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Chess Strategy is an aspect of chess game related to chess position evaluation and goal setting and long-term plans for future play. When evaluating positions strategically, players should consider factors such as the relative value of pieces on the board, pawn structure, king safety, cut position, and control of key boxes and group squares (eg diagonal, open files, individual boxes). The chess strategy is distinguished from the chess tactics, which is an aspect of role-playing related to movement after movement that governs threats and defenses. Some authors distinguish static static imbalances (eg having more valuable pieces or better pawn structures), which tend to persist for many movements, from dynamic imbalances (such as one player having a gain in the development of parts), which are temporary. This difference affects the immediacy with which the plan sought should apply. Until the player reaches the "master" skill level, chess tactics tend to ultimately decide the outcome of the game more often than the strategy. Many chess coaches thus emphasize the study of tactics as the most efficient way to improve one's outcome in a serious game of chess.

The most basic way to evaluate a person's position is to calculate the total value of the pieces on both sides. The value of points used for this purpose is based on experience. Usually pawns are considered to be worth one point, knight and bishop three points respectively, five points rooks, and a queen of nine points. The value of the king's battle on the endgame is about four points. These basic values ​​are modified by other factors such as the position of the pieces (eg advanced pairs are usually more valuable than their initial plot), coordination between sections (eg a bishop couple usually coordinates better than bishop plus knight), and type of position (knights are generally better in closed position with lots pawn, while the bishops are stronger in open position ).

Another important factor in the evaluation of chess positions is the structure of the mortgage or the mortar framework. Since the pawn is the least moving and least valuable piece of chess, the pawn structure is relatively static and greatly determines the strategic nature of the position. Weaknesses in pawn structures, such as isolated pits, doubled, or backward and hole , once created, usually permanent. Therefore, care must be taken to avoid it unless they are compensated by other valuable assets, such as the possibility of developing an attack.

Video Chess strategy

The basic concept of board evaluation

A material apply strategically and tactically. Generally more pieces or aggregates of stronger pieces mean greater chance of winning. The basic strategic and tactical rule is to capture the opponent's pieces while defending his own.

The bishops and knights are called small pieces . A knight is as valuable as a bishop, but less valuable than a fortress. Forts and queens are called main pieces . The bishops are usually considered slightly better than knights in open positions, such as near the end of the game when many parts have been captured, while the knights have the advantage of being in a closed position. Having two bishops (the bishop pair ) is a very powerful weapon, especially if The opposing player does not have one or both of their bishops.

Three pawns may be more useful than a knight in the endgame, but in the middle, a knight is often stronger. Two smaller pieces are stronger than a fort, and two rooks are slightly stronger than the queen. The bishop in the box of the same color as the player is slightly more valuable in the opening as it can strike f7/f2-square prone. Fortress is more valuable when double with rook or other queens; consequently, doubled rooks worth more than two unconnected rook .

A simple assessment system commonly used is:

The rating system used by Stockfish is:

Under such a system, handing over a knight or bishop to win a fort ("winning the exchange") is profitable and worth about two pawns. It ignores complications like the current position and freedom of the pieces involved, but this is a good starting point. In an open position, the bishop is more valuable than a knight (the bishop can easily be worth seven points or more in some situations); on the contrary, in a closed position, the bishop is less valuable than the knight. However, a knight in the middle of a board that can not be taken is known as a knight post and threatens some fork examples. In such a case, a knight is more valuable than a bishop. Also, many parts have pairs. By doubling two knights, two rooks, rook and queen or bishop and queen, the pieces can be stronger than the number of individual parts alone. When the pieces lose their partner, their value decreases slightly. The priceless king since his arrest resulted in the player's defeat and brought the end of the game. However, especially in the endgame, the king can also be part of the battle, and sometimes given the battle score of three and a half points.


Another thing is considered the same, the side that controls more space on the board has an advantage. More space means more choices, which can be exploited tactically and strategically. A player who has all the parts developed and no tactical tricks or a promising long-term plan should try to find a move that magnifies their influence, especially in the center. However, in some openings, one player receives less space for a while, to set up a counterattack in the middle of the game. This is one of the concepts behind the hipermodern game.

The easiest way to add space is to push the skeleton pawn forward. However, one should be careful not to overdo it. If an opponent manages to get a protected part behind enemy lines, this section can be a serious problem so that higher value pieces may have to be redeemed for it.

Larry Evans gave the method of evaluating space. The method (for each side) is to count the number of squares that are attacked or occupied on the opposite side of the board. In this diagram of the Nimzo-Indian Defense, Black attacks four boxes on the side of the White board (d4, e4, f4, and g4). White attacked seven squares on the blackboard side (b5, c6, e6, f5, g5, and h6 - counted b5 twice) and occupied a box (d5). White has the advantage of eight to four spaces and Black narrow.

Control center

This strategy consists of placing pieces so they attack the four squares of the middle board. However, the part placed in the central square does not mean it controls the center, for example, a knight in the central square does not attack any central square. Instead, a piece should not be in the central square to control the center. For example, the bishop can control the center from afar.

Central control is generally considered important because tactical battles are frequent around the central square, from which pieces can access most of the boards. Central controls allow for more movement and more possibilities to attack and survive.

Aperture chess tries to control the center while developing pieces. Hypermodern openings are those that control the center with pieces from afar (usually sides, as with fianchetto); Classic (or Modern) openings controlling it with pawns.


This initiative belongs to players who can create undeniable threats, such as checking the opposing king. Thus they place their opponents in a position of having to use their turn to respond to threats rather than create their own, hindering the development of their work. Players with the initiative generally attack and other players generally defend.

Defend pieces

It is important to keep a person's cut even if they are not directly threatened. This helps stop future campaigns from opponents. If a defender has to be added at a later time, this may take a tempo or even impossible because of a fork or invisible attack. The approach that always defends the pieces of a person has an introduction in Aron Nimzowitsch's theory which calls it "overprotection." Similarly, if one sees an unprotected piece of the enemy, one must immediately take advantage of the weakness of the pieces.

Even parts that are maintained can be vulnerable. If the defensive part also defends something else, it's called the overworked part, and may not be able to fulfill its task. When there is more than one attacking part, the number of defenders must also be increased, and their values ​​are taken into account. In addition to retaining the snippet, it is also often necessary to maintain the lock box, open the file, and rank behind. This situation can easily happen if the pawn structure is weak.

Swapping pieces

To redeem the piece means capturing the unfriendly part and then allowing the piece of the same value to be caught. As a rule of thumb, exchanging pieces facilitates defender tasks that usually have less space to operate.

Exchanging is usually desirable for players with the advantage of being in the material, because it brings the endgame closer and thus leaves the opponent with less ability to recover the ground. In the end even one profit pawn can be decisive. Swapping also benefits the attacked player, the player who controls little space, and the player with a better pawn structure.

When playing against stronger players, many beginners try to constantly exchange pieces "to simplify the problem". However, stronger players are often relatively stronger in the endgame, while errors are more common during the more complicated middlegame.

Note that the "exchange" may also specifically mean a fortress exchanged with a bishop or knight.

Specific snippet


At the end of the game, the pawns that are bypassed, unhindered by enemy pawns from promotion, are strong, especially if advanced or protected by other pawns. A pawn passing in the sixth row is about as strong as a knight or bishop and often decides on a game. (Also see insulated pawn, double pawn, rear pawn, connected pawn.)


Since knights can easily be driven out by mobile pawns, it is often advantageous for knights to be placed in hole in enemy positions as posts - boxes where they can not be attacked by pawns. Like a knight on the fifth rank is a strong asset. The ideal position for a knight is a third-ranked opponent, when supported by one or two pawns. A knight on the edge or corner of the board controls the squares less than the one in the interior of the board, thus the saying goes: "A knight on the dim edge!"

A king and a knight are not enough material to make the opponent's squad (see Two knight endgame). A king and two knights can do a king's scam but can not be forced.


A bishop always lives in a color box that begins, so once one of them is gone, the color box becomes more difficult to control. When this happens, pawns moving to another color box do not block the bishop, and enemy pawns directly facing them stuck to a fragile color.

A bishop fianchettoed , e.g. in g2 after lien g2-g3, can provide strong defense for king castled on g1 and often put pressure on h1-a8 diagonal length. After the fianchetto, giving up the bishop can weaken the hole in the pawn chain; doing so in front of a castrated king thereby can affect his security.

In general, a bishop has approximately the same value as a knight. In certain circumstances, a person can be stronger than others. If the game is "closed" with many pyrotechnics interlocked, the knight tends to become stronger, as it can jump over the pawn as they block the bishop. A bishop is also weak if limited by his own pawn, especially if they are blocked and on the color of the bishop. After a bishop is gone, the remaining bishops are considered weaker because opponents can now plan their movements to play a white or black game.

In open position with action on both sides of the board, bishop tends to be stronger because the distance is long. This is especially true in the endgame; if passing pawns racing on opposite sides of the board, players with a bishop usually have a better chance of victory than a player with a knight.

A king and bishop are not enough material to make the opponent's king squad, but two bishops and a king do the schemes easily.


The castle has more space on the half-open file (which is without a pawn of its own color). The fort in the seventh rank can be very powerful because they attack a pawn that can only be defended by other parts, and they can limit the enemy king to the rear. A pair of monsters in the player's seventh rank is often a sign of a winning position.

In games and endgames with pawns passed, Tarrasch's rule states that the castle, whether friends or enemies of the pawn, is usually strongest behind the pawn than in front of it.

A king and fortress are enough material for an ally king's ally, though a little harder than examining the king and queen; so that the fortifications are a major part of the knights and bishops.


Queens is the most powerful part. They have great mobility and can create multiple threats at once. They can act as battles and as bishops at the same time. For these reasons, a quakmat attack involving a queen is more accessible than those who do not have it. Although strong, the queen is also easily harassed. So it is generally wise to wait develop queen until after the knights and bishops have been developed to prevent the queen from being attacked by small pieces and losing the tempo. When the pawn is promoted, most of the time it is promoted to queen.


During the middle game, the king is often well-protected in the back corner of his pawns. This position for one of the players is often achieved by casting by the player. If the rooks and queens leave the first rank (usually referred to as the player's back rank), however, enemies or enemy queens can check the king by invading first rank, commonly called allied back rank. Moving one of the pawns in front of the king (making luft) can allow it to escape, but it can undermine the king's overall salvation. Therefore, one should wisely balance between these trade-offs.

Castling is often thought to help protect the king and often "connect" two rook players together so that two rooks can protect each other. This can reduce the threat of a rear skewer where the king can be pierced by capturing the castle behind him.

Kings can be a strong part of the endgame. With the material being reduced, the speedy scheme becomes less of a concern, and moving the king to the center of the board gives more opportunities to create threats and actively influence the game.

Maps Chess strategy

Considerations for successful long-term placement

Chess strategy consists of setting and achieving long-term goals during a match - for example, where placing different sections - while tactics concentrate on direct maneuvers. The two pieces of chess thought are inseparable, since most strategic goals are achieved by means of tactics, while tactical opportunities are based on previous play strategies.

Due to various strategic and tactical patterns, the game of chess is usually divided into three distinct phases: Opening, usually 10 to 25 first movements, as players develop their troops and prepare the stage for upcoming combat; middlegame, game development phase; and endgame, when most of its parts disappear and the king begins to take an active part in the struggle.


Chess opening is the initial movement group of a game ("opening movement"). The recognized series of opening steps are referred to as openings and have been named as Ruy Lopez or Sicilian Defense. They are catalysed in reference works such as Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings . It is recommended for anyone but chessmasters who, when allowed to have the option of creating new variations or following the standard opening, select the latter.

There are dozens of different openings, varying widely in characters from quiet positioning games (eg Raffa Opening) to very aggressive (eg Gambit Latvia). In a few opening sentences, the exact sequence considered best for both sides has been worked out to 30-35 or more movements. Professional players spend years studying vacancies, and continue to do so throughout their careers, as the opening theory continues to grow.

The fundamental strategic objectives of most openings are similar:

  • Development : To place (develop) pieces (especially bishops and knights) on useful boxes where they affect the game.
  • Central control : The center box control allows the chips to be moved to any part of the board relatively easily, and can also have cramps effect on the opponent.
  • King's Security : The proper timing of castling can improve this.
  • Pawn Structure : Players try to avoid creating pawn licks like isolated, doubled or backed pawns, and island pawns.

During the opening, some sections have a recognized optimal square that they are trying to reach. Therefore, optimal dissemination can drive the king and queen of two steps followed by moving the knights so they protect the central pawn and provide additional control of the center. One can then spread the bishop, protected by a knight, to pin the knight and the opponent's pawn. The optimal opening ends with castling, moving the king to a safe place and exerting for the powerful rear and fortress throughout the file center.

Apart from these basics, other strategic plans or tactical sequences can be used in the opening.

Most players and theorists assume that White, based on the first step, starts the game with a small profit. Black usually tries to neutralize White's profits and reaches equality , or to develop dynamic counterplay in an unbalanced position.


Middlegame is part of the game when most of the pieces have been developed. Since the opening theory has ended, the player must assess the position, to form a plan based on the positioning feature, and at the same time to take into account the tactical possibility in that position.

General plan or strategic theme - eg minority attack , it is an attack from queenside pawn against opponents who have more pawns in queenside - often just right for some pawn structure , which results from a certain group of openings. Therefore, the study of openings should be linked to the preparation of typical plans to produce the middlegames.

Middlegame is also a phase when most combinations occur. The combination of Middlegame is often associated with an attack on the opposing king; some typical patterns have their own names, such as Boden Mate or Lasker - Bauer pair.

Another important strategic question in the middlegame is whether and how to reduce the material and turn into endgame (ie simplify ). For example, a small material gain can generally be turned into a victory only in an endgame, and therefore a stronger party must choose the right way to reach the end. Not every material reduction is good for this purpose; for example, if one party keeps a bishop who has a square and his opponent has a black one-square, the transformation into final bishops and pawns is usually beneficial for the weaker, for a suffix with the bishops with the opposite color is likely to be a draw, even with the advantage of one or two pawns.


The endgame (or end game or ending ) is the stage of the game when there are some sections left on the board. There are three major strategic differences between the early stages of the game and the endgame:

  • During the end of the game, pawns become more important; Endgames often revolve around trying to promote the pawn by progressing it to the eighth place.
  • The king, who must be protected in the middle of the road due to the threat of a checkmate, becomes a strong part of the endgame and is often taken to the center of the board where he can protect his own pawn, attacking pawns of opposing colors, and blocking the opposing king's movements.
  • Zugzwang, a loss because players have to move, is often a factor in endgames and rarely in other stages of the game. For example, on the diagram on the right, Black on move should go 1... Kb7 and allow white to queen after 2.Kd7, while White on move should allow a good draw after 1.Kc6 deadlock or lose the last pawn by going to another place.

Endgames can be classified according to the type of pieces that remain on the board. The basic level is a position where one side has only a king and the other has one or two parts and can deploy the opposing king, with pieces that work together with their king. For example, kings and pawn endgames involve only kings and pawns on one or both sides and the task of a stronger party is to promote one of the pawns. The other more complicated ends are classified according to the section on the board other than the king, eg "Fortress and march versus endgame castle".

Chess strategy stock image. Image of concept, better - 12720219


  • "Strategies need thinking, tactics require observation." Ã, - Max Euwe
  • "To play according to textbooks is fine, to some extent.May be up to the master level, but not to the grandmaster." Ã, - Vladimir Kramnik

2 Minute Chess Strategy: The Center - YouTube

See also

  • Chess Outline: Chess Strategy
  • Guess the tactics
  • Chess terminology
  • School chess

chess strategy pawn king queen game piece power board conflict ...



  • Evans, Larry (1958). New Idea in Chess . Pitman (1984 edition of Dover). ISBNÃ, 0-486-28305-4.
  • Silman, Jeremy (1993). How to Reassess Your Chess (3rd Edition) . Siles Press. ISBN: 1-890085-00-6.
  • Josh Waitzkin (2002). Chessmaster 8000 Class

The complete middle game Chess Strategy : Space advantage in Hindi ...

Further reading

  • James Eade (2001). Chess for Dummies . Gambit. Ã, Comprehensive guide for beginners.
  • John Nunn (2001). Understanding Mobile Chess Moves . Gambit. Grandmaster International explains the thinking behind every move of many world class games.
  • Silman, Jeremy (1998). Complete Chess Strategy Book . Silman-James Press. ISBN 978-1-890085-01-8.
  • Jeremy Silman (1999). Amateur Thoughts: Turning the Misconception Chess into Chess Mastery . Siles Press. Ã, A chess teacher analyzes and refines the thinking of advanced beginners.
  • Yasser Seirawan (2005). Win a Chess Strategy . Chess everyone. ISBNÃ, 1-85744-385-3.

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External links

  • Chess Plan and Strategy Position evaluation of the main chess game, choose which side has advantages based on 8 strategic themes, see how you think compared to others.
  • Chess Strategy , Second Edition and Chess and Checkers: The Path to Expertise , both by Edward Lasker
  • Chess Blue Book ; "Teaches Rudiments of the Game, and Provides Analyzes of All Apings Recognized" by Howard Staunton

Source of the article : Wikipedia
