The language known today as Spanish comes from an oral Latin dialect that evolved in the north-central part of the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century. Written standards were developed in the cities of Toledo (13th to 16th centuries) and Madrid (from the 1560s). For the last 1,000 years, the language spread south to the Mediterranean Sea, and then moved to the Spanish colonial empire, especially to the Americas. Today is the official language of 20 countries, as well as the official languages ​​of various international organizations, including the United Nations.
Video History of the Spanish language
Language's key differentiator feature
The development of Spanish phonology is distinguished from other nearby Roman languages ​​(eg Portuguese, Catalan) by several features:
- Latin diphthongization emphasizes short E and O in closed and open syllables ( t ie mpo , p ue rta vs. Portuguese t e mpo, p o rta )
- devoicing and further development of medieval Spanish sibil, yielding (1) velar fricative [x] in words like ca j a , hi j o , g ente , and (2) - in many Spanish dialects, including the prestige varieties of Madrid, Toledo, etc.-- interdental [?] in words like < i c inco , ha c er , and la z o
- debuccalization and finally lost Latin initial /f/ in most contexts, marked by modern spell by silence? h? words like h ablar , h ilo , h (Also in Gascon: hilh , huelha )
- initial fricativization palatal /?/ (from Latin Vulgar -LY-, -CL-, -GL-), first to palatal /?/ and finally become velar /x/, for example, filiu -> hi j o , * oc'lu -> o j o , * coag'lare -> cua j ar ; cf. Portuguese fi lh o, o lh o, coa lh ar )
- initial development of PL-, CL-, FL- becomes palatal /?/ in many words, for example, plorare -> ll orar , clamare -> ll amar , flamma -> ll ama ; cf. Portuguese chorar, chamar, chama , catalan plorar, clamar, flama )
- The early Latin Vulgar /j/ (from J-, DY-, G (E) -, G (I) -) fixed before /a/, /e/ and /i/, then disappears in an unstressed syllable ( yace, yeso, helar, enero, echar, hinojo vs. Portuguese jaz, gesso, title, janeiro, jeitar, joelho )
The following features are characteristic of Spanish phonology as well as some other Ibero-Roman languages, but not the Romance language as a whole:
- palatalization Latin -NN- and -LL- into /?/ and /?/ ( a ÃÆ' Â ± o , caba ll o ) (also in Catalan: < i> a ny , cava ll ).
- phonemic fusion /b/ and /v/ , make, for example, the noun tu b o and the verb tu v o equally (in all context except for hypercorrection or spelling) (also in Galician, Portuguese Northern Europe and some Catalan and Occitan varieties)
- spirantisasi /b/, /d/, and /g/ -> [??] , < span title = "Representation in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)"> [ÃÆ' Â °?] and [??] - no only from the original Latin B, D, and G (as in Sp. pro b ar , su d ar , le g umbre ), but also from Latin P, T, and C (as in Sp. sa b e , vi d a , la g o ) (also in Galicia, Portuguese Europe, Catalan, and some Occitan)
The Latin system of the four verb conjugations (form classes) was reduced to three in Spanish. Infinitive Latin with tip -? RE, -? RE, and -? RE into Spanish infinitives in -ar , -er , and -ir respectively. The third Latin conjugation - an infinitive ending in - RE - is redistributed between the Spanish classes -er and -ir (eg facere -> hacer , dicere -> decir ). Spanish verbal morphology continues the use of some Latin synthetic forms that are replaced by analytic in French oral and Italian (cf. >), and Spanish subjunctive mood maintains a separate present-tense form.
The Spanish syntax gives a clear sign to some direct object (called "personal a ", see the differential object marker for a common phenomenon), and uses a clocal multiplication with an indirect object, where "exaggerated" pronouns ( le , les ) appear even in the presence of an explicit noun phrase. (No features appear in other Western Roman languages, but both are features of Romanian, with pe & lt; PER corresponding to Spanish a .) With regard to pronouns subject, Spanish is a pro-drop language, meaning that the verb phrase can often stand alone without using subject pronouns (or subject noun phrases). Compared to other Roman languages, Spanish has a more free syntax with relatively fewer restrictions on the verb-word composition.
Due to prolonged language contacts, Spanish lexicons contain loan words from Basque, Hispano-Celtic (Celtiberian and Gallaecian), Iberian, Germanic (Gothic), Arabic and native American.
Accents - used in Modern Spanish to mark vocal syllables emphasized in words where stress is unpredictable from the rule - began to be used sporadically in the fifteenth century, and was massively in the 16th century. Their use began to be standardized with the appearance of the Spanish Academy of the Kingdom in the 18th century. See also Spanish orthography.
Maps History of the Spanish language
External history
Standard Spanish is also called Castilian in its original variant and to distinguish it from other native languages ​​to Spanish sections, such as Galician, Catalan, Basque, etc. In its earliest documented form, and until about the 15th century, this language is commonly called Old Spanish. From around the 16th century, it was called Modern Spain. Spanish 16th and 17th centuries are sometimes called "classic" Spanish, referring to the literary achievements of that period. Unlike English and French, it is not unusual to speak of the "middle" stage of Spanish development.
Spain came from Castile (after the decline of the Roman Empire) as a continuation of spoken Latin in some areas of northern and central Spain. Finally, varieties spoken in the city of Toledo around the 13th century became the basis for written standards. With Reconquista, this northern dialect spreads to the south, where it almost entirely replaces or absorbs the local Roman dialect, at the same time because it borrows many words from the Moorish Arabic language and is influenced by Mozarabic (Mortem Christians living in the area of ​​the Moors) and medieval Judaeo-Spanish (Ladino). These languages ​​had vanished in the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 16th century.
Castile's prestige and language were partially spread by the exploitation of Castilian heroes in the battle of Reconquista - among them FernÃÆ'¡n GonzÃÆ'¡lez and Rodrigo DÃÆ'az de Vivar (El Cid) - and by narrative poems about those recited in Castilia even outside the region original from that dialect.
The first written Spanish is traditionally considered to have appeared in Glossas Emilianenses. These are "glosses" (translations of isolated words and phrases in a form more like Roman Hispanic than Latin) added between the lines written earlier in Latin. Currently the Glosas Emilianenses language is considered closer to the Navarro-Aragon language than the proper Spanish language. Their estimated dates vary from the end of the 10th to the beginning of the 11th century.
The first step towards the standardization of written Castile was taken in the 13th century by King Alfonso X of Castile, known as Alfonso el Sabio (Alfonso the Wise), in his palace in Toledo. He gathered scribes in his palace and supervised their writings, in Castilian, extensive works on history, astronomy, law, and other fields of knowledge.
Antonio de Nebrija wrote the first grammar of the Spanish, GramÃÆ'¡tica de la lengua castellana, and presented it, in 1492, to Queen Isabella, who was said to have had an early appreciation of the usefulness of the language as a hegemonic tool, as if anticipating the empire to be established with Columbus's voyage.
Since the Old Spanish language resembles modern writing languages ​​to a relatively high degree, modern Spanish readers can learn to read medieval documents without much difficulty.
The Spanish Royal Academy was founded in 1713, largely for the purpose of standardizing language. The Academy published its first dictionary in six volumes during the period 1726-1739, and its first grammar in 1771, and continues to produce new editions of both from time to time. (Academy Dictionary is now accessible on the Internet.) Today, each Spanish-speaking country has an analog language academy, and the Spanish Academy Association was created in 1951.
Beginning in the 16th century, Spanish colonization brought the language to America (Mexico, Central America and South America west and south), where it is spoken today, as well as some island groups in the Pacific where no longer spoken by a large number of people: Philippines, Palau, Marianas (including Guam), and today is Federated States of Micronesia.
The use of language in America is continued by the descendants of the Spanish: Spanish criollos and Mestizos. After the independence wars fought by these colonies in the nineteenth century, the new ruling elites extended their Spain to the entire population, including the Amerindian majority, to strengthen national unity, and today is the first official and official language of the republics produced, except in a very isolated part of the former Spanish colony.
At the end of the 19th century, Spanish-Cuban colonies and Puerto-Romans encouraged more immigrants from Spain, as well as other Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, and to a lesser extent Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela, attracted a wave of European, Spanish and non-Spanish immigration, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There, a large minority population (or a considerable minority) of second- and third-generation descendants adopted Spanish as part of their official government assimilation policy to include Europeans. In some countries, they must become Catholic and agree to take loyalty oaths to the governments of their chosen countries.
When Puerto Rico belonged to the United States as a consequence of the Spanish-American War, its inhabitants - almost entirely from Spain and a mixture of Afro-Caribbean/Spanish ( mulatto
A similar situation occurred in Southwest America, including California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, where the Spaniards, then criollos (Tejanos, Californios, etc.) were followed by Chicanos (Mexican Americans) and later Mexican immigrants, kept the Spanish language alive before, during, and after America's seizure of the territories after the Mexican-American War. Spanish continues to be used by millions of citizens and immigrants to the United States from Spanish-speaking countries in America (for example, many Cubans arrived in Miami, Florida, beginning with the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and followed by other Latin American groups; the majority of locals now speak Spanish). Spain is now treated as the "second language" of the country, and more than 5 percent of the US population speak Spanish, but most Latino/Hispanic people are bilingual or speak English regularly.
The Spanish presence in Equatorial Guinea dates from the late 18th century, and was adopted as the official language when independence was granted in 1968.
Spanish is used extensively in the Western Sahara, which was a Spanish protectorate/colony from the 1880s to the 1970s.
In 1492 Spain expelled the Jewish population. Their Judaeo-Spanish language, called Ladino, develops along its own line and continues to be spoken by a number of diminishing speakers, especially in Israel, Turkey and Greece.
In the Pacific
In Marianas, Spanish was preserved until the Pacific War, but was no longer spoken there by a large number of people.
French language politics The Francoist declares Spain as the only official language in Spain, and to this day it is the most widely used language in government, business, public education, workplaces, cultural arts, and the media. But in the 1960s and 1970s, the Spanish parliament agreed to allow the provinces to use, speak, and print official documents in three other languages: Catalans for Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia; Basque for Basque and Navarre provinces, and Galicia for Galicia. Since 1975, after Franco's death, Spain has become a multi-party democracy and decentralization, formed within an autonomous community. Under this system, several Spanish languages ​​- such as Aranese (Occitan languages ​​of northwestern Catalonia), Basque, Catalan/Valencian, and Galician - have obtained co-official status in their respective geographical areas. Others - such as Aragon, Asturian and Leonese - have been recognized by local governments.
International projection
When the United Nations organization was founded in 1945, Spain was appointed as one of five official languages ​​(along with Chinese, English, French, and Russian; sixth language, Arabic, added in 1973).
List of Nobel Laureates in Literature Who Wrote including the author of eleven in Spain (Josà ©  © Echegaray, Jacinto Benavente, Gabriela Mistral, Juan Ramon Jimà © nez, Asturias Miguel ngel him, Pablo Neruda, Vicente Aleixandre, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez , Camilo Jose  © Cela, Octavio Paz, and Mario Vargas Llosa).
The mention of "influence" in Spanish primarily refers to lexical loans. Throughout its history, Spain has received borrowed words, first from pre-Roman languages ​​(including Basque, Iberian, Celtiberian and Gallaecian), and later from the Greek, from Germanic, from the neighboring Romance language, from Arabic, from the Native language American, and from the UK.
The most commonly used word that includes Spanish from (or via) the Basque is the izquierda "left". Basques may be most evident in some common Spanish family names, including GarcÃÆ'a and EcheverrÃÆ'a . The name of the Basque place is also prominent throughout Spain, as many Castilians who take part in the Reconquista and the Iberian Moorish repopulation by Christians are of Basque descent. The Iberian and Celtiberian are also considered to have contributed the name of the venue to Spain. Daily use words associated with Celtic sources include camino "street", carro "basket", and cerveza "beer".
The influence of Basque phonology is credited by some researchers by softening Spanish labiodentals: altering labiodental [v] to bilabial [?] , and finally deleted the labiodental [f] . Others negate or downplay the Basque phonological influence, claiming that these changes occur in completely affected dialects as a result of internal factors of language, not external influences. It is also possible that both forces, internal and external, work in concert and reinforce each other.
Some Greek words already exist in oral Latin which became Spanish. In addition, many Greek words form part of the language of the Church. Spain also borrowed Ancient Greek vocabulary in medical, technical, and scientific languages, beginning as early as the 13th century.
The influence of the Germanic language, by most accounts, is very little on phonological development, but more commonly found in Spanish lexicons. Words of Germanic origin are common in all types of Spanish. The modern words for the direction of the norte, este, sur, oeste , for example, are all derived from Germanic words (compare north, east, south and west in Modern English), after contact with Atlantic sailors. These words were not in Spanish before the fifteenth century. In contrast, "north" and "south" are septentrion and meridians respectively (both are almost obsolete in modern Spanish), while "east" is oriente (or levante ), and "west" is occidente (or poniente ). These older words for "east" and "west" continue to have some usage in Modern Spanish.
In 711 Spain was attacked by the Moors, who brought Arabic to the Peninsula. From that time until the fall of the Emirate of Granada (1492), Spanish words were borrowed from Arabic. It is thought that bilingualism from Mozarabs facilitates the transfer of vocabulary from Arabic to Castilian.
The adjacent Roman languages ​​- Portuguese/Galician, Catalan, French, and Occitan - contributed greatly to the Spanish lexicon throughout the Middle Ages and entered the modern era. Borrowing from Italy was most common in the 16th and 17th centuries, largely due to the influence of the Italian Renaissance.
With the development of the Spanish Empire in the New World came lexical borrowing from the indigenous language of America, especially the vocabulary relating to flora, fauna, and unique cultural concepts in America.
Borrowing from English has become very strong, starting in the 20th century, with words borrowed from various fields of activity, including sports, technology, and commerce.
Merging into Spanish from learned words, or "nerds" from their own ancestral languages, Latin, is arguably another form of lexical borrowing through the influence of the written language and liturgical language of the Church. Throughout the Middle Ages and entering the early modern period, most Spanish speakers were also literate in Latin; and thus they easily adopt the Latin word into their writing - and finally the speech - in Spanish. The Latin form spoken of Spaniards and borrowed words came from Classical Latin, but also Latin Renaissance, a Latin form during that time.
Internal history
Spain shares with other Roman languages ​​most of the phonological and grammatical changes that are characterized by vulgar Latin, such as typical vocal length abandonment, loss of system for nouns, and loss of deponent verbs.
The syncope in Spanish history refers to the loss of vowel without pressure from the syllable that precedes or follows the emphasis of the syllable. At the beginning of its history, Spain lost such a vocal where they preceded or followed R or L, and between S and T.
* Solitario , originating from s? lit? rium , is a learned word; cf. alternate form soltero . As well as "fÃÆ'¡bula" from "fabulam", though the latter has a different meaning in Spanish.
Then, after the time of the intervocal vowel, the no-pressure vowel is lost between other consonant combinations:
The words modal, komputer, hospital, recitar and vindicar are the words learned; cf. capit? glue, comput? re, hospit? glue, recit? re, and vindic? re and alternative forms of caudal, contraindic, hostal, rezars, and vengar .
While intervokalic consonant voices are often voiced, many intervocalic voices stop ( d , g , and sometimes b ) dropped from the words altogether through a process called elision. Latin /b/ between vowels is usually changed to /v/in Old Spanish (eg ha b ? re & gt; v er ), while Latin /p/ becomes /b/ p here & gt; at b er ). In modern times, two phonemes merge into /b/ ( ha b er < i b er ), is realized as [?] between vowels/and/v/). /d/ and /g/, represented orthographically as B, D, and G respectively - and also occurs in intervocal position as well as lenition: "Representation in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)"> [?] , [ÃÆ'Â °] , and [?] , but appears in Spanish as well as through the words learned from Classical Latin.
Many forms with d and g are preserved, e.g. ligar, legal, crudo , are the words learned (Latinisms); cf. alternate forms liars, leal and Old Spanish cruo and their Latin origin cr? dus .
Voitation and spirantization
In almost all of the languages ​​of Roman West, Latin sounds stop -
The phonological environment of this change is not just between the vowels but also after the vowels and before the sonorant consonants such as /r/ (Latin patrem & gt; Spanish padre ) - but not the opposite (Latin partem & gt; Spanish parte >).
1 Latin super? re generate sobrars and doublets learned superar .
The verb decir , in its various conjugate forms, exemplifies different phonetic changes, depending on whether the letter & lt; c & gt; (Latin /k/) followed by front vowel or not. The Latin /k/ change eventually to Spanish /?/ when followed by the front vowel (/i/ or /e/ - so dice , decimal , etc.), but in another form, before the back vowel, /k/ voiced for /?/ and, in modern languages, is realized as spirants [?] (as in digo , diga ). This is also the pattern of some other Spanish verbs that end in -cer or -cir , as in the table below:
Diphthongization in closed and closed syllables
E and O short stressed Latin underwent diphthongization in many western Romance languages. In Spanish this change occurs regardless of syllable form (open or closed), in contrast to French and Italian, where it occurs only in open syllables, and more in contrast to Catalan and Portuguese - neighbors in the Iberian Peninsula - where This diphthongization does not happen at all. Consequently, Spanish phonology exhibits a five-vocal system, not a seven-vowel system typical of most other Western Roman languages. Short term [e] and [o] Spanish through words learned from Classical Latin and appearing in Spanish that evolved from short vowels /i/ and /u/ of Latin Vulgar and long vowel retention [e:] and [o:] from Latin Vulgar.
Lesson learned and simplification of consonant cluster
The words learned - the "nerdy" words that were transmitted partly through writing and therefore influenced by their Latin form - became more frequent with Alfonso X's works in the mid-13th century. Many of these words contain consonant clusters which, in oral transmission, have been reduced to simpler single or consonant groups in previous centuries. This same process influenced many of these more academic new words, especially as they expanded into popular usage in the period of Ancient Spain. Some of the affected consonant groups are - ct -, - ct [i] -, - pt -, - gn -, - mn -, - mpt -, and - nct -. Much of the simplified form has been restored to a form that is learned or is now considered uneducated.
Most of these words have modern forms that resemble Latin rather than Old Spanish. In Old Spanish, simplified forms are acceptable forms that are in coexistence (and sometimes competition) with the forms studied. The Spanish education system, and then Real Academia Espaà ± a, with their demands that all consonants of the word be spoken, continue to encourage the simplest forms of existence. Many simplified forms were used in literary works in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (sometimes deliberately as archaism), but have since been largely relegated to popular and uneducated speech. Sometimes both forms exist in modern Spanish with different meanings or in idiomatic usage: for example aficiÃÆ'³n is 'favorite (of)' or 'taste (for)', while afecciÃÆ'³n is 'disease'; Modern Spanish respeto is '(attitude of) respect', while con respecto a means 'related to'.
Most words with consonant clusters in end-syllable position are borrowed words from Latin Classics, for example: tra ns porte [t? ans'por.te] , tra ns myth [t? anz.mi'tir] , i ns talar [ins.ta 'lar] , co ns aunt [kons'tante] , o bs aunt [o? s'tante] , o bs truir [o? s't wir] , pe rs pectiva [pers.pek'ti.? a] , i st mo ['] . The syllable end position should be no more than one consonant (one of n, r, l, s or z) in most (or all) dialects in ordinary language, reflecting a vulgar Latin background. Realizations like [tras'por.te] , [t? Az.mi'tir] , [is.ta'lar] , [kos'tante] , [os'tante] , [os't? Wir] , and ['] are very common, and in many cases, they are considered acceptable even in formal speech.
The simplification of other consonant clusters includes a single double plosive: -pp-, -tt-, -cc-, -bb-, -dd-, -gg - [p:, t:, k:, b:, d:, g:] & gt; -p-, -t-, -c-, -b-, -d-, -g - [p, t, k, b, d, g] , where -bb-, -dd-, -gg - [b: , d:, g:] generally undergoes trance and spirantization, produces a voiced fricative: [?] , [ÃÆ' Â °] , and [?] , respectively.
The term "vocalization" refers to a change from a consonant to a glide sound like a vowel. Some syllable consonants, regardless of whether they already have a syllable in Latin or taken to that position by syncope, become slid. Labial ( b , p ) produces a circular spin [w] (which in turn is absorbed by vocals of previous round), while velar c ( [k] ) yields palatal leap [j] (which can give the following [t] and absorbed by the resulting palatal affixes ). (The forms of debda , cobdo , and dubdar are documented in Old Spanish; but hypothetical * oito and * i> noite has been given way to ocho and noche when Castilian is written language.)
Merge from/b/and/v/
Most of the Romance languages ​​maintain the distinction between phonemes /b/ and phonem /v/ - a bilabial stop sound and sound, usually labiodental fricative, respectively. Examples of /b/ can be inherited directly from Latin /b/ (when not between vowels), or they can be generated from Latin incognito /p/ between vowels. The /v/ phonemes generally come either (1) from allophon Latin /b/ between vowels or (2) of Latin phonemes corresponding to letters? v? (Pronounced [w] in Latin Classics, but later fortified into a consonant status of fricative in Latin Vulgar). In most of the Roman-speaking regions, /v/ has labiodental articulation, but in ancient Spanish (still distinguished/b/and/v/) ,/v/may be realized as fricative bilabial [?] . The contrast between the two phonemes is neutralized in certain environments, since the incorporation of [?] also occurs as allophones of/b/between vowels, after vowels, and after certain consonants in Old Spanish). The similarity between stop [b] and fricative [?] they joined entirely at the end of the Old Spanish period. In modern orthographic Spanish letters? B? and? v? represents the same phoneme (usually treated as /b/ in phonemic transcription) commonly realized as fricative [?] except when the initial speech or after nasal consonant, where the case is realized as stop [b] . The same situation applies in the northern Portuguese dialects, including Galician, while other Portuguese dialects maintain the distinction. Merging /b/ and /v/ also occurs in Catalan standard in eastern Catalonia; this distinction is maintained in the standard Valencian language spoken in eastern Catalonia and some areas of southern Catalonia, in the Balearic dialect, as well as in Alguerese. In modern Spanish, beginning in the 16th century, orthographic choice? B? or? v? especially depending on the etymology of the word: it tries to mimic the Latin spelling rather than continuing the spelling of the Old Spaniards. (Hence the bivir/vivir "to drink", bivir/vivir "to live" to beber, vivir , respectively, follows Latin spelling bibere, v. vere .) Place name of Spain CÃÆ'³rdoba - more often Cordova in Old Spanish (current spelling in English until mid-20th century) - now reflects its Arabic origin in Al-quran .
Latin f - into Spanish h - to null
F almost always begins in the Latin word, and most of these words go through the stage where the consonant eventually evolves into [h] , then disappears phonologically. Spelling rules such that grapheme? H? used in words like humo 'smoke', antsia 'ant', hÃÆ'gado 'heart' (compare italian fumo, Formica, fegato with
Changes from /f/ to /h/ Historically in the speech of Romance of Old Castile and Gascon, but nothing else nearby. Since both are historically bilingualized with Basques, and Basques historically have [h] but no [f] , it is often suggested that this change is due to Basque influence. However, this is opposed by many linguists.
Latest example of? F? are words learned (i.e. the words are influenced by their written Latin form, such as forma , falso , fama , feria ), said the Arab and Greek loans, or the original words? f? in Old Spanish followed by non-vowels -? r?,? l?, or slider elements from diftong - as in frente , flor , fiesta . This, along with the preservation effect of /f/ regionally (eg Asturian fumu 'smoke'/i> 'ants', fÃÆ'Â © gadu 'hearts'), describes modern doubles like Fernando (educated) and Hernando ) (both Spanish for "Ferdinand"), fierro (regional) and hierro (both "iron"), and fondo > hondo ( fondo means "bottom" and hondo means "in"); hacer ("to make") is the basic word of satisfacer ("to satisfy"), and hecho satisfecho ("satisfied").
Silent Latin h -
'H' was originally spoken in Latin Classics, but became silent in Latin Vulgar. Thus, words are spelled out without any consonants in Old Spanish; in modern Spanish, from the 16th century onwards, it tries to imitate the Latin spelling rather than continuing the orthography of Ancient Spanish.
The modern development of the ancient Spanish sibilant
During the 16th century, three phonemes of voiced sounds - teeth /d? Z/, apico-alveolar /z/, and palato-alveolar /?/ (as in Old Spanish fazer , casa , and ojo , respectively) lose their voice and join the opponent Their voice: /t? S/, /s/, and /?/ (as in caÃÆ'§ar , passar , and baxar respectively. Characters? ÃÆ' § ?, Which is called < i>? C? Cedilla , derived from Old Spanish, but has been replaced by "z" in modern languages.
In addition, affricate /t? S/ loses its component, becomes fricative laminodental, [s?] . As a result, the sound system then contains two intertwining fricative phonemics that are entirely dependent on the subtle differences between their articulation sites: apicoalveolar, in the case of /s/ and laminodental, in the case of the new fricative sibricant /s?/ comes from the affricate /t? S/. The difference between these voices is extended in the northern and central Spanish dialects by paradigmatic dissimilation, while people from Andalusia and America combine two voices.
The dissimilation in the northern and central dialects occurs with the laminodental movement moving forward into the interdental articulation place, losing its sibilance to [?] . This voice is represented in modern spelling with? C? previous? or? me ?, and by? z? at another place. In the southern part of Spain, deaffrication of /t? S/ produces a direct merge with /s/, because they are homorganic, with new phonemes spoken either as laminodental [s?] (" seseo "- in America and parts of Andalusia) or as [ ?] ("ceceo" - in some parts of Andalusia). In general, the coastal region of Andalusia prefers [?] , while more inland areas are preferred /?/ - unnamed vote /?/ (spelled? x? in Old Spanish) with voiced /?/span> (spelled with "j" in a few words, and the other with "g? before? e? or? i?) - moved backwards in all dialects, becomes (depending on geographic variation) velar [x] , uvular [?] (in Spanish) or glottal [h] (in Andalusia, the Canary Islands, and parts of America, especially the Caribbean region).
Interchange of liquids/l/and/r/
One of the unusual features of Spanish etymology is the way in which the fluid /r/ and /l/ sometimes substitute for each other in words that come from Latin, French, and other sources. For example, the Spanish milagro , "miracle", is derived from the Latin miraculum . More rarely, this process involves nasals like /n/ (as in alma , from the Latin anima ). Here's a list of incomplete words:
- ancla, "anchor", Latin ancora
- albedrÃÆ'o, "will, whim, fancy", Latin arbitrium , "decision, decision, will"
- algalia, "catheter", Ancient Greek: ???????? ergaleÃÆ'a , "tools"
- alimaÃÆ' Â ± a, "pest", Latin, animals? a , "animals"
- alma, "soul", Latin anima
- alondra, "lark", Latin alaudula
- ÃÆ'¡bolbol, "tree", Latin arbor
- Argelia, "Algerian (nation)"
- azul, "blue", Arabic: ?????? ? l? zaward "lapis lazuli" (Latin medieval azura , French blue )
- blandir, "swinging", French trademark
- bolsa, "bag, bag", Latin bursa
- cÃÆ'¡rcel, "jail", Latin carcer (see "incarcerate" English)
- calambre, "cramps, electric shock", French crampe
- Catalina, Latin Catharina (proper name Catarina is a learned form: a loan from Latin Classics)
- coriander, "coriander", Latin coriandrum
- cimbrar, "shake (stick), shake, swish", Latin cymula , "bud, bud (crop)"
- coronel, "colonel", French colonel , from Italian colonnello
- CristÃÆ'³bal, Germanic Christoffer , from Latin Christopherus (proper name)
- escolta, "escort", Italian scorta
- escudriÃÆ' Â ± ar, "researching", formerly escrudiÃÆ' Â ± ar, from the Latin * scrutini? re , of the noun scrutinium .
- espuela, "spur", Gothic * spaÃÆ'ºra (see French ÃÆ' Â © platform )
- estrella, "star", from Latin stella (for Italian stella , french ÃÆ' Â © toile )
- flete, "shipping, cargo", French fret
- weak, "friar", ProvenÃÆ'§al fraire , from Latin frater , "brother"
- franela, "flannel", French flanelle
- frasco, "bottle", German flasko
- guirnalda, "garland", the older Spanish
, cf. French guirlande - golondrina, "swallow", Latin hirundo
- lirio, "lily, iris", Latin lilium
- mÃÆ'¡rmol, "marble", Latin marmor
- miÃÆ' Â © rcoles, "Wednesday", Latin Mercuri [dead] , "[day] of Mercury"
- milagro, "miracle", Latin miraculum
- papel, "paper", Catalan paper , Latin papyrus
- palabra, "word", Latin parabola
- peligro, "danger", Latin periculum (compare the English "danger")
- plÃÆ'¡tica, "chat, conversation", Latin practica
- quilate, "carat", Arabic: ????? ? q? r ?? "carat" & lt; Ancient Greece: ???????? "carob seed" (compare Italy carato )
- recluta, "recruiting", French recrute
- registered (a), "sweet root", Latin License liquiritia
- roble, "oak", Latin robur , "strong"
- silo, "silo", Latin sirus from Greek siros , "hole for storing grain"
- surco, "groove, groove", Latin sulcus
- taladro, "drill", Latin tar? trum & lt; Celtic tar? Tron
- templar, "temper, warming" Latin temper? "
- tiniebla (s), "darkness", Latin tenebra
Documents from the beginning of the 15th century show evidence of occasional sporadic confusion between phonemes /?/ (generally spelled? Y?) And lateral palatal /?/ (spelled? will?). Although the distinction is preserved in spelling, in most modern Spanish dialects, both have joined into the same non-lateral palatal voice. So, for example, most Spanish speakers have the same pronunciation for haya (from haber verb ) as for halla (from hallar ). This phonemic fusion is called yeÃÆ'smo, based on a name for the letters? Y?
For a long time, this was known as a typical Andalusian trait, and just seems to have reached Madrid and other cities in central and northern Spain in the last 100 years or so. Since more than half of the early Spanish American immigrants came from Andalusia, most Spanish-speaking regions in America have yeÃÆ'smo , although there are pockets where the sounds are still differentiated. Native speakers of neighboring languages ​​- such as Portuguese, Galician, Astur-Leonese, Basque, Aragonese, Occitan and Catalan - usually do not show yeÃÆ'smo in their Spanish, because these languages ​​maintain /?/ phoneme.
Source of the article : Wikipedia