Talk baby is a type of greeting associated with an older person speaking to a child. It's also called a guardian speech , a language directed by a baby ( IDS ), ( CDS ) or motherese .
Baby chat has a different "cooing" intonation pattern than a normal adult conversation: high notes, with much more glissando variations than normal speech. It can show hyperarticulation (increased time between peripheral vowels like [i], [u], and [a]) and shortening and simplifying words, and similar to speeches used when people talk to their pets directed). When adults talk to each other using baby chat, it may either express affection by imitating the likes shown by adults to children, or being patronizing.
Video Baby talk
- The first documented use of baby-talk , according to Oxford English Dictionary , was in 1836.
- Motherese and parentese are more precise terms than baby talk , and may be easier to search the computer but are not an option between child development professionals. Critics of gender stereotypes also favor the term "motherese", because all caregivers, not just female parents, use different speech patterns and vocabulary when talking to small children. Motherese can also refer to English spoken in a higher, softer way, which is otherwise the correct English, as opposed to the non-standard and short word forms.
- Children directed speech ( CDS ) is a term preferred by researchers, psychologists, and child development professionals.
- Baby-directed speech ( IDS ) is also used. This term can be exchanged.
- nanny language is sometimes used.
Maps Baby talk
CDS is a clear and simplified strategy for communicating with younger children, used not only by adults but also by older children. Vocabulary is limited, speech is slowed by the number of more pauses, and the sentence is short and grammatically simplified, often repeated. Although CDS features characterized the hearing characteristics, aid of other factors in language development. Three types of modifications occur in adult-directed talks in the production of CDS -
- linguistic modifications, especially prosodies, including the simplification of speech units and the emphasis on various phonemes.
- modifications to strategies of getting attention, giving visual cues through body language (kinesica), especially facial movements, to more effectively maintain the attention of their babies.
- modifications to the interaction between parent and infant. Parents use CDS not only to promote language development, but to foster positive relationships with their babies.
The younger the child, the more copious the adult CDS. Baby's attention is held more easily by CDS through normal speech, as in adults. The more expressive CDS is, the more likely the baby responds to this method of communication by an adult.
CDS also incorporates body movements that help visually in conveying the meaning of the language to the baby. Due to visual cues, infants are more motivated to engage in communication.
The main visual aspect of CDS is lip movement. One of its characteristics is a wider mouth opening in those who use CDS compared to adult-directed conversations, especially in vocals. The horizontal position of the lips on CDS does not differ significantly from that used in adult-directed conversations. Instead, the observed difference lies in the vertical lip position: By making the opening of the lips larger, the baby is more likely to focus on the speaker's face. Research shows that with larger lips opening during CDS, babies are better able to understand the message delivered due to high visual cues.
Head movement emphasizes various syllables in language production. These visual cues provide additional information to infants needed to accurately discriminate speech during language development.
Visual cues also allow babies to distinguish speech differences in environments where they can not rely on their hearing (eg noisy environments). However, the auditory and visual aspects of CDS do not exist independently. Infants rely equally on both methods of understanding and, as progress continues, babies strengthen the relationship between these two important categories.
Research shows that infants do not play a passive role in this interaction, but are involved interactively, and are attracted to people involved in CDS. Through this interaction, babies can determine who is positive and encourage caregivers in their development. When babies use CDS as an acceptable caregiver determinant, their cognitive development appears to be growing as they are encouraged by adults invested in developing a given baby. Because the process is interactive, caregivers can make significant progress through the use of CDS.
Objectives and implications
Use with baby
Studies have shown that from birth, babies prefer to listen to CDS, which is more effective than ordinary conversation in getting and holding baby's attention. Some researchers believe that CDS is an important part of the emotional bonding process between parents and their children, and helps babies learn the language. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Wisconsin found that using basic "baby talks" can support babies in taking words faster. Babies pay more attention when parents use CDS, which has a slower and more repetitive tone than used in casual conversation.
CDS has been observed in languages ​​other than English.
The goals and benefits of CDS include supporting the baby's ability to bond with their caregiver. In addition, babies begin the process of speaking and language acquisition and development through CDS.
CDS may also contribute to modulation of infant's concern, assisting the infant in determining relevant syntactic qualities including phonetic boundaries, and conveying positive emotions to the baby.
Children learn quickly who receive the most recognition and encouragement from what they say, who are given time and attention to speak and share, and who are questioned. The age of six months can distinguish between medial position syllables in words with many syllables when CDS is used. Babies can apply this to larger words and phrases as they learn to process the language.
CDS helps babies in ties with caregivers. Although infants have a variety of social cues available to them about who will provide adequate care, CDS serves as an additional indicator as a caregiver who will provide developmental support. When adults engage in CDS with babies, they give emotions and positive attention, signaling to babies that they are being respected.
CDS can also serve as a priming tool for babies to pay attention to their caregiver's face. Babies are more sensitive to tones and emphasize the quality of these methods. Therefore, when caregivers use CDS, they expand the possibility for their baby to observe and process facial expressions. This effect can be in part because babies associate CDS with positive facial expressions such as smiles, are more likely to respond to CDS if they expect to receive a positive response from their caregivers.
CDS can promote word processing, allowing babies to remember words when asked to remember them in the future. When words are repeated via CDS, babies begin to make mental representations of every word. As a result, babies with CDS are able to remember words more effectively than babies who do not.
Babies can pick up CDS vocal cues and will often form their babbling patterns afterwards.
Children of depressed mothers, who do not regularly use CDS, show delayed language development. Even when depressed mothers give their babies a positive face, babies do not respond to their efforts on CDS, and in turn do not benefit from this important route for language acquisition. Babies can not make connections between speech and visual facial movement in situations like this. When non-depressed fathers are able to provide CDS stimulation, infants respond well and are able to compensate for the deficits left by their mothers. It can also hamper language development and speech. Therefore, this deficit can be very dangerous for infants with depressed mothers and little contact with male nurses. Socioeconomic status has been found to influence the development of vocabulary and language skills. Lower-status groups tend to be behind the development of children in higher-status families. This finding is thought to be due to the amount of time parents spend with their children and how they interact; mothers of higher status groups were found to say more to their children, use more variety, and speak in longer sentences.
Help for cognitive development
Shore and others believe that CDS contributes to mental development because it helps teach children basic functions and language structure. Research has found that responding to babble with nonsensical babbling fosters the development of the baby; while babble has no logical meaning, verbal interactions show the child the nature of two-way talk, and the importance of verbal feedback. Some experts suggest that parents should not talk to small children only in baby chats, but must integrate some normal adult languages ​​as well. High-pitched CDS sounds provide special acoustic qualities that may be of interest to the baby. CDS can assist a child in the acquisition and/or understanding of language-specific rules that are otherwise unpredictable; an example is a reduction or avoidance of a reversal error reversal. It has also been suggested that mothers are very important for children to gain the ability to ask questions.
Use with non-baby
The use of infant chat is not limited to interactions between adults and infants, as it can be used among adults, or by people for animals. In these examples, the outer language style may be the baby language, but it is not considered the actual "parent", as it serves different linguistic functions (see pragmatics).
Humble/insulting babies
Baby talks and imitations can be used by one non-infant to another as a form of verbal abuse, where the lecture is intended to make the child victimized. This can happen during bullying, when an attacker uses baby chat to confirm that the victim is weak, cowardly, overly emotional, or vice versa.
Flirty baby chat
Talking babies can be used as a form of temptation between sexual or romantic partners. In this case, infant chatter may be a gentle expression of intimacy, and may be part of a loving sexual role in which one spouse speaks and behaves childishly, while the other acts motherly or motherly, responding to "parent". One or both partners can perform the child's role. The terms of affection, such as poppet (or, indatively, baby ), can be used for the same purpose in communication between partners.
Baby chat with pets
Many people talk to their dogs in their native language with more than orders - they talk to them as if they were other human beings. This does not provide communication with dogs, but social interaction for speakers, usually to solve some problems.
The talking style people use when talking to dogs is very similar to CDL, and has been referred to as Doggerel . There are very similar characteristics between CDL and pet-speak. People tend to use about 11 words when talking to other adults; this is reduced to four words when talking to a dog. People use more orders or orders for dogs, but ask twice as many dog ​​questions than any other human, although they do not expect the dog to answer. Records show that 90% of pet-talks are spoken mostly in present tense because people talk to dogs about what is happening now rather than the past or the future, which is twice as much as they do with humans. Also, people are 20 times more likely to repeat or repeat their own words to dogs than they do to humans.
The significant difference is that CDLs contain more sentences about certain bits of information, such as "This cup is red," because they are meant to teach children about language and the environment. Speeches may contain half the sentence of this form, rather than being instructive, the main purpose being as a social function for man; whether dogs learn something is not a concern.
As well as a high tone of voice, pet-speech greatly emphasizes intonation and every emotional expression. There are small ones like "walkie" to walk and "shower" to take a shower. Words and phrases can be modified to make it less formal, using words like "wanna" and "gonna". Although there is no evidence that talking to dogs in this way helps dogs understand what is being said, there is evidence that shows that talking to dogs in a normal, purposeful, and meaningful way improves their receptive language. ability.
Stranger speaks
When speaking with an unskillful listener in a speaker's language, one can simplify their spoken language in an effort to improve understanding. Some use sign language to communicate with others, especially if they have hearing problems, although this is not always understood by people, because some signs in ASL may be difficult to interpret by some, especially if the movement has a different meaning from place to place other. , so they can use languages ​​like talking babies to communicate, skipping small words and perhaps using demonstrative rather than pronouns, such as Do not cross the road to No crossroads . While this kind of simplification can help to, say, foreign tourists, this type of communication is considered harsh or offensive in some societies, because it can cause a foreigner to feel circumcised. It can also be considered insulting if a foreigner is skilled in the language of the speaker. Although not considered a true parent, he has aspects that make both styles similar.
Baby-talk words spoken in adult language
Sometimes baby-talk words are brought into adult talk. The example is:
- "nanny" = "child nurse" to distinguish from "hospital nurse".
- "didy" for "diapers", in US use.
- In Ancient Greek, "??????" ("grandfather") instead of the expected * "???" from Indo-Europe * h? ÃÆ' Â © wh? os
Universality and region-based differences
Researchers Bryant and Barrett (2007) have suggested (as others before them, for example, Fernald, 1992) that CDL exists universally in all cultures and is a species-specific adaptation. Other researchers argue that it is not universal among world cultures, and argues that its role in helping children learn grammar has been exaggerated, suggesting that in some societies (such as certain Samoan clans), adults do not speak to children. their children at all until the children reach a certain age. Furthermore, even where baby-chat is used, it has many intricate grammar constructs, and incorrect words or non-standard words. Other evidence suggests that baby chat is not a universal phenomenon: for example Schieffelin & amp; Ochs (1983) describes the Papua New Guinea's Kaluli tribe who do not normally use CDS. Language acquisition in Kaluli children was not found to be significantly impaired. In other societies, it is more common to talk with children as adults, but with simplicity in grammar and vocabulary, in the belief that it will help them learn the words in standard form.
To connect with a child during a baby's conversation, parents may intentionally rail or make up words, and may pepper speech with nonverbal remarks. Parents may simply refer to the surrounding objects and events, and will often repeat the child's words back to them. Because children use a variety of phonological and morphological sorting (usually distance or reduplication assimilation) in speech learning, such interactions produce "classic" baby words like na-na for grandmother , wawa for water , or din-din for dinner , where the boy catches the tribal stress words from the input, and just repeat it to form a word.
The extent to which caregivers rely on and use different CDS based on cultural differences. Mothers in areas that feature introverted dominated cultures tend not to display as many CDS, although they are still used. Furthermore, the personalities of each child with CDS from caregivers strongly influence the extent to which carers will use this method of communication.
CDS has been seen in other languages ​​such as Japanese, Italian, Mandarin, English English, American English, French, and German. This is the basis for the claim that CDS is an important aspect of social development for children. Although found in many cultures, CDS is far from universal in terms of style and amount used. A factor that is found to influence the way adults communicate with children is the way in which cultures view children. For example, if they see children as helpless and unable to understand, adults tend to interact with less children than if they believe that children are able to learn and understand. Often, cultures that do not have a CDS form redeem it in other ways, such as engaging more children in daily activities, although the reverse may also be a valid assessment.
Research shows that in tonal languages, like Mandarin, the use of CDS is useful for development. In particular, Mandarin has a lexical tone to be used with every syllable which in turn conveys meaning; in Mandarin and other tonal languages, mothers use CDS by improving the tone of speech, making the product easier for the baby to understand.
Increased pitch in speech associated with CDS is present across cultures and occurs regardless of spoken language. Psychoacoustic studies on intonation have been used to further determine the high-pitched effect and excessive syllables used in CDS. These tests have determined that the properties of CDS do not create additional difficulty for the baby while trying to distinguish the conversation. Instead, the increased and extended tone of the CDS allows for more effective communication.
Furthermore, Chinese-speaking mothers who emphasize the change between phonemes have children with higher success in language discrimination tests.
Vocabulary and structure
With respect to English-speaking parents, it is well established that Anglo-Saxon or Germanic words tend to dominate in the informal list of words, whereas Latinate vocabulary is usually reserved for more formal use such as legal and scientific texts. Speeches aimed at children, informal speech lists, also tend to use Anglo-Saxon vocabulary. Mother's speech for young children has a higher percentage of the original Anglo-Saxon vocabulary token than speech addressed to adults. In particular, in parent CDS, the clause core is largely built by Anglo-Saxon verbs, that is, almost all subject-verb grammar subject token tokens, verb-direct objects and verb-indirect objects are assigned to young children. , built with the original verb. The Anglo-Saxon verb vocabulary consists of a short verb, but the grammar is relatively complex. Specific syntactic patterns for this sub-vocabulary in English today include periphrastic construction for tension, aspect, question and negation, and the phrasal lexeme serves as a complex predicate, all of which occur also in CDS.
As mentioned above, infant chat often involves shortening and simplification words, with the possibility of adding slurred words and nonverbal remarks, and can invoke their own vocabulary. Some utterances are created by parents in a particular family unit, or passed from parent to parent from generation to generation, while others are well known and used in most families, such as wawa for water, > num-num to eat, ba-ba for bottle, or beddy-bye to sleep, and considered standard or word traditional word , may differ in meaning from one place to another.
Speaking of babies, any language, usually composed of chaotic words, including names for family members, names for animals, eating and eating, body and genital functions, sleep, pain, may include essential items such as diapers, dot, bottle, etc., and can be sprinkled with nonverbal remarks, such as goo goo ga ga . Vocabulary words made, as listed below, may be long enough with terms for many things, rarely or perhaps never using the right language, other times are short enough, dominated by real words, all nouns. Most words created by parents have logical meanings, though nonverbal sounds are usually completely meaningless and fit only with shared speeches.
Quite a lot of baby talk words and nursery words refer to body functions or genitals, in part because words are relatively easy to pronounce. Also, if a child is very young, body functions such as urination and bowel movements may be quite appealing to them. Scientific terms may be more difficult for them to understand and pronounce, so baby chats may be easier for a child. In addition, such words reduce the inconvenience of adults with the subject matter, and allow children to discuss such things without breaking an adult taboo. However, some, such as pee and poo-poo have been extensively used in reference to body functions to the point considered as standard words, so the ability to mention such subjects without negativity adults have recently faded.
Sometimes baby words speak escaping from the nursery and into adult vocabulary, such as "nanny" for "child nurse" or "nanny."
In addition, many words can be lowered into baby talks following certain transformation rules, in English add terminal/i/voice at the end, usually written and spelled as/ie/,/y/, or/ey/, is common a small way to form often used as part of a baby conversation, examples include:
- horse (from horse )
- cat (from cat or cat )
- potty (originally from pot now equivalent to modern toilet toilet or pispot for small children)
- doggy (from dog )
- duck (from duck )
("Puppy" is often mistaken for child puppies made in this way, but in vice versa: pup is short for puppy French popi or poupÃÆ'Â © e which means "doll." "Doll" stands for "dolly", which starts as a pet for "Dorothy"
Baby phrases and phrases often miss small words, imitating little children who can understand a few sentence compositions, such as to , in , for >, my , so and as , and the articles ( the , a , an ), resulting in incomplete sentences like I need to go potty or I want a blanket . Sometimes, demonstrative is used instead of the pronoun ( he , me , it , he etc.), Since it can help children learn the names of people, for example, Dad wants Susie to eat her cereal instead of standard adult-type language, I want you to eat your cereal because the word change is often confusing for young children. Also, labeling is done, sometimes emphasizing the word through repetition in sentences, such as That's a car, Susie. This is a car. Some parents replace certain words in sentences with sounds that are difficult to pronounce in other easier words, such as choo-choo than train because some children can not pronounce/tr/sound as babies, although most learn pronunciations and phonics as they get older.
All individual words have logical meanings, although the phrase consisting of those words is often based on random utterances, sprinkled with logical words, so the child can "filter" words with meaning and interpret them, because parents can teach the language by labeling. , connecting words with objects or actions.
Use as informal terms
Babies' words and phrases such as mom, urine , potty , yucky , no - no and stomach is sometimes used after infancy as a daily or informal term. However, reduplication is not done. For example, pee to piss . Also, the meaning can slightly change to become more universal and specific: for example potty change in meaning from any toilet to a container like for a child, yum-yum Change from meal time to expression informal excitement toward food, or odor changes from defecation (as a calculated noun) to an adjective for something that smells bad. Poppet or similar terms can be used as a love term for loved ones of the same age, like a romantic partner, and quickly or no- no can be used as an expression in schools, universities and even workplace scenarios. Nonverbal remarks like googoogaga can be used as figurative for things that are misinterpreted or not understood. Words like mama and nana are often used words for past family members. The word doo-doo is used as a figurative in the future for something difficult or problematic, such as When the computer is stuck, we are in deep doo-doo.
Most standard baby talk words consist of one duplicated syllable, such as mama , chest , poo-poo , chin , boo-boo , bot-bot , num-num , dum -dum and wee-wee . It often imitates the first words of a baby that takes the form of a word. This is done when a child takes syllable words from the main word to shorten it and repeat it to form words like words. Words with the same voice of the syllable are emphasized, such as mama , chest and baba include:
- ba-ba from the bottle
- dum-dum from dummy (English term for dot)
- mom from mom
- chest from dad
Words can be made from small with/i/sound at the end, duplicated, but the first letter of duplication is replaced with/w/- for example very small-weensy , puppy -wuppy or binkie-winkie . Examples of realistic languages ​​that follow this same pattern are known as partial duplicate or modified duplicates include okey-dokey , silly-billy , nonsense and super-duper , which uses the first letter as a modification point. However, these patterns are more common in everyday language and slang than formal English and rarely use/w/for modification.
Many baby talk words for animals involve duplication of onomatopoeia from the sounds they make, including:
- moo-moo (cow)
- neighbor (horse)
- baa-baa , sometimes written as ba-ba (sheep)
Others, unrelated to animals, include vroom-vroom (cars) and choo-choo (train).
Differences pronunciation
Other transformations mimic the way babies think certain consonants in English can include turning/l/to/w/as in wuv from love or widdo from little , or pronounced/v/as/b/, and/ÃÆ' Â °/or/t/as/d/, and/?/as/f/or/s/. This is a way of mimicking how a baby or little boy talks, because most babies, when they start talking, talk as if they have speech disorders because they think of certain consonants. It's usually outdated by the age of five or six.
There are other transformations, but not in all languages, including longitudinal vowels, such as kitty and kiiiitty , (emphasized/i/) which means the same thing. Although this is understood by an English-speaking toddler, this does not apply to a Dutch toddler because they learn that the lengthened vowel letters refer to different words.
CDS includes high pitch features, excessive tone changes, elongated vocals and long pauses between phonemes. This is done to allow baby time to process the information submitted to them. Rhythm is also strongly emphasized in this practice and is used closely with the emphasis of various syllables. The vocal space is also extended in CDS allowing for accurate phonemic discrimination. The rather difficult words in terms of sounds that make them, or difficult phonological words, may be simplified.
CDS has a unique syntax, usually has a simplified form. Caregivers who use CDS often use brief speech rather than full sentence structure to convey meaning to their baby. These short units are often repeated so the baby has practice in certain concepts. CDS allows the baby to detect synthetic boundaries. Furthermore, CDS makes linguistic patterns easier to find than when adult-directed words are used. Babies begin to understand the sequence of words through CDS that slowly extends into a deeper understanding of the structure of sentences as a whole.
Communicating with children can be difficult if adults can not keep their attention, so the topic should be on things that interest them. Research has found that five topics tend to dominate the conversation: family members, animals, body parts, food, and clothing. Conversations with children are mostly about current and here-and-now, rather than topics related to other times..
Example in literature
- Novelis Booth Tarkington, in
(1917), gives an example of this baby talk, in this case, from a pet owner talking to his dog:
- ... pressed his cheek to Flopit, he changed the tone of his voice. "Izzum's ickle heart a-beatin 'so floppity! Um, your own mother makes ums alright, um's p'eshus flopit!"
- George Orwell, in Keep Aspidistra Flying (1936), give another example addressed to pet dogs:
- "A Peke, an angel ickle, wiv gweat big eyes and full of vigor and his winding black nosie - oh so ducks!"
- Blow , April 23, 1919, in a funny section claiming to ask inspection questions on "interesting language known as Bablingo", asked participants on items like "Wasums and didums Is that birdie ickle then? " "Is she woz-a-woz, then woz-man a Mum herself?" and "Did he try to hit his ickle brinzzer with his nosie-posie cup? Did he want to break him into fools?"
- In his review of New Yorker about A.A. Milne's The House at Pooh Corner (1928), Dorothy Parker, wrote under a bookstress called Constant Reader, deliberately imitating baby chatter when rejecting the book's syrup prose: "This is the word 'hummy', ' my favorite, it marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner where Tonstant Weader appears. "
- In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), JK Rowling gives an example of this baby talk, from Bellatrix Lestrange to Harry Potter: "The little baby woke up with fwightened and fort what Dweamed is twoo. "
- Brother Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey recording their childhood memories at Cheaper By The Dozen . Their father, Frank Gilbreth, refused to use a baby chat with his eldest son, Anne, who stated that "the only reason the baby talks with the baby is because that's what he hears from adults.Some kids are almost grown up before they know that the whole world is not speaks baby language. "He insists on speaking to Anne as a grown-up, going so far as to hire a German nanny so Anne can learn German along with English. However, Gilbreth did not cling to his power: "At night, when the lights go out, Dad will grab a baby basket and caress the baby's hand, and once Mom gets up in the middle of the night and sees him leaning over the basket and whispering clearly, Is the baby funny? Is it 'ou Daddy's ittle bitty girl? "" What's that, baby? "Mother said with a smile on the sheet, my father cleared his throat." There is no. I just said to this cruel, bad, and ugly little demon that he's more trouble than a bunch of monkeys. "" And just as much fun? "" Every little bit. "
- Babbling - the sound the baby made before they learned to speak
- Thread talk - toddler speaks alone
- Developmental psychology
- Elderspeak - the style of talk used by younger people when talking to older people
- Mom and dad - the earliest sounds or words that babies use
- Girney - sounds similar to the baby chat used by some big monkeys
- Evans, Chris ([1196-1200]) Use on British Channel 4 TFI Friday program. such as a drum ickle device.
- Baby Talk Usage by Naomi S. Baron from ERIC Clearinghouse on Language and Linguistics
See also
Further reading
External links
Source of the article : Wikipedia