: the work, even though it's in the main D, begins on the major chord of D, which then turns into the seventh-dominant D chord, describes G majors. In fact, there is no rhythm on D major (D major not "confirmed" as the key of the piece) until the beginning of recapitulation, quite late in the paper.


Bach is a prolific concert writer, especially for keyboards. Like his father, he often writes concertos for various instruments, which leads to the problem of determining which comes first. For example, three cello concertos (Wq. 170-172), which are the basis of the instrument's repertoire, are often regarded as transcripts of the harpsichord version, but recent research suggests that they may be originally for cello.

According to Bach, the best concerto keyboard is Sei concerti per il cembalo concertato , Wq. 43, which is written to be somewhat more interesting, and somewhat easier to play. Another concert was written for oboe, flute, and organ. Bach also writes for a more unusual combination, including the ultimate E-flat concertos for harpsichord pianos and . In addition, he wrote several sonatinas for one or more keyboards and orchestras.

Music space

The music of Bach's booth forms something of a bridge between the stereotypical Baroque and Classical forms. On the one hand, he wrote a trio of sonata and a solo sonata with basso continuo (including those for lyres and viola da gamba); on the other hand, he wrote several accompanying sonata for piano, violin, and cello, more or less early trio pianos, and three very popular quartets for keyboards, flutes, and viola. Bach also wrote one of the earliest pieces for a solo flute, a sonata that was clearly influenced by his father's Partita in A minor for a solo flute, BWV 1013.

Keyboard sonatas

Bach adalah penulis produktif dari sonata keyboard, banyak yang ditujukan untuk instrumen favoritnya, clavichord. Selama masa hidupnya, ia menerbitkan koleksi music keyboard lebih dari yang lain, dalam koleksi berikut:

  • Be sonata per cembalo che all 'augusta maestÃÆ' di Federico II, kembali di Prussia , 1742 ("Prusia" sonata), Wq. 48.
  • Be sonata per cembalo, persembahkan semua 'altezza serenissima di Carlo Eugenio, Duca di Wirtemberg, 1744 ("Wuerttemberg" sonatas), Wq. 49.
  • Eighteen Rehearsal Pieces di Six Sonatas , 1753 ("Rehearsals" sonatas), Wq. 63.
  • Six Sonatas for the Clavier with Changed Reprints , 1760 ("reprises" sonata), Wq. 50.
  • Continuation of Six Sonatas for the Clavier , 1761 (Sonata Continuation), Wq. 51.
  • Second Continuation of Six Sonatas for the Clavier , 1763 (sonata "Second Continuation"), Wq. 52.
  • Six Easy Clavier Sonatas , 1766 ("Light" sonatas), Wq. 53.
  • Enam Sonates menuangkan le Clavecin ÃÆ' l'Usage des Dames , 1770 ("Ladies" sonata), Wq. 54.
  • Enam koleksi Clavier Sonatas for connoisseurs and lovers , 1779-87 (sonata connoisseurs and lovers), Wq. 55-59, 61.

Most of Bach's energy during his final years is dedicated to the publication of the collection of "Kenner und Liebhaber" (which also includes fantasy and rondos, see below).

Wq. 64: 1-6 are six sonatinas for the keyboard, and Wq. 65: 1-50 is fifty further keyboard sonata. Sonata in E flat major, Wq.Ã, 65: 7, based on Solo per il cembalo , BWV Anh. III 129 , No. 27th in the second Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach.

Other keyboards work

Easily the most famous pieces of Bach are Solfeggietto , Wq. 117/2, in essence that introduction to The Essential C.P.E. Bach subtitle "Beyond the Solfeggio in C Minor". Some of Bach's other keyboard works have gained notoriety, including the characters of La Caroline and Fantasia in the F-sharp minor, Wq. 67. Bach's fantasy, in particular, has been regarded as the most distinctive of them: they are filled with dramatic silence, harmonic shock, and constantly varying figurations.

Bach published three major collections of miscellaneous keyboards during his lifetime: ClavierstÃÆ'¼cke verschiedener Art , Wq. 112 of 1765, and the collection of Kurze und Leichte ClavierstÃÆ'¼cke , Wq. 113-14 of 1766. The first includes songs, fantasia, dances, sonatas, fugues, and even symphonies and solo piano concerts (Bach then publishes the entire collection of keyboard versions of his symphonies).

Bach also wrote a set of six sonata organs for the sister organ of Frederick the Great Anna Amalia.

Music for mechanical instruments

Mechanical instruments such as music boxes and popular music clocks in the Prussian court, and C. P. E. Bach wrote thirty original compositions for this instrument, grouped together as Wq. 193. At that time, Bach was a court musician for King Frederick the Great in Potsdam; The king, interested in mechanically reproduced music, has clocks of mechanical organs built for City Castle of Potsdam and for the New Palais.

The choir works

Throughout his life, Bach worked at the Magnificat in D , Wq. 215. J. S. Bach was alive to hear it in 1749, and C. P. E. continued to revise and implement it until the end of 1786. This work clearly shows the influence of J.S. Magnificat Bach himself, including the striking resemblance of the Deposuit movement in both works.

Other important choral works include Heilig (German Sanctus), Wq. 217, which he did together with Credo from his father's Mass in the minor B, oratorio Die Israeliten in der WÃÆ'¼ste, Wq. 238 and Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu , Wq. 240, and 21 passions.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Solfeggietto, Wq 117 1 H 220 - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Inheritance and style of music

Through the second half of the 18th century, the reputation of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach stood very high, exceeding his father. Haydn and Beethoven admire them and "diligently" collect music. Mozart said of him, "Bach is a father, we are children."

His work is full of discoveries and, most importantly, extreme uncertainty, and a wide emotional range even in one work, a style that can be categorized as empfindsamer Stil . It is no less in a sincere mind than is polished and very precise in the phrase. His keyboard sonata, for example, marks an important epoch in the history of musical forms. In style, subtle and gentle in expression, they are even more prominent for their freedom and their various structural designs; they detached themselves from Italian and Viennese schools, moving toward cyclical and improvisational forms that would become common for generations later.

He is probably the first eminent composer to use harmonic colors freely for his own sake. In this way, he compares well with the most important representatives of the First Viennese School. In fact, he had a great influence on the composers of the North German School, especially Georg Anton Benda, Bernhard Joachim Hagen, Ernst Wilhelm Wolf, Johann Gottfried MÃÆ'¼thel, and Friedrich Wilhelm Rust. His influence was not limited to his contemporaries and extended to Felix Mendelssohn and Carl Maria von Weber.

His name fell into neglect during the 19th century, with the famous Robert Schumann arguing that "as a creative musician he remains very far behind his father"; others argue that he was "a rather weak imitator of his father's style". Nevertheless, Johannes Brahms respected him and edited some of his music. At the beginning of the 20th century, he was more respected but the revival of the works of C. P. E. Bach has been going on since Helmuth Koch's recording of the symphony and recording of Hugo Ruf about his keyboard sonata in the 1960s. There is an ongoing project to record his complete works, led by MiklÃÆ'³s SpÃÆ'¡nyi on the Swedish record label BIS. In 2014, the Croatian pianist Ana-Marija Markovina, in collaboration with the Packard Humanities Institute, Bach-Archiv Leipzig, SÃÆ'¤chsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig and Harvard University released a set of 26-CD boxes from complete piano solo works on record labels German HÃÆ'¤nssler Classic, performed on the modern BÃÆ'¶sendorfer grand piano.

The works of C. P. E. Bach are known by the number "Wq", from the 1906 Alfred Wotquenne catalog, and by the "H" figure from the catalog by Eugene Helm (1989).

He is described by Wolfgang Liebeneiner in the 1941 biography of his brother Friedemann Bach .

The Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-StraÃÆ'Ÿe Road in Frankfurt (Oder) is named for him.

Year 2014

The year 2014 marks the 300th anniversary of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's birth. The six German cities of Bach - Hamburg, Potsdam, Berlin, Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, Leipzig, and Weimar - held concerts and other events to commemorate the anniversary.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) Flute Concertos & Sonatas ...
src: i.ytimg.com




  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Full Job & amp; rft_val_fmt = info% 3Aofi% 2Ffmt% 3Akev% 3Amtx% 3Abook & amp; rft.btitle = Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach% 3A Complete Working & amp; rfr_id = info% 3Asid% 2Fen. wikipedia.org% 3ACarl Philipp Emanuel Bach "> Ã, , full edition of the music, has been going on since 2005 and somewhat more than half completed in 2014.
  • Ã, Baynes, T.S., ed. (1878), "Karl Philipp Emmanuel Bach", EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica , 3 (9th ed.), New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, p.Ã, 196
  • Ratner, Leonard G. (1980), Classical Music: Expression, Shape and Style , New York: Schirmer < title range = "ctx_ver = Z39.88-2004 & amp; rft_val_fmt = info% 3Aofi% 2Ffmt% 3Akev% 3Amtx% 3Abook & amp; rft.genre = book & amp; rft.btitle = Classic Music% 3A Expression% 2C Shape and Style & amp; rft.place = New York & amp; rft.pub = Schirmer & amp; rft.date = 1980 & amp; rft.aulast = Ratner & amp; rft.aufirst = Leonard G. & amp; rfr_id = info% 3Asid% 2Fen.wikipedia.org% 3ACarl Philipp Emanuel Bach ">
  • Rochlitz, Friedrich (1824-1832), FÃÆ'¼r Freunde der Tonkunst (in German), 4 vols, Leipzig
  • Thompson, Alton (1998). Formal Coherence in Emanuel Bach Auferstehung (DMA thesis). Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University.
  • Ottenberg, Hans-GÃÆ'¼nter (1987), Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach , translated by Whitmore, Philip J., OUP, ISBNÃ, 0 - 19-315246-0 .


  • Artikel ini menggabungkan teks dari publikasi sekarang di domain publik:  Hadow, William Henry (1911), "Bach, Karl Philipp Emanuel" , di Chisholm, Hugh, EncyclopÃÆ'¦dia Britannica , 3 (edisi 11), Cambridge University Press, pp. 130-131

CPE Bach : Sonata in F Major, H 243, W 55/5 (III : Allegretto ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Bacaan lebih lanjut

  • The New Grove Dictionary of Music dan Musisi (2001) berisi biografi dan daftar komposisinya.
  • David Schulenberg: Musik dari Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (2014) - Sebuah studi karya sang komposer, diterbitkan untuk ulang tahun ke 300 dari komposer

Tautan eksternal

  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach di EncyclopÃÆ'¦dia Britannica
  • Skor gratis oleh Carl Philipp Emanual Bach di Proyek Perpustakaan Skor Musik Internasional (IMSLP)
  • Pertunjukan dari beberapa karya di Musopen
  • Penghormatan kepada Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, sketsa kehidupan sang komposer dengan referensi luas
  • Katalog Lengkap dari oeuvre C. P. Bach (Prancis)
  • Situs web edisi ini Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Pekerjaan Lengkap
  • Menemukan Manuskrip Hilang dari C.P.E. Bach di Wayback Machine (diarsipkan 16 Juli 2008) Greater Boston Arts
  • Â "Bach, Karl Philipp Emanuel". Ensiklopedia Internasional Baru . 1905.
  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Pekerjaan Lengkap , Packard Humanities Institute, diterbitkan untuk tahun peringatan ke-300, 2014
  • Ensayo sobre la verdadera manera de tocar el teclado , versi bahasa Spanyol dari Versuch (Eva MartÃÆ'nez MarÃÆ'n ed.), Ed. Dairea, Galapagar, Madrid, Spanyol, 2017
  • Skor gratis oleh Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach di Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)
  • Trio sonata di C minor, H. 579, edisi pertama, Perpustakaan Musik Sibley
  • Fantasia e fuga di C minor, H. 75.5, untuk instrumen keyboard, Perpustakaan Musik Sibley
  • "Hamburger Sonata Wq. 133" di YouTube, diperankan oleh Eckhart Duo

Source of the article : Wikipedia
