Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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Jump Rope, Jump Rope | Kids Song from Super Simple Songs - YouTube

A skip verse (sometimes jumping ropes or jumping leapfrog ), is a rhyme sung by children while jumping. Such rhymes have been recorded in all cultures in which skipping is played. Examples of English rhymes have been rediscovered to at least the 17th century. Like most folklore, skipping rhymes tend to be found in many variations. This article includes songs used by English speaking children.

Video Skipping-rope rhyme


Explorers reported seeing natives jumping with vines in the 16th century. European children began to jump rope at the beginning of the 17th century. The activity is considered obscene for girls because they may show their ankles. No related songs. This changed in the early 18th century. The girls started to jump rope. They add chants, have ropes, control the game, and decide who participates.

In the United States, the dominance of activity by the girls occurred when their families moved into the cities at the end of the 19th century. There, they found sidewalks and other smooth surfaces conducive to jump rope, along with a number of contemporaries.

Other sources indicate that, before 1833, discovery of Pantheon, allowed women to jump jumps without displaying ankles.

Chants are intended for game and secondary structures, explaining lyrics that are absurd or irrational. The singing is unusual because they are transmitted from child to child usually for no underlying reason, as opposed to children's songs that are transmitted from adult to child and are often moral. Chants can contain girlish references for boyfriends or weddings.

Maps Skipping-rope rhyme

Sample chants

Two girls with long straps stand about 12 feet (3.7 m) apart and twist the ropes as other kids take turns jumping. If someone is not a good jumper, someone will be 'Ever-Laster', that is, someone will constantly rotate the rope. When it's the boy's turn to jump, he'll come in when the rope turns around, and jumps into the rhyme until he misses. Then he will become a trapper, and the next child in the line will replace him.

Jump in, jump out

For a potential jumper line, jumpers are timely limited to the length of the song/They jump at the beginning, jump out at the end and the next jumper takes their turn.

Charlie Chaplin goes to France
To teach women how to dance.
First the heel, then the toe,
Then split, and around you go!
Respect for Captain,
Bow to the Queen,
And turn from the Nazi submarine!

In another version, the teacher is "Benjamin Franklin." In the rhythm of Charlie Chaplin, the child who jumps must follow the direction when the rope is spinning: touching the heel of one foot on the ground; touching the same toe on the ground; do a split (short) of the legs, turn around, salute, bend, and jump out of the rope that spins in the last row. This poem, c. 1942, reflecting the awareness of children about World War II (the Queen we bow down is the mother of the current Queen of England).

The Australian version of Charlie Chaplin Skipping Song, sung at Salisbury Primary School in Brisbane, Australia in the mid-1950s, is as follows:

Charlie Chaplin goes to France,
To teach women how to dance,
First he did Rumba,
Then he did the round,
Then he did Highland Fling,
And then he did a split.

There's also "Betty Grable going to France,/To teach the soldiers how to dance." (The rest are the same.)

Have a small car,
Two forty-eight,
Run around - ( skipper jumps out, and turner resume syllables until they reenter ) - ner
and hit the brakes, but the brakes are not working,
So I met a woman who hit a man,
Who hit the police car, man, oh man!
The police arrested me
Put me on his knee,
Ask me a question
Will you marry me?
Yes, No, Maybe So (reset)
All together, bird from feather:
January, February, March, April, May, etc. (every child has to jump for months when they are born).
I see London, I see France,
I see the underwear xxx,
Not too big, not too small,
Just the size of Montreal (or just the size of cannonball, Berlin Wall, etc.)

Other variations:

I see London, I see France, I see pants in xxx.
What color is blue? Is the color pink? I do not know but they definitely smell!
Teacher, teacher, I say, I see (xxx) my underwear (or bare butt)

Political statements

In Dublin, Ireland, the visit of inspectors known as "Glimmer men" to private homes to enforce regulations to prevent the use of coal gas at certain hours during Emergency raises:

Keep it boiling, if you do not eat dinner.

Counting the rhymes

Most rhymes are meant to count the number of jumps captured by the captain without tripping. This is basically limited to the time when there are relatively few jumper and abundant time. This Rima can take a very simple form.

This song was collected in London in the 1950s:

Big Ben strikes one,
Big Ben strikes two,
Big Ben attacks three,


Apple sauce, mustard, apple cider
How many feet have spiders?
1, 2, 3, etc.

alternately, "Salt, vinegar, mustard, pepper How many feet does the spider have? 1,2,3, etc."

Have a small sports car, two forty-eight,
Run around - ( skipper jumps out, and turner resume syllables until they reenter ) - ner
and hit the brakes, but the brakes are not working,
So I met a woman who hit a man,
Who hit the police car, man, oh man!
The police arrested me and put me in jail,
Everything I have is ginger ale
How many bottles do I drink?
10! 20! 30! 40!... (increased 10 for every successful jump)
Butterflies, butterflies: turn around. [jumping jumper while jumping]
Butterfly, butterfly: touching the ground [the jumper touches the ground as he jumps]
Butterflies, butterflies: show off your shoes. [.. pull out his shoes]
Butterflies, butterflies: [n] to do.
One, two, three,... [up to count n, which increases 1 with each set of jumpers]

Another rendition replacement, "teddy bear" for "butterflies." It can be dated no earlier than the beginning of the 20th century, with the term Theodore Roosevelt.

In another skipping rhythm, once the alphabet is finished, the participants proceed with the numbers until the skipper catches the rope. It is natural for participants to use the letters passed by the skipper and use them to find the person's name following the rules of either friend or girlfriend, depending on what was chosen at the beginning.

Ice cream, Soda pop, cherry on top,
Who's your best friend, let's find out;
Goes A! B! C!


Ice cream soda, cherry on top
Who is your girlfriend, I forgot;
What is A! B! C!


Ice cream sundae, banana split
[Jumper name] has a boyfriend,
Who is it?
A! B! C!


Soda ice cream, Delaware Punch,
Tell me the name of my honeybag.
A, B, C, etc.

Other counting rhymes:

Cinderella dressed in yellow, climbed up (or down) to kiss his friend, because of the snake sniffing, how many doctors are needed? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. 10. (Go to 20 then down to next line)
Cinderella dressed in blue, climbed up to tie her shoes, made mistakes and tied a knot, how many knots would she make? 1, 2, 3, etc.
Cinderella in green, go downtown to buy a ring, make a mistake and buy a fake, how many days before it breaks? 1, 2, 3, etc.
Cinderella is wearing lace, going upstairs to fix her face, oh no, no, she finds defects, how much powder until she finishes? 1, 2, 3, etc.
Cinderella is wearing silk, going out to get milk, making mistakes and falling in the lake, how much more until she gets a break? 1, 2, 3, etc.

Counting continues as long as the jumpers avoid mistakes. If they do then the counting begins again.


  • Skipping verses is not necessarily rhyme. They can be a game, like a game called, "School." In "Kindergarten" (first half), all skippers have to run through a rope without skipping. In "First Class", all skippers have to jump in, skip once, and pass without getting caught in the rope, and so on. Also, there is a "Mouse Trap", where there is a special pattern, and the player must run through the rope without getting caught. If caught, the captured jumper must hold the rope.

Chinese rope jump pattern is often accompanied by singing. The diamond pattern is accompanied by letters that spell "diamond" ("DIAMONDS."), While the American pattern, like many patterns, is accompanied by the names of the movements performed when executing the pattern ("right, left, right, left, in, out/open, sign in, on. ").

Rima speed

Some rhymes are meant to test the jumper's agility by turning the rope faster. The key word to start spinning is often "pepper" to show speed, such as:

Mable, Mable,
Set table,
Do not forget the salt,
Pepper! (behind fast follow)
  • When "RED HOT PEPPERS" is called, the turners will rotate the rope as fast as they can.

Dutch Girl Quite a Little

"Pretty Little Dutch Girl" is a long song, too long for a simple song, but is often quoted for jump rope. "My husband's name is Fatty, he's from Cincinnati." Or alphabetically, "My husband's name is Alfred. He comes from Atlanta. He works in the attic." It was all over with a sudden. Jumpers may have to jump out after completing a letter, or be allowed to continue until they fail to create new lyrics, or make mistakes.

Historical Rima

Other rites are topical, and sometimes last a long time after the events that inspired them disappear from the headlines. Perhaps the most famous poem of this type is one that began circulating during the 1892 Lizzie Borden trial. Regardless of Lizzie's desire to stay out of the public eye, the children will follow her and say a rhyme. It then starts to be used as a poem used during a jump rope:

Lizzie Borden takes an ax
He gave 40 bangles to his mother,
Once he sees what he's done,
He gave his father forty-one.
Lizzie Borden got away,
For his crime he did not pay.
  • The following poem variations, word games on "influenza", sound around the time of the 1918 flu pandemic:
I have a small bird,
And his name is Enza.
I opened the window
And in-flight-enza.

This one from Prohibition:

No, I will not go to Casey again, again, again,
There is a big police near the door, door, door.
She reaches your collar,
And make you pay one dollar.
No, I will not go to Casey again.

Cultureally insensitive rhyme

Children often first see the difference between people and comment on it. Various songs reflect a lack of connection with other cultures until the 1960s or so; as:

My parents have beautiful eyes
My mother is Chinese
My dad's Japanese
My brother is Taiwanese
My Vietnamese sister

Skip-it and Cinderella jump rope rhyme - YouTube

See also

  • Chinese rope jump
  • Clap the game
  • Lincoln Beachey # In popular culture

25 Fun Jump Rope Songs and Games for Kids [Best Jump Rope Rhymes]


Jump Rope Rhymes - YouTube

Further reading

  • Iona and Peter Opie (1959). The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press.

Skipping Jump Rope | Nova Natural Toys & Crafts

External links

  • CyberPlayGround Game Jumprope Chants, Clapping Game, and Rhymes.
  • Jump Rope
  • Songs, Clapping Games, and Jump Rope Rhymes
  • Rhymes Rope Jump
  • Roger D. Abrahams (1969). "Jump Rhymes Rope, Dictionary". American Folklore Society . Retrieved November 2, 2016 .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
