Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Time Traveler Took This Picture In The Year 6000 - YouTube

According to classical Jewish sources, Hebrew year 6000 (from sunset 29 September 2239 to evening of 16 September 2240 on the Gregorian calendar) marks the last time for the Messianic initiation. The Talmud, Midrash, and Kabbalistic work, Zohar, state that the 'deadline' that the Messiah must confront is 6,000 years from creation. According to tradition, the Hebrew calendar began at the time of Creation, placed in 3761 BC. The current Hebrew year (2017/2018) is 5778.

The belief that the seventh millennium will be in accordance with the Messianic Age is based on the application of the universalized Shabbat concept - the 7th day of the week - a purified 'rest day'.

The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 8):

"Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it, Six days you will work and do all your work, and on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath for the Lord your God, you will not do the work... For in six days God made heaven and earth, and all that is in it, and He rested on the seventh day, so God has blessed the Sabbath and sanctified it. "

This tradition states that every day of the week corresponds to a thousand years of creation: Just as the six-week work week reached its peak on the seventh day of the purified Shabbat, the sixth millennium of creation led to the sanctified seventh millennium (Hebrews 6000-7000) - The Age Messianic.

Just as Shabbat is a 'rest day' and a sanctified peace, a time that represents a pleasant satisfaction with the work completed in the previous 6 days, so too the seventh millennium will correspond to 'rest day' and universal peace, the 'completeness' period of' work 'done in the previous six millennia.

The Talmud also draws parallels between the Shmita (Sabbatical) year and the seventh millennium: For six years, or millennia, the earth will work, while during the seventh, or millennium, the world will remain 'blessed', in a state of 'rest' and universal peace.

The reconciliation between the traditional Jewish age of the world and the age of the scientific world is currently beyond the scope of this article, with some taking a literal approach, such as with Young Earth creationism, and others, such as Gerald Schroeder, a consiliative approach scientist.

Video Year 6000


Komentar Talmud:

R. Katina says, "Six thousand years of the world will be there and one [thousand, the seventh], it will become silent (haruv), as it is written, 'And the Lord Himself shall be lifted up on that day' (Isaiah 2:11)... R. Katina also taught, "Just as the seventh year is the year of the Shmita, so the world has a thousand years of the seven unhappy (mushmat), as it is written, 'And the Lord Himself shall be exalted on that day' (Isa. 2:11); and further inscribed, 'A psalm and song for the Sabbath' (Psalm 92: 1) - which means a completely Sabbath day - and also said, 'For a thousand years in the eyes of [God] you are but a day gone by. "(Ps.90: 4) (Sanhedrin 97a)."

Maps Year 6000


The Midrash at Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer commented:

Six thousand years for entry and exit, for war and peace. The seventh Eon is fully Shabbat and rest for eternal life.

The Hook


Zohar states:

In the 600th year of the six thousand, the above policy gateways and the lower sources of wisdom will be opened. It will prepare the world to enter the seven thousand, just as humans prepare themselves for the sunset on Fridays for the Sabbath.

Zohar further explains:

Israel's redemption will take place through the mystical power of the letters "Vav" [which has six numerical values], that is, in the sixth millennium.... Happy are those who will be left alive at the end of the sixth millennium to enter the Shabbat, which is the seventh millennium; because it is the day set for the Holy One to influence the union of new souls with the old souls of the world (Zohar, Vayera 119a).

There is a kabbalistic tradition that maintains that every seven days of creation in Genesis chapter one corresponds to a millennium of the existence of a creation of nature.

Tradition teaches that the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath rests, according to the seventh millennium, the universal 'resting' age - the Messianic Era.

Where is the Evidence For A 6,000 Year Old Universe? - YouTube

Rishonim and Acharonim

Elaborating the seventh millennium themes representing the Messianic Age are many early and late Jewish scholars, including Rashi, Ramban, Chaim Vital, Isaac Abrabanel, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Rabbeinu Bachya, Rabbi Yaakov Culi writer Me'am Lo'ez, Vilna Gaon, Lubavitcher Rebbe , Ramchal, and Aryeh Kaplan.

The acceptance of the seventh millennium idea that represents the Messianic Age beyond Ashkenazi - Sephardi divide, the division of Chassidim - Misnagdim, and throughout the rational perspective of the Talmud and the Kabbalah mystical, shows the centrality of this idea in traditional Judaism.


Rashi describes the alignment between the tranquility experienced today on the seventh day of the week, the Shabbat, and what will be experienced in the seventh millennium:

Talmud Avoda Zara folio 9a cites the teachings of the Elijah Academy that "the world will be for six thousand years". Rashi (sv ??????????) commented on this: "The world is set to last for six thousand years, like the days of the week, the seventh day of the week is Shabbat, so too in the millennium seventh, there will be peace in the world. "


In his book Sha'ar Hagmul, Ramban writes that the sixth millennium will see the coming of the Messiah and the seventh millennium will be the Shabbat of the 'Upcoming World', where righteous people will be resurrected and rejoice.

Ramban further writes that the Bible verse, "And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it" (Gen. 2: 3), referring to the Blessing of the World to Come beginning in the seventh millennium.


In his commentary to Genesis 2: 3, Rabbeinu Bachya writes that the seventh millennium will follow the Messiah and the resurrection, and will be a time of "great everlasting pleasure" for those who deserve to be raised.

This is the case, he explains, just as one prepares for six days a week for Shabbat, so one must prepare for six thousand years for the seventh.

Chaim Vital

Chaim Vital writes that anyone who wants to know what will happen in the last days, must study the first seven days of creation. Each day of creation represents 1000 years, and the seventh 'day', beginning in the year 6000, represents the day of rest.


Don Isaac Abrabanel writes that similar to the structure of the week of Creation, so too the world will be there for six thousand years, with the seventh millennium being Hefsek (rest) and Shvita (rest), like Shabbat, Shmita, and Yovel.

Rabbi Yaakov Culi

In his famous work, Me'am Lo'ez, in a passage that describes the parallels between the Exodus from Egypt and the Last Redemption, Rabbi Yaakov Culi wrote: "It seems logical to assume that the prayers that are said today for redemption are more acceptable than They who said in the past... In the past, the redemption was far away in the future, so that for their prayers to have influence, the people should pray earnestly.At that time, the thousand-year-old people of " The time at which redemption must be made. Now, we are only 500 or 200 years from that time, and the closer it comes, the easier it is for the prayer to be received. "In a footnote to this statement, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan wrote:" It was written in 5492 (1732). Because there is a tradition that the Messiah must come before the year 6000 (2240), there are only 500 more years until redemption should come. There is also a tradition that redemption must begin after 200 years, which is 5,700 (1940). This seems to give support to the assumption that the establishment of the modern state of Israel is beginning from redemption ".

Vilna Gaon

The Vilna Gaon menulis:

Every day of Creation alludes to a thousand years of our existence, and every little detail that occurs in these days will have an appropriate event happening at a proportional time during the millennium.

The ????????? ???????? ( iqvot Meshia ), the footsteps of the Messiah, beginning the first hour of Friday morning in the sixth Millennium, which is Five Hundred [from evening 4 October 1739 until the evening of September 22, 1740 AD], and from hour to hour the steps continue from many aspects [cf. M Avot 1: 1; BT Sanhedrin 38a]. As is known, each hour consists of forty-one years and eight months [alt., 41.666], counting from the moment the bond on the heel of the Messiah is loosened, as said, you have loosened my bond 116: 16), and as revealed in: A decree He declares it for Joseph... 'I removed his shoulder from the burden of his palm released from the hod' (Psalms 81: 6-7). Beginning with the second hour [that is, from 5541 (1781 AD)], the entire House of Israel takes the stage, as a whole, and deals with each individual member of the nation, as an order from above, from the Messiah the beginning of redemption, ie, the Messiah Joseph.


Ramchal explains that the Millennium of Shabbat will be a time of rest, which will be appreciated by the righteous.

Lubavitcher Rebbe

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson explains that after reaching the year of Hebrew 5750 (1989 CE), the millennium 'clock time' has reached Shabbat 'night time'.

It is based on the teachings of the Talmud, which states that a thousand years of man is equivalent to one 'day' in the eyes of the Creator, which in turn is based on the verse in the Psalm, "For a thousand years in your sight is only the day that has passed away (Psalm 90: 4) ". Therefore, given that a millennium of human time equals a cosmic 'day', the seventh millennium of humanity-time is equivalent to the seventh 'cosmic' day, 'Shabbat', the Messianic age.

Given that the Jewish day begins at night, the year 5750 represents the 12:00 noon hour on Friday 'millennium', as per the table below.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, as others, declared that the Messiah should arrive at, or before, the beginning of the Sabbath, the year 6000.

The English Year 2018, corresponding to Hebrew year 5778, thus marks 12:40 on Friday Millennial. In Jewish law, half an hour past midday or mincha gedola marks the time on Friday afternoon when the effect of Shabbat begins, and some authorities forbid keeping business open past that point.

Shlomo Elyashiv

Kabbalis and grandfather Rabbi Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv writes in Drushei Olam HaTohu:

... This is why so much time must last from creation to the time of Tikkun (lit. 'correction', Moshiach comes). All the strength of Gevurot (strict judgment) is rooted in six Sefirot - Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod - which is the sixth day of creation... and also 6,000 years of history that the world will exist. And in [six Sefirot] is the root of all that will happen from six days of creation until Final Tikkun... We find that everything that happens is the result of sparks from the Tohu period, the Chaos...

Aryeh Kaplan

Aryeh Kaplan writes:

Never before has humans been confronted with a variety of possibilities. Never before has such an extraordinary power, to be used for good or evil... We need not repeat it, but the last hundred years have brought about an unrivaled increase of knowledge in all human history... The ultimate goal of this historic process is the perfection of society... is what we call the Messianic Age... Nearly 2000 years ago, the Zohar predicted, "In the 600th year of the six thousand, the gates of high wisdom and the lower sources of wisdom will be opened, preparing the world to enter the seven thousand, just as humans prepare themselves for the sunset on Fridays for the Sabbath, it is the same here, and the mnemonic for this is (Gen 7: 11), 'In the 600th year... all the foundations from the great depths of the split. "Here we see a clear prediction that in the Jewish year 5600 (or 1840), the lower sources of wisdom will be opened and there will be a sudden expansion of secular knowledge.

Esther Jungreis

In an interview with Israel's National Radio, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis said the following:

Listen carefully, my friends, for what I tell you. Hashem, Elokei Yisrael, created the world we live in today in six days.

Every day is a thousand years. This world, as we know it today, can not last more than 6,000 years. Currently, we are in the year 5769, which means Erev Shabbos world. In 6000, Mashiach must be here. He can come early. But by the year 6,000, he must be here.... Vilna Gaon says that the last war, Milchemet Gog uMagog, will last only 12 minutes because they will have weapons like that....

We know that the final redemption, the end of the Moon, will be like when you left Egypt - only one fifth of our people left Egypt. Four-fifths were killed... during the outbreak of darkness.

So I appeal to every Jew. Any negative prophecies can be changed. We can bring Mashiach today. Today, we live in a period called Erev [night] Shabbat.

This is Erev Shabbat, because when Mashiach is coming, it will be the day that will become Shabbat, the seventh day.... Let's take Shabbos early, and let's bring Shabbos with menucha, with shalom [peace], with simchah [happiness] - Could it be? Correct?! Any negative prophecies can be changed.

Time traveller' claims to have been to the year 6000 and brought ...

See also

  • Jewish eschatology
  • Moshiach
  • Third Temple

6000 Years End In The Year 2022 Trailer - YouTube


Source of the article : Wikipedia
