A freshwater aquarium is a container that holds one or more freshwater organisms for decorative, pet maintenance, or research purposes. Modern aquariums are most often made of transparent glass or acrylic glass. The typical inhabitants include fish, plants, amphibians, and invertebrates, such as snails and crustaceans.
Freshwater fish can be either cold water or tropical species. Although freshwater aquariums can be set as community tanks, cold water and tropical fish are generally not mixed because they are not compatible in temperature requirements. Cold water fish aquariums and other species that do not require heating devices. The warmer temperatures will actually increase metabolism and shorten their lifespan. For tropical fish tanks, maintaining a warm environmental temperature ranging between 75 and 80 ° C (24 to 27 ° C) allows the fish to thrive.
Aquariums can be decorated with sand or gravel, live or plastic plants, driftwood, stone, and various commercially made plastic sculptures. The smallest aquarium is a fish bowl, but this is not recommended for most fish because it is generally too small, tends to inhibit the growth of fish, and can cause death in the end.
Video Freshwater aquarium
The earliest known aquarium is an artificial fish pond built by the ancient Sumerians over 4,500 years ago. The ancient Assyrians, Egyptians, and Romans also kept fish in the pond for food and entertainment. The ancient Chinese were the first culture to breed fish with any success rate. They raised goldfish for food around 2000 BC, and developed ornamental fish with selective breeding. Goldfish were introduced to Europe during the 18th century.
At the end of the 18th century, widespread public interest in the study of nature awakened, and fish stored in glass bottles, porcelain containers, wooden tubs, and artificial ponds. It was at this time that zoologists and botanists, Johann Matthaeus Bechstein, stored large quantities of fish and amphibians and laid the foundations for aquariums and terrarium sciences. A proper aquarium and terrarium concept was developed later by Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward in 1829.
During the 19th century the idea of ​​a "balanced aquarium" was developed. This approach is an attempt to mimic a balanced ecosystem in nature. According to this method, fish debris can be consumed by plants, and plants along with surface air water can supply oxygen to fish. In 1869, the first tropical fish (Paradise Fish) was imported from Asia. In these days, tropical tanks are kept warm by an open flame. Since the initial filters are noisy and expensive, fishkeeping is a hobby devoted to rich people who have a scientific inclination.
In 1878, Rear Admiral Daniel Ammon brought the first tropical fish from the Far East to the United States which led to a decline in the popularity of carp. At the beginning of the 20th century, aeration, as well as particulate and charcoal filtration were introduced. The undergravel filter was introduced in the 1950s. At the present time, the old idea of ​​a balanced aquarium is seen as something that is unattainable and unnecessary to many people in the aquarium hobby, but it makes its return at the end of the 20th century with the increasing popularity of the planted tank.
Today fishkeeping has become a popular pastime that almost anyone can do. Wildlife aquariums are captured and raised in Asia and Florida. The breeding species are relatively inexpensive and widely available, and are less likely to be infected with diseases or parasites. Unfortunately, successive generation of inbred fish often has less color and smaller fins than their wild counterparts.
Maps Freshwater aquarium
A typical freshwater aquarium household, regardless of its aquatic tenant, consists of furnishings such as gravel substrate, live or plastic plants, stones, driftwood, backdrop or background, and other decorations. Other equipment including canopy or hood as aquarium cover, aquarium container or base, lighting accessory, heater, thermometer, air pump, filtration equipment, windstorm, fish food, fish net, air conditioner, water quality test kit, siphon hose or gravel cleanser , and a bucket to replace water.
The surface area and height are very important in the regulation and maintenance of living biotopes. The surface area contributes to deliver superior in-tank oxygenation and also facilitates the creation of interesting aquatic themes. Freshwater environments are more favorable than short and wide aquariums, because of their larger surface area present to the air; this allows more oxygen to dissolve in water, and the more oxygen, the more fish you can store. In general, larger aquariums provide a more stable water world and hobbyists can also get more fish. Large aquariums can also increase aesthetic value. With regard to the material, the all-glass aquarium is preferred because of its reasonable price and superior ability to resist scratches and discoloration. Indoor aquariums are usually placed away from windows, heating and cooling the home ducts due to direct sunlight and temperature changes can have a negative impact on the aquatic environment. Overexposure to sunlight leads to the rapid growth of algae inside and outside the tank. The sudden temperature variations are dangerous for the fish.
Fish come in a variety of large species, from several different geographical regions. Most aquarium fish come from Central America, South America, Africa, or Asia. Fish can be stored in various species combinations and in different types of aquatic environments. Four common themes include community aquariums, goldfish aquariums, African cichlid aquariums, and planted aquariums.
Community aquariums refers to the mixing of fish and plants from different geographical areas with emphasis on the color and robustness of specimens. An example is a combination of gouramis, tetras, and rasboras with a selection of hardy plants such as Hygrophila formatted, Hygrophila polysperma, and Vallisneria spiralis. Choosing fish that are peaceful and harmonious with each other is important in community tanks.
A goldfish aquarium can be set as a seedless and bottom tank to emphasize the bright colors of the fish. The combination of different types of goldfish and different decorations with bright colors of the fish will create an attractive look. Live plants usually do not grow with goldfish, except for hard and oxygen plants such as Egeria, because the mashed fish regularly disturbs the substrate. They can also eat finely leafy plants. Plastic plants can be used instead.
An African cichlid aquarium generally consists of Lake Tanganyika or cichlid varieties of Lake Malawi, and generally requires large amounts of stone combined with fine gravel substrate or sand. The rocky environment must provide many caves and hiding places. Because cichlids, such as goldfish, disrupt substrate by digging, plastic plants should be used instead of live plants. However, real crops like Vallisneria or Anubias can be tried in cichlid tanks.
A planted aquarium emphasizes live plants as much, or even more than fish. Large groupings of plant species such as Hygrophila, Limnophila, Rotala, Vallisneria, Echinodorus, and Cryptocorynes with limited fish quantities are good examples of planted tanks. It is important to choose fish that will not damage the plants, such as small tetras, dwarf dwarves, cherry cherries, zebra danios, and the White Cloud. The cultivated tank may include CO 2 injection and laterite enriched substrate or, in the case of a low-tech aquarium, a layer of potting soil under gravel to provide nutrients for the plant.
A biotope aquarium is an aquarium designed to simulate natural habitats, with fish, plants, and furniture all representing a specific place in nature. Since only species found together in nature are allowed in true biotech aquariums, these tanks are more challenging and less common than other themes. The most common aquarium biotopes are the Amazon biotope and Lake Malawi biotope, but sometimes aquarists will create the Southeast Asian river biotope.
See also
- Aquarium
- Aquascaping
- Fish food
- Fish Cleansing
- Mas Fish
- Public aquarium
- List of aquarium diseases
- List of freshwater aquatic amphibian species
- List of freshwater aquarium fish species
- List of freshwater aquarium invertebrate species
- List of species of freshwater aquarium plants
External links
- Freshwater aquarium in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- The Krib: Aquaria and Tropical Fish
- Amazon Biotope Aquarium
Source of the article : Wikipedia