Samyama (from Sanskrit ???? sa? -yama - holding, binding, binding, integration). Combined simultaneous practice of Dhà ra ?? (concentration), Dhy? na (meditation) & amp; Sam? Dhi (unity). Tool to receive a deeper knowledge of the quality of the object. This is a term that summarizes the process of psychological absorption in the object of meditation.
Samyama , as taught Yoga Sutra Patanjali, gave birth to prajÃÆ' Â ±?. Adi Yoga or Mahasandhi discuss' m? La prajÃÆ' Â ±? ' "Listening/learning, investigation/contemplation, realization/meditation" which is the transposition of the Samyama trinity. It is activated unconsciously in a non-structured form (resulting in a fragmented spontaneous Samyama effect) by contemplative thinking or ingestion (especially Catuskoti and Koan) and deep trans levels. Each type of intuitive thought at its various stages of expression is closely related to phenomena such as Aunt Samyama.
Samyama is practiced consistently by Yogin from certain schools (Raja Yoga, Adi Yoga for example). Described in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, it consists of three limbs over the King of Yoga. Following Yoga Sutras Patanjali, a winning yogin in samyama conquered all 'cognitive obscuration' (Sanskrit: klesha). Sutra describes various 'powers' or 'perfection' (Sanskrit: siddhi) a yogin can reach through Samyama channel.
Video Samyama
Yoga Sutra
Source of the article : Wikipedia