Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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What is the difference between Traditional and Montessori Education

The Montessori Educational Method , developed by Maria Montessori, is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. The Montessori method has been used for over 100 years in many parts of the world.

The Montessori method views the child as a person who naturally wants to gain knowledge and is able to begin learning in a thoughtful and thoughtful learning environment. It tries to develop children physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.

Although these practices are under the name "Montessori", the Montessori Internationale Association (AMI) and the American Montessori Society (AMS) refer to these elements as essential:

  • Mixed age classroom; classrooms for children 2 1/2 or 3 to 6 are the most common classes, but 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, and 15-18 years also exist..
  • Student activity options from within the specified range range.
  • Uninterrupted work time block, ideally three hours.
  • Constructivist or "discovery" model, in which students learn the concepts of working with material, rather than by direct instruction.
  • Special educational materials developed by Montessori and collaborators are often made from natural aesthetic materials such as wood, rather than plastic.
  • A carefully prepared environment where materials are organized by subject area, within reach of children, and by their size.
  • Freedom of movement in the classroom.
  • A trained Montessori teacher who follows the child and is very experienced in observing the characteristics, trends, innate talents, and abilities of each child.

Video Montessori education


Following his medical training, Maria Montessori began developing her educational philosophy and methods in 1897, attending pedagogy courses at the University of Rome and reading educational theories two hundred years earlier. While visiting asylum, while attending school with a teacher, he uses his observations of child abuse there, especially those with autism, to create his new form of education. In 1907, he opened his first class, Casa dei Bambini, or the Children's House, in a tenement house in Rome. From the very beginning, Montessori based his work on his observations of children and experimenting with the environment, materials, and lessons available to them. He often refers to his work as a "scientific pedagogy".

In 1901, Maria Montessori met Alice and Leopoldo Franchetti (Baroness & Baron) of CittÃÆ' at Castello. They find many suitable points between their work. Maria Montessori was invited to organize her first course for teachers and to set up "Casa dei Bambini" at Villa Montesca, home of Franchettis at CittÃÆ' di Castello. Maria Montessori decided to move to CittÃÆ' di Castello where she lived for 2 years and where she perfected her methodology with Alice Franchetti. In that period, he published his book at CittÃÆ' di Castello. The Franchetti Barons finance book publishing and methodology has the name "Method Franchetti-Montessori". Alice Franchetti died in 1911 at 37.

Montessori's education had spread to the United States in 1912 and became widely known in educational and popular publications. However, the conflict arose between Montessori and the American educational institution. 1914 critical book The Montessori System Examined by influential education teacher William Heard Kilpatrick limits the spread of his ideas, and they languish after 1914. Montessori education returned to the United States in 1960 and has since spread to thousands of schools there. Montessori continues to expand its work throughout its lifetime, developing a comprehensive model of psychological development from birth to age 24, as well as an educational approach for children ages 0 to 3, 3 to 6, and 6 to 12.

Montessori's education also spread throughout the world, including Southeast Asia and India, where Maria Montessori was interned during World War II.

Maps Montessori education

Montessori education theory

Montessori education is basically a model of human development, and an educational approach based on that model. This model has two basic principles. First, growing children and adults engage in psychological self-construction through interaction with their environment. Second, children, especially under the age of six, have a congenital psychological developmental path. Based on his observations, Montessori believes that children who are free to choose and act freely in an environment prepared according to the model will act spontaneously for optimal development.

Montessori sees the universal, innate characteristic of human psychology in which his son and collaborator, Mario Montessori, was identified as a "human tendency" in 1957. There is some debate about the right list but the following are clearly identified:

  • Abstraction
  • Activities
  • Communications
  • Accuracy
  • Exploration
  • Manipulation (environment)
  • Messages
  • Orientation
  • Repeat
  • Self Perfection
  • Works (also described as "intended activity")

In the Montessori approach, this human tendency is seen as driving behavior at every stage of development, and education must respond and facilitate their expression.

Montessori education involves free activity in a "ready environment", which means an educational environment tailored to the basic human characteristics, with special characteristics of children at different ages, and individual personalities of each child. The function of the environment is to help and enable the child to develop independence in all areas according to his psychological direction. In addition to offering access to Montessori materials that are age-appropriate to children, the environment must demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Settings that facilitate movement and activity
  • Beauty and harmony, cleanliness of the environment
  • Construction proportionally with the child and his needs
  • Material restrictions, so only materials that support child development include
  • Messages
  • Nature in the classroom and outside the classroom

Aircraft development

Montessori observes four different periods, or "planes," in human development, extending from birth to 6 years, from 6 to 12, from 12 to 18, and from 18 to 24. He sees the characteristics, learning modes, and developmental imperatives vary. in each of these aircraft, and called for a special education approach for each period.

The first plane extends from birth to about six years. During this period, Montessori observed that the child experienced striking physical and psychological development. The child of the first plane was seen as an explorer, concrete sensorial and the learner involved in the work of psychological self-development development and establish functional independence. Montessori introduces several concepts to explain this work, including absorbing minds, sensitive periods, and normalization.

Montessori describes the behavior of young people to easily assimilate their environmental sensory stimuli, including information from the senses, language, culture, and concept development with the term "absorbing mind". He believes that this is a unique force for the first plane, and it fades as the child approaches the age of six. Montessori also observed and found periods of special sensitivity to specific stimuli during this time which he called "sensitive periods". In Montessori education, the classroom environment responds to these periods by making appropriate materials and activities available while active periods in each young child. He identifies the following periods and their duration:

  • Language acquisition - from birth to about 6 years
  • Interest in small objects - from about 18 months to 3 years
  • Orders - from about 1 to 3 years
  • Sensor enhancements - from birth to about 4 years
  • Social behavior - from about 2 ½ to 4 years

Finally, Montessori observes in children from three to six years of psychological conditions that she calls "normalization". Normalization arises from concentration and focus on activities that serve the needs of child development, and is characterized by the ability to concentrate as well as "spontaneous discipline, continuous and happy work, social sentiments of help and sympathy for others."

The second development aircraft extends from about six years to twelve years. During this period, Montessori observed physical and psychological changes in children, and developed a classroom environment, lessons, and materials, in response to these new characteristics. Physically, he observes the loss of baby teeth and the lengthening of the legs and body at the beginning of the plane, and a period of uniform growth. Psychologically, he observes "group instinct", or the tendency to work and socialize in groups, as well as the power of reason and imagination. Progressively, he believes the work of the second plane boy is the establishment of intellectual independence, moral sense, and social organization.

The third field of development extends from about twelve years to around the age of eighteen, covering the period of adolescence. Montessori is characterized by a third plane by the physical changes of puberty and adolescence, but also psychological changes. He emphasizes psychological instability and concentration difficulties at this age, as well as the creative tendency and development of "a sense of justice and a sense of personal dignity." He uses the term "price enhancement" to describe teenagers' encouragement to evaluate the value that comes from outside. In development, Montessori believes that the work of a third plane child is adult self-development in society.

The four areas of development extend from about eighteen years to about twenty-four years. Montessori wrote relatively little about this period and did not develop educational programs for that age. He envisioned young adults prepared by their experience in Montessori education at the lower level ready to fully embrace the study of culture and science to influence and lead civilization. He believes that economic independence in the form of work for money is very important for this age, and feels that an arbitrary limit for the number of years in university-level study is not necessary, because the study of culture can take place throughout a person's life.

In short, the four core aspects of a montessori school include, practical life, sensorial, mathematics, and language arts. Some of the smaller aspects that can be integrated into montessori schools include geography, art, and gardening.

Education and peace

When Montessori developed his theory and practice, he became convinced that education had a role in the development of world peace. He feels that children are allowed to develop according to the law of their inner development will give birth to a more peaceful and lasting civilization. From the 1930s to the end of his life, he gave a number of lectures and lectures on the subject which said in 1936,

Preventing conflict is political work; building peace is an educational work.

He received a total of six nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize in a three-year period: 1949, 1950, and 1951.

Montessori's basic peace curriculum begins with the Five Great Lessons that give a great picture of the world and life. They are educational stories that also spark the imagination of the students. The Five Great Lessons are - The Beginning of the Universe and Earth, Life Comes to Earth, Humans Come to Earth, How the Writing Begins, and How Numbers Begin. It is important not to rush and give time for research in between. It is also important to share this lesson early in the year as possible.

Montessori School 27 / Homepage

Education practice

Baby and Toddler Program

Montessori classrooms for children under three fall into several categories, with a number of terms used. A nido , Italian for "nest", serves a small number of children from about two months to about fourteen month, or when the child walks confidently. A "Young Child Community" serves more children from about one year to 2½ or 3 years. Both environments emphasize materials and activities tailored to the size and abilities of children, opportunities for developing movements, and activities to develop independence. The development of independence in toileting is usually emphasized as well. Some schools also offer "Parent-Baby" classes, where parents participate with their very young children.

Preschool and kindergarten

Montessori classrooms for children from 2½ or 3 to 6 years are often called Children's Homes, after Montessori's first school, Casa dei Bambini in Rome in 1906. This level is also called "Primary". A typical class serves 20 to 30 children in mixed age groups, managed by fully trained teachers and assistants. The classroom is usually equipped with children's desks and chairs arranged singly or in small groups, with classroom materials on tall, child-racks throughout the room. Activities for the most part are initially presented by the teacher, after which they can be chosen more or less freely by the children as determined by the interest. Classroom materials typically include activities to engage in practical skills such as pouring and scooping, washing, scrubbing and sweeping. Also materials for the development of the senses, mathematical material, language materials, music, art and cultural material, including science-based activities such as 'drowning and floating', Magnetic and Non-magnetic and wax and air.

Activities at Home Children are usually done directly, tactile materials to teach the concept. For example, to teach writing, students use sandpaper paper. This is a letter made by cutting the letter of the sandpaper and placing it on a wooden block. The children then trace these letters with their fingers to study the shape and sound of each letter. Another example is the use of bead chains to teach mathematical concepts, especially multiplication. Specifically for multiples of 10, there is one bead representing one unit, a line of ten beads representing 1ÃÆ'â € "10, then a flat shape made by putting 10 bars together to represent 10ÃÆ' â €" 10, and a cube is made. by installing 10 flats together to represent 10ÃÆ' â € "10ÃÆ' â €" 10. These materials help build concrete understanding of the many basic concepts built in the coming years.

Basic classroom

Primary school classrooms typically serve 6- to 9-year-olds and 9 to 12-year-olds; Groups of 6- to 12 years are also used. Lessons are usually presented to small groups of children, who are then free to follow up with their own independent work as personal interests and responsibilities dictate. Montessori educators provide interdisciplinary lessons that examine subjects ranging from biology and history to theology, which they call "great lessons." These are usually given near the beginning of the school year and provide a basis for learning throughout the year.

Lessons include working in language, math, history, science, art, etc. Student exploration of resources outside the classroom is an integral part of education. Montessori uses the term "cosmic education" to show both the scope of universal lessons to be presented, and the idea that education should help children realize the role of humans in the interdependent functioning of the universe.

junior and senior high school

Montessori education for this level is less well developed than the program for younger children. Montessori did not create a teacher training program or detailed educational plan for teenagers during her lifetime. However, some schools have extended their programs for younger children to high school and high school. In addition, some Montessori organizations have developed teacher training or loose orientation and consensus courses on study plans emerging. Montessori writes that, "The essential reforms of our plan from this point of view can be defined as follows: during difficult adolescence it is helpful to leave the familiar family environment in the city and to go to the tranquil environment of this country, close to nature".

Many Montessori schools for 12-18 adolescents are set in rural locations.

A Day in OB : The Pioneer in Montessori Education in the ...


Lillard (2017) reviewed the latest research on Montessori education outcomes. A 2006 study published in Science magazine found that "when strictly implemented, Montessori education fosters social and academic skills that are equal to or higher than those fostered by a group of other schools." This study has a relatively small sample size and is heavily criticized. Another study at the Milwaukee Public School found that children who had attended Montessori from ages 3-11 outperformed their high school classmates a few years later in mathematics and science; others found that Montessori had some of the biggest positive effects on achieving all evaluated programs.

Some studies have not found positive results for children in the Montessori classroom, but this may be due to Montessori's implementation. For example, a 2005 study at Montessori public magnet school Buffalo "... failed to support the hypothesis that enrollment at Montessori schools was associated with higher academic achievement." Explicitly comparing Montessori class results where children spend a lot of time with Montessori materials, less time with Montessori materials, or no time at all with the material (as they are in a conventional classroom), Lillard finds the best outcome for kids, children in the classic Montessori. Further research should be careful to determine program loyalty.

Chesapeake Montessori School - The Montessori School That's ...

Use of terminology

In 1967, the US Patent and Trademark Patent Appeals Board ruled that "the term 'Montessori' has a generic and/or descriptive significance." Therefore, in the United States and most other countries, this term can be used freely without giving any guarantee as to how close, if at all, a program applies Montessori's work. The ruling has led to "tremendous variations in schools claiming to use the Maria Montessori method."

Home | Wheaton Montessori School


With the development of mobile touch-screen devices, some Montessori activities are made into mobile apps for kids.

Montessori Learning Tools • Northwoods Montessori School


5 reasons why Montessori education is (also) eco-friendly | LifeGate

External links

  • The Montessori Internationale (AMI) Association
  • International Montessori/US Association (AMI/AS)
  • American Montessori Society (AMS)
  • Montessori Foundation
  • Book by Maria Montessori
  • Montessori Method public domain audiobook on LibriVox
  • Copies of digital library books from Montessori System Checked on the Internet Archive
  • Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education

Source of the article : Wikipedia
