Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

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Eventing (also known as three days eventing or horse experiment ) is a riding event in which one horse and a combination rider competes with other combinations across all three clothing discipline, cross-country, and jumping performances. The show is rooted in a comprehensive cavalry test that requires mastery of some types of horseback riding. Competitions can be run as a one-day event ( ODE ), where all three events are completed in one day (dressage, followed by cross country and then stadium) or event three days ( 3DE ), which is more common now runs for four days, with dressage on the first two days followed by cross country the next day and then appear jumps in reverse order on the last day. Eventing was previously known as Combined Training , and the name persists in many smaller organizations. The term "Combined Training" is sometimes confused with the term "Combined Test" which refers to a combination of only two phases, most commonly dressed and showing a jump.

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Eventing is a riding triathlon, where it combines three different disciplines in one competition that is set for one, two, or three days, depending on the length of the course and the number of entries. The sport follows similar formats in Australia, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States


The dressage stage (held first) consists of the exact sequence of motion ridden in a closed arena (20ÃÆ'â € "60 m for International 3DE but usually 20ÃÆ'â €" 40 m for ODE). This test is judged by one or more judges who seek balance, rhythm, flexibility, and most importantly, cooperation between horses and riders. The challenge is to show that a very healthy horse, capable of completing the cross-country phase on time, also has the training to perform in a graceful, relaxed and appropriate manner. Dressage work is the foundation of all phases and other disciplines in eventing sport because it develops the strength and balance that allows horses to go cross country and show jumps competently.

At the highest level of competition, uniform test is roughly equivalent to the Federation of US Dollar Level Dressage Federations, and can request half-pass when running, shoulder-in, crossing, collecting, bouncing medium and extended, single fly and bulk changes. The test may not request a movement of the Grand Prix such as a piaffe or part.

Each movement in this test is rated on a scale from 0 to 10, with a score of "10" being the highest score and with the maximum total score for the test varies depending on the level of competition and the number of movements. Therefore, if one movement is poorly executed, it is still possible for the rider to get a good overall score if the remaining movement is done very well. The signs are added together and each error is of course reduced. To turn this score into a penalty point, the average value of all judges is changed to a percentage of the maximum possible score, subtracted from 100 and multiplied by the co-efficient set by the governing body. Canadian example: 77 percent to 34.5 penalty points or (100 - 77) x 1.5 = 34.5

  • After the bell rings, the rider is allowed 45 seconds to enter the ring or receive a two-point penalty, then an additional 45 seconds, for a total of 90 seconds, or deleted.
  • If the four hooves are out of the arena during the test, this results in elimination.
  • If the horse holds more than 20 seconds during the test, this results in deletion.
  • Line error:
    • 1: minus 2 marks
    • 2: minus 4 marks
    • 3: deletion

Cross country

The next phase, cross-country, requires both the horse and the rider to be in excellent physical shape and be courageous and trust each other. This phase consists of about 12-20 fences (lower level), or 30-40 at a higher level, placed on a long outdoor circuit. The fence is made up of very sturdy natural objects (logs, rock walls, etc.) as well as obstacles such as ponds and streams, trenches, drips and banks, and combinations including several jumping efforts based on objects typically occurring in the countryside. Sometimes, especially at higher levels, fences are designed which would not normally happen in nature. However, it is still designed to be as strong as a more natural hurdle. The safety rules mean that some obstacles are now being built with a "frangible pin system", which allows some or all of the jumps to collapse if hit with sufficient impact. Speed ​​is also a factor, with the rider required to cross the finish line within a specific time frame (optimum time). Crossing the finish line after the optimal time generates a penalty for each second ends. At a lower level, there is also a speed error time, where a penalty occurs for the horse pair and the rider completes the course too soon. For any "disobedience" (rejection or leap-out), horses and riders will be punished, penalties will be added to their clothing scores. After four disobedience altogether or three disobedience at one fence, the couple were knocked out, meaning they could no longer participate in the competition. A pair of horses and riders can also be removed for going off track, such as losing a fence. If the horse's shoulders and the back quarter hit the ground, pensions are mandatory and they are not allowed to participate further in the competition. If a rider falls from a horse, they are knocked out. However, in the US this rule is currently being revised for entry level and below. Penalties for non-transnational disobedience are very different from other competition phases to emphasize the importance of courage, endurance and athleticism. Fitness is necessary because the allowed time will require strong canters at lower levels, all the way to racing stronger at higher events.

In recent years, a controversy has evolved among the supporters of the three-day short and long format event. Traditionally, the three-day event has dressage, endurance, and shows a jump. The endurance of the day consists of 4 phases: A, B, C and D. Phases A and C are paths and tracks, with A being moderate heating to prepare horses and riders for Stage B, a steeply fast format speed over a stylish fence steeplechase. Phase C is a slow cooling coming from phase B, in preparation for the most difficult and demanding phase, D, or cross country. Before starting phase D, in a "ten-minute box", the horse must be approved to be continued by the veterinarian, who monitors their temperature and heart rate, ensuring that the horse is healthy and fit.

The three day event is now offered in classic format, with days of endurance, or short format, without steep (phase B) or roads and tracks (phases A and C). The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece chose a short format, due to lack of facilities, time and financing, which sparked a major debate in the forthcoming society whether to maintain a steep phase or offer only cross-country. Today, most events are run in short format. In the United States, the "classic format" remains a popular choice for Novice, and Training level of the competition at certain events.

In 2008, the rules on safety in sport were changed. One change states that falling anywhere during the cross-country phase leads to elimination, even if the rider is galloping in the lane and not approaching the jump, or in the middle of the combination.


  • Disclaimer, run-out, or circle:
    • On the same constraint:
      • First: 20 penalties
      • Second: 40 penalties
      • 20 penalties on each question
    • In the round (for example one refusal in each of several different obstacles):
      • Third (formerly the fourth rejection, and still to lower national level in some countries only): deletion (E)
  • Fall rider: elimination (E)
  • Falling horses (shoulders and back touching ground): elimination (E)
  • Over time:
    • Optimum: 0.4 penalties per second
    • Limit (twice optimum): deletion (E)
  • Comes below time error rate: 1 penalty per second (national level is lower in some countries only)

Other errors

  • Compete with an improper saddle: deletion (E)
  • Jumps without the correct headgear or strap: elimination (E)
  • The error is of course not fixed: deletion (E)
  • No obstacles: elimination (E)
  • Jumping obstacles in the wrong order or direction: deletion (E)
  • Seize the barrier has jumped: elimination (E)
  • Drive a dangerous one, when deciding on a land judge: elimination (usually with advance warning) (E)
  • Failure to wear medical arm tire: elimination (at the discretion of the jury) (E)
  • 4 rejection of the whole course: elimination (E) (only on horse track) If you compete in FEI, you get 2 rejections and your third is elimination.)

Type of obstacle

Combinations are always regarded as one of the constraints, and the various elements in the combination are given the letters "A", "B", "C", and so on. In cross-country, riders only need to reclaim the elements they reject not the whole complex. So rejection on element B does not require them to jump again. However, they have the option of recapturing the previous elements if they wish. For example, in a bounce type constraint it may be physically impossible to approach B without first clearing A. But for some in and out, you can go to B and not need a rejump.

Many cross-country obstacles have several possible routes to take (for example, on the obstacles 5 there may be 2 A, 2 B, and 2 C elements), with one route usually becoming faster but requiring a more skilled journey or more physical effort from horses. The rider can take one of the possible routes as long as they pass each letter once. In addition, after rejection, they can jump different obstacles from the same letter in their original place.

Rejection at A is the first rejection, and will receive 20 penalties. Whether a rider recaptures A or not, the next refusal in B is the second rejection and so on. Three rejections in one of the obstacles result in elimination, as do 4 rejections throughout the course.

Animal examination, or "trot up "/" horse check "

Before the start of the three-day event, and also before the last phase, horses are checked by the veterinarian to ensure that they are suitable to compete further. Usually a formal affair, with horses braided neatly and braided, and well-dressed riders. This is also a very stressful time, because "pass" or "fail" determines whether the horse can continue the competition. A veterinarian may request that a horse be sent to a storage box, where it will be reassessed before being allowed to continue. In the upper FEI class, the second vet (often called the FEAT Associate Veterinarian) can check the horse sent to the storage box and make a decision to pass or fail a horse. This practice is done so that no veterinarian has the full power to remove a horse and allow a large number of horses to be evaluated in a timely manner.

At a lower level of competition, horse movements can be analyzed as they complete cross-country, where they will be required to run shortly after crossing the finish line to satisfy their health veterinarian.

Ten Minute Boxes

The "Ten Minute Box" is a mandatory stop included during the cross-country section of the event three days after the road and the track and steeplechase phases and before the "pure" cross-country jump phase. This is a pause designed to allow horse time (and riders!) To cool, rest and stabilize its vital and ensure that it is prepared for a "pure" cross-country phase. In the Ten Minutes Box, the rider and the assistant will cool the horse, walk around the horse and check the nails and buttons and the veterinarian will check the horses - including checking the heart and respiration rate - to determine whether it is suitable to compete in the "pure" cross-country phase.

Stadium jump

Stadiums or jump competitions are the final stages of the competition and test the technical skill of horse and rider horse, including flexibility, compliance, fitness, and athleticism. In this phase, 12-20 fences are installed in the ring. These fences are usually brightly colored and composed of elements that can be torn down, unlike cross-country barriers. This phase is also timed, with penalties awarded for every second for the time it takes. In addition to the normal jumping skills, eventing jumping tests the fitness and stamina of horses and riders, generally held after the transnational phase at higher levels and international events.


  • Tap on the obstacle: 4 penalties
  • Disobedience (rejection, run out, circle, move backwards) across lap:
    • First: 4 penalties
    • Second: Elimination
  • Fall rider: Elimination
  • Fall of horse: Elimination
  • More than allowed time: 1 penalty per second
  • Jumps obstacles in the wrong order: Elimination
  • The error is of course not fixed: Elimination

Constraints are defined as having been knocked down if any part of its height is lowered. It is therefore possible to paralyze the pole under the top pole and not receive the punishment, as long as the highest pole remains in place, so that the leap maintains the same height. It is counted as a knockdown if the highest pole falls from one cup jump but stays in the other; although part of the pole remains at its original height, the other part is lowered.

The winners are horses and riders with the fewest penalties. Awards are usually presented when installed, before the rider is placed taking a lap of honor around the arena.

Early Olympics

Eventing competitions that resemble the current first three days were held in 1902, at the Championnat du Cheval d'Armes in France, and were introduced to the Olympics from 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden. Dressage initially shows the horse's ability to perform on the parade grounds, where elegance and obedience are the keys. Cross-country starts as a test of stamina, courage, and courage over a difficult terrain, essential for a charger on long marches or if the horse is required to make cross-country shipments. The jumping stadium phase seeks to prove sustainable horse health and fitness after a difficult cross country day.

The Olympic competition was initially only open to active male military officers, who were only boarded by military charges. In 1924, the event was open to male civilians, although unassigned Army officers were unable to participate in the Olympics until 1956. Women were first allowed to take part in 1964; Horse riding is one of several Olympic sports where men and women compete with each other.


The original format, used in the 1912 Olympics, spread over several days:

  • Day 1 : The 55 km (34 mi) endurance test (with a permitted time of 4 hours, giving speeds of about 230 meters per minute) is immediately followed by a 5 km cross course countries that are marked at speeds of 333 meters per minute. The time penalty is given to exceed the allowed time, but no bonus points are given as it is fast.
  • Day 2 : Rest day
  • Day 3 : 3.5 km steeplechase test with 10 plain obstacles, with a speed of 600 mpm, with time penalty but without bonus time points
  • Day 4 : The jump test ("jumping prize"), which is considered easy by most viewers
  • Day 5 : Clothes test ("horse riding")

The Paris Games in 1924 introduced a format very similar to today: with day 1 dressage, day 2 endurance test, and day 3 of the jump test. The endurance test has changed a lot since then. Initially, bonus points can be obtained for fast cross-country travel (less than optimal time). This helps the competitors to rise up, with a clean and fast cross country journey. This system, however, was dropped in 1971. The format for endurance testing occurs as follows:

  • Phase A : Short paths and tracks (with five penalties per 5 seconds at all times)
  • Phase B : Steeplechase, decreased speed from 600 mpm to 550 mpm (with 10 penalties added per 5 seconds all the time, 3 bonus points per 5 seconds below time)
  • Phase C : Roads and tracks (with 5 penalties per 5 seconds at all times)
  • Mandatory Stop (now 10 minutes stop)
  • Phase D : Cross country (with 10 penalties added per 5 seconds all the time, 3 bonus points per 10 seconds below time)
  • Phase E : 1.25 miles running in flats (with 5 penalties per 5 seconds all the time).

(Note: Phase E was removed in 1967.)

In 1963, a 10-minute stoppage was introduced, occurring after the completion of phases A, B, and C. It occurred in the marked area (10-minute box), where the horse was examined by two judges and a veterinarian who would make sure the horse suitable to proceed to phase D. If the horse is not healthy, the panel will pull it from the competition.

The sports format underwent major changes in 2004 and 2005, with the creation of "short" or "modified formats", which did not include the A, B, and C phases of the day of endurance. The main reason for excluding this phase is that the Olympic Committee is considering dropping the eventing sport of the Olympics because of the cost and breadth required for the phase of speed and durability with steep courses and several miles of road-and-track. To prevent the elimination of sports from the Olympic program, the "short format" was developed by FEI. The last Olympics that included a long, or "classic", three-day format was the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, while Rolex Kentucky, Badminton Exam, and Burghley Horse Trials ran their last three-day long format in 2005. The short format is now standard for international competitions, such as the Olympic and World Equestrian Games.

Changes in the format have caused controversy. Some riders support the continuation of the classic format, believing it is a "true test of horses and riders". Others believe that the classic format is superior because it teaches riding, because of the extra preparation needed to condition the horse and the necessary care after a few miles of resilience. However, others prefer short formats, as they believe it saves wear-and-tear on their horses and allows the horse not only to compete in a three-day event each season, but reduce the chances of injury to the horse. However, this claim does not apply in recent studies comparing injuries suffered in classic and short format competitions during equivalent courses. Furthermore, some studies show that horses are more emphasized by short formats than by carefully attaching warming in the classical format. Regardless, many top level riders prepare their horses for short formats using the same conditioning and training as for long formats. The short format has also been much encouraged by heavier and warmer horses ranchers. The long format remains popular at Novice and Training levels in the United States, and with motorists who feel it maximizes the horseman.

System penalty point

In 1971, the penalty point system was first introduced to the event. The system converts the dressage score and all the jumping penalties across the country and shows jumps to the penalty spot, with horses and riders with the fewest number of points that win the event. Different weights are given for each phase, with cross country - the heart of the event - being the most important, followed by dressage, and then the jump event. Cross-country-defined ratios: dressage: shows a 12: 3: 1 theoretical jump. Therefore, errors in cross-country are very meaningful. This prevents a pretty good horse from dressing (for example) from winning events with a bad cross-country test.

In 1971, the following punishment system was instituted:

  • Phases A and C : 1 penalty per second during optimal time
  • Phase B : 0.8 penalties per second for
  • Phase D : 0.4 penalties per second for

In 1977, the dressage score changed, with each movement marked out of ten instead of six. This increased the number of maximum clothing marks from 144 to 240. This number then increased to 250 marks in 1998, after additional movement was added. To maintain the correct weight, the formula is used to convert good value in dressage up to the penalty point. First, the jury sign (if there is more than one) is averaged. Then the raw mark is subtracted from the maximum possible point. This number is then multiplied by 0.6 to calculate the final penalty score.

Showing jump rules was also altered in 1977, with a knock-down or foot in water given only 5 penalties out of 10. This prevented the jumping phase of the show from bringing too much weight, again, to keep the ratio between the correct phase.

Event changes starting in 2017

As of January 2017 the event will experience some changes. FEI (Federation Equestre International) has introduced several changes that will affect the penalty point system in the cross-country phase of the competition. Changes such as the introduction of 50 penalties are awarded if the horse and rider jump outside the flag. Previously deleting this error will only lead to errors. If the rider returns to remove 20 penalty jumps will be given. Until now riders can ask the fence judge if their horse jumps in the flag, this will now be regarded as outside help and will result in elimination.

Non-Olympic Competition

In the early days, the sport was the most popular in the UK, and England gave the competition a new name, "Three Days Event", due to a three day competition span. In America, the sport is also called "joint training", because of the three different disciplines and types of training methods required for horses. In the United Kingdom, the "combined training" competition only covers the stages of dressage and leaping phases.

Between 'combined training' and 'horse testing', there is also a 'short course'. The short course consists of a phase dressage and a jump phase. The jumping phase usually starts in the stadium ring with the fence leading to a smaller field with multiple cross country fences (not as much in the cross-country phase of horse trials). The rider will then jump back to the stadium ring to complete the track.

The first annual Olympic level event to be developed is the Badminton Horse Exam, which is held annually in the UK. First held in 1949, the Badminton show was made after a poor performance by the British Events Team at the 1948 Olympics, with the aim of being a high-class preparation event, and as an extra exposure to military horses, who rarely had the chance to compete. Initially, only British drivers were allowed to compete (although women were allowed, although they were not allowed to ride in the Olympics), but the competition is now open internationally to all drivers from all over the world who have qualified for this level of competition. Badminton is the most prestigious event to win in the world. Currently, the Olympic event is considering CCI ***, ranked lower than Badminton which is the CCI ****.

The second three-day competition held at the Olympic level each year is the Burghley Horse Trials, first held in 1961. Burghley is the longest-running international event.

The first CCI to be held outside the UK on an annual basis is the Rolex Kentucky Three Day, held annually at Lexington since 1978.

The importance of dressage training

In the early years, the dressage phase was quite unimportant in deciding the final standings. It's quite possible for a horse to have a terrible clothing test, then run a clean cross country and show a jump, and still finish near the top of the standings. Since then, proper clothing training is becoming more and more important if horses and riders want to be placed (complete all sections, and finish in the top 12). It can be traced back to Sheila Willcox who is interested in clothing, becoming very clear when she won a three-year Badminton run in the 1950s. She had a strong influence on Mary King and Lucinda Green amongst the others.

After the 2000 Olympics, FEI recruited British observers and dresser Christopher Bartle to write a new clothing test for a top-level event, which will include more collections. This has raised the standard even further in the dressage phase.

In addition, the cross country phase has become more technical, asking horses to be adjusted and flexed through a combination. A horse can no longer be only brave and athletic, but must have plenty of dressage training if the rider wants to successfully negotiate a strange distance or bend the line quickly. Also, in a jumping race, a horse is required to move with encouragement and engagement; this makes the leap more smoothly, bringing the horse to the bascule more correctly, and less jarring for horses and riders.


Between 1997 and December 2008, at least 37 riders' incidents were killed as a result of injuries occurring when competing in cross-country phases at national or international level or at the Pony Club. Of these, 18 drivers died in the period 2006-2008. The 37 fatal fall has occurred at all levels of the sport, ranging from one-day domestic events to regional championship levels, and has occurred in most of the world-wide recognized countries, with concentrations in the United Kingdom (14) and the United States (8). At least 25 of the 37 deaths have been generated from the fall of a rolling horse, with 11 of the 16 deaths in 2007 and 2008 reported as a result of the rotational horse decline.

Information on horse casualties is hard to find, but at least 19 horses that emerged, many of them top performers, died in 2007 and 2008, most of them in the US.

Over time, course design becomes increasingly more focused on the safety of horses and riders. The fence was built more firmly than in previous days, pushing a bold leap from horses, which actually helped prevent the fall. The layout of the course and the building of obstacles propelled the horse to have a successful run. This includes the use of larger precision fences, such as angles and "lean leaps", which is an excellent test of the rider's ability and horse training, but allows the horse to run around the jump if the rider misinterprets it. Security measures such as filling the area between angular jumps in cross-country or fence rails help prevent traps from hooves reducing the number of falls or serious injuries.

The latest increase in cross-country security is a fragile fence , which uses pins and other techniques that allow the fence to "snap or fall" in a controlled way to minimize the risk of injury to horses and riders. This can help prevent the most dangerous situations across the country, when horses hit a solid fence between the forearms and chest, and somersaults, sometimes falling on the rider. This fall type has caused the death of some riders and horses.

Foot protection for horses also increases. Very little use in the early days, even in cross country. Foot protection is now visible on almost every horse at all levels. The boots have been technologically upgraded, and include materials that help absorb shock or very hard and strong to prevent serious injury.

The rules protecting motorists have also increased. Riders are now required to wear safety vests (body armor) during cross country, as well as ASTM/SEI or ISO equestrian helmets equipped with harness retention, which must be tied up while on a horse. Eventing is one of the first sports that requires the use of a helmet with a harness when jumping. In 2010, more riders wearing airbag vests, which automatically expands if the rider falls from the horse.

Rule weight

From the beginning, event horses must carry a minimum weight of 165 pounds (including a rider and saddle) during the endurance test, as military horses are expected to carry such weights. The weight of lead is carried over the saddle, and competitors should be weighed with tactics as soon as it passes through the country. The weights were reduced to 154 pounds (70 kg) for the 1996 Olympics, after a study showed that the two horsehaires on the fence became shallower and the main legs took up a lot of extra strength on landing when the horse was carrying heavy dead than when free of burden. The rule was eventually abolished January 1, 1998. By removing this rule, the pressure on the joints and soft tissues, as well as the possibility of falling, decreases.

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International Competition

International events have certain categories and levels of competition and are conducted under FEI rules. CCI (Concours Complet International, or International Complete Contest) is one such category and defines a three-day event open to competitors from foreign countries and host countries.

  • CCI: International events of three days (Concours Complet International)
  • CIC: International One-day Event (Concours International Combinà ©  ©)
  • CCIO: International Team Competition (Concours Complet International Officiel). Including the Olympics, World Championships, Pan Am Games, and other continental championships

The international incidence rate is identified by the number of stars in addition to the category; there are four levels in total. CCI * is for a horse that has just been introduced into international competition. CCI ** is intended for horses with experience in international competitions. CCI *** is a high level of competition.

The highest level of competition is CCI ****, and with only six such competitions in the world (Badminton, Burghley, Kentucky, Adelaide, Luhmuhlen Horse Trials, and Stars of Pau), this is the ultimate goal of many racers.. The World Championships are also considered CCI ****. Rolex offers a financial reward for every rider who can win the three biggest competitions in a row. These are Badminton, Burghley and Kentucky. So far, Pippa Funnell (England) and Michael Jung (Germany) are the only riders who do this. Andrew Hoy is close, and in 2010 Oliver Townend competed for this coveted Grand Slam at Rolex Kentucky when he lost in the # 20 hurdle that knocked him out of the competition.

The one, two and three star competitions are roughly comparable to the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of the UK domestic competition, respectively, and to the level of domestic competition of the United States, middle, middle, and advanced levels.

Eventing | FEI.org
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National Competition

Rules of events and levels recognized in different countries are similar, but not always identical. Although regulations typically follow FEI to some extent, the history and traditions of different countries have also influenced competition rules in a country.

In addition to recognized events that prepare the best riders for international competition, many countries also offer yesterye, youth and amateur riders events through organizations like Pony Club, 4-H or other horse clubs, where most riders start their competitive careers. At its most basic level, the height of the fence starts at about 18 inches to 2 feet (0.61 m).


In Australia, where Equestrian Australia organizes event competitions, the levels are as follows:

  • Supporters: XC: maximum height fence 0.45m 375 m/min; Fence stadium: 0.45 m
  • New arrivals: XC: maximum height fence 0.60 m 350 m/min; Fence stadium: 0.60 m
  • Introduction: XC: maximum height fence 0.80 m of trench 1.40 m drops 1.0 m 400 m/min; Fence stadium: 0.8 m
  • Initial: XC: maximum height fence of 0.95 m of trench 2,00 m drops 1,2 m 450 m/min; Fence stadium: 0.95 m
  • Pre Novice: XC: maximum height fence 1.05 m of trench 2.40 m drops 1,4,500 m/min; Fence stadium: 1.05 m
  • Star 1: XC: maximum height fence 1.10 m of trench 2.80 m drops 1.6 m 520 m/min; Fence stadium: 1.15 m
  • 2 Star: XC: maximum height fence 1.15 m trench 3.20 m drops 1.8 m 550 m/min; Fence stadium: 1.20 m
  • Star 3: XC: maximum height fence 1.20 m 3.60 m drops 2.0 m 570 m/min; Fence stadium: 1.25 m

The Sydney International Three Day event is the premier qualifying event in New South Wales, Australia for events in Australia.


The Canadian level, under Equine Canada rules, is as follows:

  • Pre-Entry XC: fence maximum height of.75 m without drops, no water is mandatory. Barriers without altitude must have an option. Single jump attempt
  • Entries (same as the UAE Starter Beginner)
  • Pre-Training (equivalent to USEA Novice): XC: maximum height fence 0.91 m trench 1.50 m drops 1.10 m; Fence stadium: 0.96 m
  • Training: XC: maximum height fence 1.00 m trench 1.80 m drops 1.40 m; Fence stadium: 1.05 m
  • Introduction: XC: maximum height fence 1.10 m trench 2.80 m drops 1.60 m; Fence stadium: 1.15 m
  • Intermediate: XC: maximum height fence 1.15 m trench 3.20 m drops 1.80 m; Fence stadium: 1.20 m
  • Advanced: XC: maximum height fence 1.20 m of trench 3.60 m drops 2,00 m; Fence stadium: 1.25 m


The Irish level, organized by the Irish Event is as follows:

  • Intro: X-C - max. high with 0.90 m spread, max. spread over the highest point of 1.00 m, max. spread over a base of 1.50 m, max. spread without altitude of 1.20 m, max. scattered in water 2.0 m, max. down 1.20 m. Stadium - 0.90 m
  • CNCP Pre-Beginner Training *: X-C - max. high with dispersion of 1.10 m, max. spread at the highest point of 1.40 m, max. spread over a base of 2.10 m, max. spread without altitude 2.80 m, max. scattered in water 3.05 m, max. down 1.60 m. Stadium - 1.00 m
  • CNC * CNCP **: X-C - max. high with dispersion of 1.10 m, max. spread at the highest point of 1.40 m, max. spread over a base of 2.10 m, max. spread without altitude 2.80 m, max. scattered in water 3.05 m, max. down 1.60 m. Stadium - 1.10 m
  • CNC **: X-C - max. high with dispersion of 1.15 m, max. spread over the highest point of 1.60 m, max. spread over a 2.40m base, max. spread without altitude 3.20 m, max. scattered in water 3.65 m, max. down 1.8 m. Stadium - 1.20 m
  • CNC ***: X-C - max. high with dispersion of 1.20 m, max. spread at the highest point of 1.80 m, max. spread over 2.70m base, max. spread without altitude 3.60 m, max. spread over water 4.0 m, max. drop 2.0 m. Stadium - 1.25m

United Kingdom

The incidence rate in the UK (BE) is as follows:

  • BE80 (T) Ã,: max. high fence 0.80 m
  • BE90 (formerly Introduction): max. high fence 0.90 m XC, 0.95 m SJ
  • BE100 (formerly Pre-Novice): max. high fence 1.00 m XC, 1.05 m SJ
  • BE100 Plus: max. high fence 1.00 m XC, 1.15 m SJ
  • BE105: max. height of the fence 1.05 m XC, 1.10m SJ
  • Starter: max. high fence 1.10 m XC, 1.15 m SJ
  • Beginner Intermediate: max. high fence 1.10 XC; 1.20 m SJ
  • Intermediate: max. high fence 1.15 m XC; 1.25 m SJ
  • Advanced Advanced: max. high fence 1.15 m XC; 1.30 SJ
  • Advanced: max. high fence 1.20 m XC; 1.30 m SJ

United States

In the United States, events are divided into the following levels, all of which are recognized by the US Association of Events (USEA) and run in accordance with their rules:

  • Starter beginner: Fence XC: 2 ft 7 in (0.79 m), 14-18 XC attempts, gutter 4Ã, ft (1.2 m), down 3 ft 3 in (0.99 m ), 300- 350 m/min (meters per minute) across the country; Fence stadium: 2 ft 7 in (0.79 m), 9-11 attempts.
  • Novice: XC fence 2Ã, ft 11 in (0.89 m), 16-20 attempts, trench 6Ã, ft 7 in (2.01 m), down 3Ã, ft 11Ã, at (1.19 m) , 350 to 400 m/min; Stadium fence 2Ã, ft 11 in (0.89 m), 9-11 effort.
  • Training: Fence XC 3 ft 3 in (0.99 m), 20-24 attempts, trench 7 ft 11 in (2.41 m), down 4 ft 7 in (1.40 m), 420 to 470 m/min; Stadium fence 3Ã, ft 3 in (0.99 m), 10-12 attempts.
  • Modified: Fence XC 3 â € <â € <5 at (1.04 m), attempt 22-28, ditch 8 ft 6 at (2.59 m), down 4 ft 11 in (1.50 m), 490 m/min; Stadium fence 3 ft 5 in (1.04 m), 10-13 attempts.
  • Introduction: XC Fence 3 7 in (1.09 m), 22-30 attempts, trenches 9 ft 2 deep (2.79 m), drops 5 ft 3 in (1.60 m), 520 m/min; Stadium fence 3Ã, ft 7 in (1.09 m), effort 11-13.
  • Intermediate: Fence XC 3Ã, ft 9 in (1.14 m), 26-34 attempts, trenches 10Ã, ft 6 in (3.20 m), down 5Ã, ft 11Ã, at (1.80 m) , 550 m/min; Stadium fence 3Ã, ft 11 in (1.19 m), effort 12-14.
  • Continue: Fence XC 3Ã, ft 11 in (1.19 m), 32-40 efforts, trench 11Ã, ft 10 in (3.61 m), down 6 ft. ft. 7 in (2.01 m), 570 m/min; Stadium fence 4Ã, ft 1 in (1.24 m), 13-15 attempts.

It is also common to see inter-level (such as Intermediate/Preliminary, or IP), which helps transition riders between levels using dressage and shows higher level jump tests and lower cross-country courses; and beginner levels, using clothing tests and stadium standards from lower CT levels (eg, Amoeba, Tadpole, Green as Grass) with a very simple cross-country course. However, the starter level is considered a "Test" level and therefore does not have a consistent standard (or national point system and leaderboard).

Blue Clover Eventing
src: www.blueclovereventing.com


At a lower level, it is possible for each type of horse, if it has the talent for it, to perform well in the event. The most satisfying racing and sections currently dominate the top-level sports for their stamina and athletic ability, although plenty of warm blood and bloody-blooded pure crosses are also good. In the UK, Irish sports horses have been popular for years.

Because larger horses are favored, animals with some horse farming concepts are also seen, especially the Irish Draft and Clydesdale cross. However, smaller horses can also excel; for example, the third-place competitor in the 2007 Rolex Kentucky Three Day CCI competition is Theodore O'Connor, a 14.1 hand hand (57 inches, 145 cm) which is a cross from Thoroughbred, Arabian and Shetland horse breeds.

Horse events should be very responsive to succeed, because horses that will not listen to riders in the cross country phase will probably fall on leaps. Horses should be calm and obedient to the dressage phase, with good training in the flat. To cross nature, the horse must be bold, athletic, and (especially at a higher level) fast with good galloping steps and great stamina. Horses do not have to have the perfect jump form, but must be safe on the fence and have good scope. The best event horses are cautious against leaps, as they are not likely to have stadium rails knocked down on the last day. Horses should also have good sound and foot conformations.

Eventing FAQ on new 50 penalty rule | An Eventful Life
src: www.an-eventful-life.com.au

Equestrian clothing

Horse riding is different in every three phases. Dressage and stepping stadiums showcase traditional choices for each discipline, which requires conservative attire. However, by 2017 lower-level divisions in the United States allow for more flexibility in riders' attire. Cross-country equipment and equipment emphasizes and requires safety protocols to be followed, but has a less formal appearance, with many riders wearing personal clothing, often bright colors. Under FEI rules, civilian riders may choose to wear their riding club uniforms, and members of the military and national crew are required to wear service clothing in the dressage phase and stadium jump phase.


For middle and advanced levels, motorists usually wear dressings similar to a Grand Prix Dressing, including a top hat and white riding pants. However, even at the most senior level (eg, World Equestrian Games, Olympics, and CCI ****) FEI dress requirements are actually less stringent, requiring only a "hunting dress"; white shirt and any tie; any color gloves; white fur, yellowish brown, or cream; and riding on any color boots. Wearing a shadbelly or other tailcoat jacket is not mandatory in the dressage phase.

Rules on non-FEI competitions vary. In the United States, formal clothing is not necessary if all phases run in one day or to a lesser extent. Although blue and black suits are the preferred traditional style, motorists can wear dark colored hunting coats or conservative colored wools with white shirts and chokers or, preferably, tie stocks with pins. If the rider wants to remain in the traditional requirements for higher level competition, the pants should be white, yellowish brown, or cream. Black hats or navy hats or derby hats may be worn, although many riders use horsemanship helmets, which are considered safer. Helmet is mandatory at a lower level.

The boots can be either a plane or a dress style, black or brown. Gloves and spurs provide a smooth but unnecessary appearance at a lower level. Dressage gloves are traditionally white, although other colors are permitted. Spurs, when worn, are limited to a certain length and type. Riding boots such as a field or high-bodied shoes are usually black.

Cross country

Motorists are required to wear protective vests, as well as approved ASTM/SEI/BS equestrian helmets, tied up properly at all times when jumping. A medical arm tire, containing a driver's medical history, is required, enabling access to information if a rider falls, falls off, and requires medical treatment.

Apart from these three compulsory items, FEI regulations allow motorists to dress at will in the cross-country phase. Riders wear anything from traditional hunters to green or navy blue, to tie-dye, zebra stripes, or fluorescent colors. Pants can be any color, with some riders coordinating with their shirts or vest colors. Light-weight rugby or polo shirts are the most common t-shirt styles, usually without stock or tie. Horse coats are generally not worn.

Finally, many riders also use a stop-watch to track their time as they go across the country so they can adjust their speed as needed to come as close as possible to the optimum time, if not sooner.

Stadium jump

Riding motorists tend to follow the practice of dressed showjumpers in the stadium jump phase. However, FEI rules require only "hunting dresses"; white shirt and any tie; white fur, yellowish brown, or cream; and any boots.

In most state-sanctioned national competitions, and often even at lower levels, helmeted horsemen with armor are required, and short-hunting coats are traditional, except when the weather is unreasonably warm, when, at the discretion of a technical delegate, the jacket may considered optional. If a helmet cover is used, they are required to be black or navy even though some now include the national colors in which they are entitled to wear.

Rider Falls Will Result in Elimination Under New British Eventing ...
src: assets.eventingnation.com

Horse and spikes output

Amount and makeup

The event horse turns out to be the same as the dressage horses, with legs and face (muzzle, jaw, ear side, bridle lane) cut off neatly. The tail is usually "knocked" (cut straight), usually with a length between the fetlock and low hock joints. In addition, most riders hook the sides of their mountain tails, to give them a better look. The tails are somewhat rare, probably because the tail can not be braided if the hair along the side of the dock is cut off.

The mane is pulled up to about 3 inches long and is usually braided for dressage as well as a jump phase. However, most riders prefer to let it loose for cross-country if they have to take it for security. Some riders also place a quarter of marks (decorative stencils) on the back.


Most of the event riders have saddles and saddle dressage as each puts them in a more suitable position for their purpose. However, to a lesser extent, the rider can rise to three phases without difficulty in a well-fitted saddle. At the top level, motorists usually have saddles specially designed for cross country, giving them more freedom for fences such as banks and drops.

Dressage tack is usually black, with a white square pad, giving it a formal look. Except for the upper level, where a double reinforcement is allowed, the horse may only be driven with small pieces. There are strict guidelines for what type of snaffle can be used, and heavier types (such as crooked beets) are prohibited. If the bridle is used, a regular cavesson or crank noseband should be worn. With the bridle, the rider is also free to use drop, flash, or grasle noseband, with flash and regular cavesson being the most common. Breastplates are also quite common in dressage at an event, despite the fact that they are not seen on regular dressage shows. Other forms of equipment, such as martingales, protective boots, gadget/training devices, bit guards, polo wraps, or wraps tail are not allowed during the test.

In a skate race, the rider uses a jumping saddle, usually with a square or fitting white pad. Rules about tactics are less stringent, and most forms of bridling and bitting are allowed, including the use of gag bits, hackamores, and all noseband types. Breastplates and open front shoes are usually worn. Running martingales is also allowed, but must be used with a stop stop. Martingales stood up and Ireland was not allowed.

For the cross-country phase, motorists usually use the same tactics as for an event jump. However, cross-country shoes are used for extra protection, to help prevent injuries if they hit a strong hindrance. Most horse wearing shoes are also equipped with stud horse shoes, to prevent slipping. At the top level, riders can also use fat or pig fat at the front of the horse's legs, to help the horses slide over the fence if they hang legs. Riders also tend to set the coordinate colors of the cross-country order to their colors. For example, use the same colored saddle pad and masking tape for their boots, to match their shirts and protective vests.

Arena Eventing â€
src: www.blairhorsetrials.co.uk


Arena Eventing - Rockingham Horse Trials
src: rcht.guardbase.net

External links

  • Events at Pony Galaxy
  • Followed on the official global agency website, FEI
  • The United States Event Association
  • British Events Association
  • Showing Safety & amp; Risk Management
  • Shows Ireland
  • Events In Canada
  • USREF - US nonprofit organization that promotes safety and welfare in Events
  • Express Eventing - a new concise version of the sport
  • United States Equestrian Federation Eventing

Source of the article : Wikipedia
