The biological family Felidae is a carnivorous line that is referred to as cat daily. A member of this family is also called felid or feline . The term "cat" refers both to felids in general and specifically to domestic cats. Characteristics of cats have evolved to support carnivorous lifestyles, with adaptations for ambush or stalking and short-hunting pursuits. They have muscular and muscular bodies, flexible forelimbs and retractable claws to hold adaptations of prey, teeth and skulls for strong bites, and often have striped coat patterns or special spots for camouflage. Cats are carnivorous, meaning they rely on nutrition in animal flesh to survive, and since most of the meat in their diet is sometimes referred to as hypercarnivores. Of the 13 terrestrial families in the Carnivora order, they are the most rigorous carnivores.
Felidae consists of two subfamilies, Pantherinae and Felinae. The first includes the "Panthera" tiger species, lions, jaguars, leopards, snow leopards, and Neofelis leopard species and Sundanese tigers. All non-pantherine cats are part of Felinae, which includes several genera and the majority of cat species.
The first cat appeared during the Oligocene, about 25 million years ago, with the appearance of Proseurus and Pseudaelurus . The last species complex is the ancestor of the two main pathways of felids, the cats in the remaining subfamilies and the third large group of extinct cats, assigned to the Machairodontinae subfamily. Machairodonts include saber-toothed cat like Smilodon . The "saber-toothed saber cat", Barbourofelidae and Nimravidae, is not a true cat, but very closely related and with Felidae and other cat-like carnivores (hyaenas, viverrid and mongoosa) form a feliform carnivore.
Video Felidae
The results of the mitochondrial analysis show that all Felidae are from the same ancestors. Cats are from Asia and spread across the continent by crossing overland bridges. Testing of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA reveals that ancient cats evolved into eight major lineages deviating in the course of at least 10 migrations (in both directions) from continent to continent through Bering and Panama's land bridge, with the Panthera genus being the oldest and the genus Felis is the youngest. About 60% of modern cat species are estimated to have grown in the last millions of years.
Felidae's closest relative is considered Asia's granary. Together with Viverridae, hyenas, mongooses, and carnivores of Madagascar, they form the subordo of Feliformia.
Most cat species share a genetic anomaly that prevents them from feeling sweet.
Most cat species have haploid numbers 18 or 19. The New World cat (which in Central and South America) has 18 haploid numbers, possibly because of the combination of the two smaller chromosomes to the larger ones.
Domestic cat can have long or short tail. At one point, biologists should consider whether the short tail also found in the lynx is the nature of the ancestor or the derivative. Without looking at the fossil record, researchers can see the status of characters found within their outer group. Since all animals belonging to the taxa Felidae, Viverridae, have a long tail, scientists can conclude that the state of this character is an ancestral feature.
Some domestic cats display rosette patterns in their suits. The state of this character, however, is not related to the roses found in big cats. Domestic cats and big cats undergo convergent evolution for this trait. The most common ancestor for all cats has a wrinkled coat. Lynxes displays the status of this character. The jaguarundi lost the status of this character on a secondary basis. The last common ancestors of snow leopards, tigers, jaguars, lions, and leopards develop a coat with a rosette pattern of spotting patterns. Tigers and lions, however, do not display roses as adults. They both have lost the status of this ancestor character from time to time. The adult tiger actually displays the elongated roses that now appear as lines. The adult lion does not seem to have any special marks at all. Both tigers and teenage lions, however, feature partial rosettes. This state of the ancestral character only emerged during this early stage, supporting the notion that ontogenics reflect phylogeny. The rosette patterns found on snow leopards, jaguars, and leopards all have the same origin.
The fossil incident shows that Felidae arrived in North America some 10 million years later than Canidae, and about 20 million years later than Ursidae and Nimravidae.
Maps Felidae
Traditionally, five subfamilies have been distinguished in Felidae based on features of the phenotype: Felinae, Pantherinae, Acinonychinae (cheetah), extinct Machairodontinae, and the extinct Proailurinae.
Molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that the living (remaining) felida falls into eight clades. The placement of cheetahs in the Puma lineage drops the traditional subfamily Acinonychinae, and new sources use only two subfamilies for the remaining genera. Eight lineages divide between this as follows:
- Pantherinae subfamily:
- Ancestry 1 (Panthera pedigree): Panthera , Neofelis
- Felinae's subfamily:
- Lineage 2 (Bay lineage): Pardofelis , Catopuma
- Lineage 3 (Caracal lineage): Leptailurus , Caracal (including Profelis )
- Lineage 4 (Ocelot cat lineage): Leopardus
- Lineage 5 (Lynx lineage): Lynx
- Lineage 6 (Puma lineage): Puma , Acinonyx , Herpailurus
- Lineage 7 (Leopard cat lineage): Prionailurus , Otocolobus
- Lineage 8 (Domestic cat lineage): Felis
The last four genealogies are more related to each other than to the first four, thus forming a clade in the Felinae subfamily of the Felidae family.
Existing species
The following is a complete list of genera in Felidae, grouped by traditional phenotypical classification with the corresponding genotype lineage shown. It covers all species of cats that are currently living.
- Pantherinae subfamily
- Genus Panthera [Lineage 1]
- Tiger ( Panthera tigris )
- Lion ( Panthera leo )
- Jaguar ( Panthera onca )
- Leopard ( Panthera pardus )
- Snow leopard ( Panthera uncia ; syn., Uncia uncia )
- Genus Neofelis [Lineage 1]
- Clouded leopard ( Neofelis nebulosa )
- Sunan leopard ( Neofelis diardi )
- Genus Panthera [Lineage 1]
- Felinae's subfamily
- Genus Pardofelis [Lineage 2]
- Marmel cat ( Pardofelis marmorata âââ ⬠)
- Genus Catopuma [Lineage 2] - syn. Pardofelis
- Bay cat ( Catopuma badia ) - syn. P. badia
- Asian golden cat ( Catopuma temminckii ) - sin. P. temminckii
- Genus Caracal [Lineage 3]
- Caracal ( Caracal caracal )
- African gold cat ( Caracal aurata âââ ⬠) - sin. Profelis aurata âââ ⬠;
- Genus Leptailurus [Genealogy 3]
- Serval ( Leptailurus serval or Serval Karakel )
- Genus Leopardus [Lineage 4]
- Pampas Cat ( Leopardus colocola ). Most authorities recognize the Pampas cat as a single species, although some authorities recognize the following three species:
- Pantanal cat ( Leopardus braccatus or Leopardus colocolo braccatus )
- Colocolo ( Leopardus colocolo or Leopardus colocolo colocolo )
- Pampas Cat ( Leopardus pajeros or Leopardus colocolo pajeros )
- Geoffroy Cat ( Leopardus geoffroyi )
- Kodkod ( Leopardus guigna )
- Southern tigrina ( Leopardus guttulus )
- the Andean mountain cat ( Leopardus jacobitus )
- Ocelot ( Leopardus pardalis )
- Oncilla ( Leopardus tigrinus )
- Margay ( Leopardus wiedii )
- Pampas Cat ( Leopardus colocola ). Most authorities recognize the Pampas cat as a single species, although some authorities recognize the following three species:
- Genus Lynx [Lineage 5]
- Canadian lynx ( Lynx canadensis )
- lynx Eurasia ( Lynx lynx )
- Iberia lynx ( Lynx pardinus )
- Bobcat ( Lynx rufus )
- Genus Puma [Lineage 6]
- Cougar ( Puma concolor )
- Jaguarundi ( herpailurus yagouaroundi )
- Genus Acinonyx [Lineage 6]
- Cheetah ( Acinonyx jubatus )
- Genus Prionailurus [Lineage 7]
- Fishing cat ( Prionailurus viverrinus )
- Leopard cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis )
- The Iriomote cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis ) [sometimes known as a different species Prionailurus iriomotensis ]
- Sundae leopard cat ( Prionailurus javanensis )
- Flat-headed cat ( Prionailurus planiceps )
- Red-colored cat ( Prionailurus rubiginosus )
- Genus Otocolobus [Lineage 7]
- Pallas cat ( Otocolobus manul )
- Genus Felis [Lineage 8]
- Wildcat ( Felis chaus )
- Sand cat ( Felis margarita âââ ⬠)
- Black-legged cat ( Felis nigripes )
- European wildcat ( Felis silvestris )
- African wildcat ( Felis lybica )
- Chinese mountain cat ( Felis bieti )
- Domestic cat ( Felis catus )
- Genus Pardofelis [Lineage 2]
There are many variations in the taxonomy used for wild cats. It used to be considered as Felis silvestris with different subspecies F.s. silvestris , F.s. lybica and F.s. ornata âââ ⬠<â â¬
The phylogenetic relationship of the remaining felids is shown in the following cladogram, based on molecular phylogenetic analysis of Johnson et al. (2006). Heredity, genus and species as used in the study.
genera Fossil
This list follows McKenna and Bell's Mammalian Classification for prehistoric genera. Pseudaelurus is included in Felinae according to McKenna & amp; Bell, despite its basic position in felid evolution. This list differs from McKenna and Bell as follows: Sivapanthera is included in Felinae, since Acinonychinae is no longer recognized as a distinct subfamily; Ischyrosmilus is considered a synonym of the genus Homotherium ; and three newly recognized genera, Miracinonyx , Lokotunjailurus and Xenosmilus , have been added.
- Proailurinae
- ProLogue
- Pseudaelurus
- Felinae
- Sivaelurus
- Vishnufelis
- Pikermia
- Abelia
- Pratifelis
- Dolichofelis
- Sivapardus
- Jansofelis
- Sivapanthera
- Miracinonyx
- Katifelis
- Asilifelis
- Namefaces
- Diamantofelis
- Pantherinae
- Leontoceryx
- Dromopanthera
- Schaubia
- Viretailurus
- Machairodontinae
- Tchadailurus
- The Metailurini tribe:
- Metailurus (Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene Middle, North America, Eurasia, Africa)
- Adelphailurus (Miosen: North America)
- Stenailurus
- Dinofelis (Early Pliocene, Early Pleistocene; Eurasia, Africa, North America) (End of Miocene, Africa, Eurasia, North America)
- Yoshi (Miocene, Europe)
- Smilodontini tribe:
- Smilodon (Pleistocene: North North America)
- Rhizosmilodon (Pliocene, North America)
- Megantereon (Pliocene, Pleistocene: North America, Africa, Eurasia)
- Promegantereon (Miocene, Spain)
- Paramachairodus (Miocene End, Eurasia, Africa)
- Homotherini Tribe:
- Homotherium (Pliocene, Pleistocene, African, Eurasian, North American)
- Lokotunjailurus (Latest Miocene; Africa)
- Nimravides (Middle to End Miocene, North America)
- Xenosmilus (Pleistocene: North America)
- Amphimachairodus (Miocene End, Africa, Eurasia, North America)
- The Machairodontini tribe:
- Machairodus (Miocene End, Africa, Eurasia, North America)
- Miomachairodus (Middle Miocene, Africa, Asia)
- Hemimachairodus
Habitat and ecology
Cat species originate from every continent except Australasia and Antarctica. Some are adapted to desert environments, some wetlands, some up to the high mountain plains. Species of cats that live in forests are generally agile climbers. All species of cats are carnivorous and need meat. In addition to lions, wild cats are generally solitary and closed. Wild domestic cats form colonies. Male cheetahs are known to live and hunt in groups. Cat cat species activity patterns range from nocturnal to crepuscular and diurnal, depending on the species of prey they like.
All members of the cat family share the following characteristics:
- They have a flexible, supple body with muscular legs.
- They are digitigrade, have five toes on the soles of their front paws and four on their hind legs.
- The plantar bearings of both front and rear legs make up three compact lobe pads.
- They have protractile curved claws attached to the terminal bones of the toes with ligaments and tendons. The claws are actively protracted by contracting the muscles in the toes, and they are passively pulled. The dewclaws are expanded but not protracted. The claw is guarded by the skin sheath, except on the cheetah.
- Their skulls are smoothed with round profiles and large orbits.
- His nose is slightly beyond the lower jaw.
- They have a muzzle with 30 teeth and tooth formulas . The fangs are large, reaching a remarkable size in the extinct dental species of the sword. The third upper premolar teeth and lower molar are adapted as carnassial teeth, suitable for tearing and cutting meat. The lower carnassial is smaller than the upper carnassial and has a crown with two pointed ends such as a pointed knife.
- Their tongues are covered with colorful papillae, which incubate meat from the prey and assist in the treatment.
- They have a well-developed and very sensitive mustache above the eyes, on the cheeks, on the snout, but not under the chin. Mustache helps navigate in the dark and catch and hold prey.
- Their eyes are relatively large, situated to provide binocular vision. Their night vision is very good because of the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back into the eyeballs, and gives a different color to their eyes. As a result, felids eyes are about six times more sensitive to light than humans, and many species are at least partly at night. The retina felida also contains a relatively high proportion of stem cells, adjusted to distinguish moving objects in dim light conditions, complemented by the presence of cone cells to sense daylight colors.
- Their outer ears are large, and especially sensitive to high-frequency sounds in smaller cat species. This sensitivity allows them to search for small rodent prey.
- Relative to body size, they have shorter bacula than canids. His penis is subconikal and boneless.
The color, length and density of their feathers vary greatly. The color of the feathers varies from brown to gold, and the fur pattern of distinctive little spots, lines, to small patches and roses. Those who live in cold environments have thick fur with long hair, such as snow leopard and Pallas cat. Those living in tropical and hot climate zones have short hairs. The only less-marked cat species are lions, cougar, caracal, jungle paint and jaguarundi. Some species show melanism with black individuals.
In most species, the tail is between one-third and half the length of the body, though with some exceptions, such as species and margarine Lynx . Cat species vary greatly in body size and skull, and the weight:
- The largest cat species is a tiger, with head length up to a male body of up to 390Ã,ü (150Ã, inches), weighs at least 325 kg (717 lb), and a long skull ranging from 316 to 400 mm ( 12.4 to 15.7 inches) to the maximum. The maximum skull length of the lion is reported to be 419 mm (16.5 inches), but smaller in the head-to-body length than the first.
- The smallest cat species is a rusty rusty cat and a black-legged cat. The first is 35 to 48 cm (14 to 19 inches) long and weighs from 0.9 to 1.6 kg (2.0 to 3.5 pounds). The latter has a head-to-body length of 36.7-43.3 cm (14.4 to 17.0 inches) and a maximum weight of 2.45 kg (5.4 pounds).
Felid also has a highly developed sense of smell, though not to the degree seen in canids; This is further complemented by the presence of vomeronasal organs in the roof of the mouth, allowing the animal to "feel" the air. The use of this organ is associated with the Flehmen response, in which the upper lip is curled upward. Most felids can not feel sweet because the genes mutate on their tongue.
Most felids can land on the sole of the foot after falling because of the cat's straightening reflex.
All felids have the same set of vocalizations, but with some variation between species. In particular, call tones vary, with larger species producing deeper sounds.
All felids can spit, hiss, growl, growl, and mew. The first four voices are all used in an aggressive context. The sound of spitting is a sudden burst, usually used when making threats, especially against other species. Hissing is a long-lasting sound, a voice used in close proximity to members of other species, when the animal is unsure whether to attack or retreat.
Meowing sounds can be used either as a close contact call, usually between mother and kitten, or as a call, louder longer distances, especially during breeding season. The acoustical properties of the mew vary between different species of felid; Extreme examples include whistling sounds made by cougars and shaking lions and tigers.
Most felids seem to be able to snore, vibrating the muscles in their larynx to produce a distinctive buzzing sound. In the wild, purring is used when a mother takes care of a kitten. Exactly what species of fauna can snore is a matter of debate, but the sound has been recorded in most of the smaller species, as well as common for cheetahs and aunts, and can also be found in other big cats.
Other common felid vocalizations include gurgle, wah-wah, prusten, and roar. The first two sounds are only found among Felinae (small cat). Gurgling is the quiet sound that is used during meetings between friendly individuals, as well as during courtship and while caring for a kitten. Wah-wah is a short, in-voice call used in close contact, and is not found in all species (eg, not in domestic cats).
Instead, only Panthera species can be powerful and roaring. Prusten is a short, soft, snorting sound reported in tigers, jaguars, snow leopards, and leopards; it is used during contact between friendly individuals. A roar is a very harsh call with a distinctive pattern that depends on the species. Roaring ability comes from the long and specially tailored apparatus of the larynx and hyoid. As the air passes through the larynx on the road from the lungs, the laryngeal cartilage wall vibrates, producing sound. Only lions, leopards, tigers, and butchers can really roar, even though the loudest leopard has the same voice, if less structured.
Fossil felids
Perhaps the oldest known true felid ( Proailurus ) lived in the late Oligocene and early Miocene. During the Miocene, it gave way to Pseudaelurus . Pseudaelurus is believed to be the last ancestor of two extant subfamilies and an extinct subfamily, Machairodontinae. This group, better known as saber-tooth cat, became extinct in the late Pleistocene era. This group includes the genera Smilodon , Machairodus and Homotherium . The Metailurini were originally classified as distinct tribes in Machairodontinae, although they were counted as members of Felinae in recent times. Most cat-like animals, once regarded as members of Felidae, later became members of a related, but different, family of "fake sabretooth" Nimravidae and Barbourofelidae. As a result, the sabretooth "cat" seems to belong to four different lineages. The total amount of fossil fossils known to science is low compared to other carnivorous families, such as dogs and bears. Felidae radiated recently and most of the species that are still there are relatively young.
See also
- Exotic Hunger as a pet
- Felid hybrid
- Panthera hybrids
- Destruction of behavior caused by pinch, used by cats to transport their child.
References cited
General reference
- Shoemaker, Alan (1996). "1996 Taxonomy and Legal Status of Felidae". Felid Taxonomic Advisory Group of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association. Archived from the original in 2006-06-12 . Retrieved 2006-07-15 .
- Turner, A. and AntÃÆ'ón, M. (1997). Big Cats and Their Fossil Families: Picture Guides for Their Evolution and Natural History . Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-10228-5. CS1 maint: Using the author parameters (links)
- Kirby, G. (1984). "Family cat". At Macdonald, D. The Encyclopedia of Mammals . Facts about Files. ISBNÃ, 0-87196-871-1.
External links
- Felidae in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Secret of the World Librarian Species of the National Geographic Society's Wild Cat
Source of the article : Wikipedia